Chapter 3...what are those on the horizon?

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Tosa got ready and headed downstairs and quickly ate some bread as she was heading out and saying her goodbyes she was stopped by a male voice"your not gonna miss me today Tosa im off today"said the man Tosa looked back and gasped"FATHER!"she said happily as she hardly saw her dad as with him being the chieftain and all. Tosa quickly hugged her father and his father chuckled"so how goes you training?"he asked "good speaking of which I almost forgot she ran and got her katana and showed it to her father"ahh the Katana a blade of dignity and honor that is a good blade to use Tosa...been in any sparring yet?"he asked "yes father yesterday i sparred against a boy named Ivon.."she said her fathers gaze darkened "yes I know that boy needs a major lesson in respect for sure did you win?"he asked Tosa nodded "and he was also using two blades"boasted Tosa her fathers eyes lit up "really? your turning into a fine warrior"he said"but I suppose you must get going"said her father Tosa nodded and turned and headed to training

when she got there it was like yesterday they were standing around talking she saw Ivon and Varnom glaring at her in the corner and Anya and Maharishi were talking near the desks and she headed over to them "Hey Tosa!"she waved Tosa nodded and joined the two girls "ready for another day of training?"asked Tosa "im a bit nervous but I think im gonna do well if we do sparing today"said Maharishi and as soon as she stopped talking Sanada entered the training hall "children..we have a new classmate today..."he gestured to a boy behind him the boy looked frightened but he waved and said in a high pitched voice for a boy "h-hello I am Nosoka p-pleased to meat you"he said bowing "now everyone we shall start with introductions".

The class was the same as yesterday....which is to say boring Tosa did notice the new class member he was talking to the boys Ivon and Varnom in the back(great now he's gonna be just like them...well I hope not)she thought but she had other things on her that dream she had last night (what were those things?)she thought those black flying creatures scared her and where those warships she was pretty sure there were 4 of them and the place shown...(wait was that?...)her eyes widened to a horrific realization that dream was not just a was a warning....Sanadas voice jolted her out of her thoughts "ok class now some sparing Nosoka has chose his weapon"he pointed to the young boy holding a....sickle(hmm different weapon)she thought even though she knew that it was a very deadly weapon in close quarters "todays match will be...VARNOM VS ANYA!"he said Varnom grinned and muttered just loud enough for Anya to hear "you better watch out Anya im gonna get you"Anya rolled her eyes and said"you can try Varnom".

The two faced each other with there weapons at the ready Anya with her spear and Varnom with his hammer there grip tightened on there weapons"...AND FIGHT!"yelled Sanada Anya and Varnom paced at each other and Varnoms patience wore thin he charged forward and swung his hammer Anya blocked it with her spear and swung the spear at Varnom which just missed him Anya then jumped to the side and twirled the spear and jabbed at him but his hammer blocked it again varnom then swung it low Anya jumped but it caught her foot she fell with a yelp Varnom then prepared to end the fight but Anya wasn't done she tripped him with her foot and she quickley got up and spun on her spear point kicking him square in the chest sending him flying across the room giving Anya the victory"Varnom is unable to fight which means ANYA IS THE WINNER"he declared. 

 Since they finished early there was another match and it was Nosoka vs Maharishi "..and FIGHT!"said Sanada Nosoka quickly ran towards Maharishi jumped to the side and parred his sickle but he was quick and she was forced to parry again this time Maharishi kicked his shin distracting him and then jabbed him in the stomach knocking him back however when Nosoka regained his balance he instead threw his sickle catching her off balance and cutting her shoulder she yelped in pain and then Nosoka dashed forward jabbing her in the stomach over ten times with blinding speed and Maharishi was sent back a bit and lay there in pain he then picked up his sickle and prepared to strike but then..."enough!"yelled Sanada "the match is over and because of multiple role breaks the winner is Maharishi"everyone was shocked"how?"asked Tosa "one no throwing your weapon two you can not constantly punch someone this is to test your strength in using weapons not killing your opponent"explained Sanada he then walked over to Maharishi and poured a potion onto her wound it instantly started healing and closed itself although there was a large red bruise left over."all right that is enough you are dismissed for tonight"said Sanada Anya went over and helped up Maharishi "her parents are gonna have a heart attack"said Anya Grimly "hmm I would think so"said Tosa and they headed out but she caught in the corner of her eye a certain new kid was watching them....

After she got home talked about the day and changed into her nightclothes she walked up to her room and went to bed(its been a long day now hopefully I don't have that dream again).

She didn't have it again and she headed to training...again and it was normal because she didn't see four objects on the horizon.

The day was normal with her fighting Varnom this time he was pretty easy to fight and as they left Anya and Maharishi (who was alot better then yesterday)were walking together when Anya said"hey guys...what are those on the horizon?"she asked and Tosa's blood ran cold.

(ok that was chapter 3 hope you guys liked it please remember to comment sorry I forgot to post the boys looks Ivon has blue eyes black hair and wears brown pants and a grey shirt Varnom wears a grey shirt as well and black pants with brown hair and green eyes and Nosoka has white hair blue eyes and wears a white shirt with blue pants.)         

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