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Tosa and and her two friends Anya and Maharishi walked down one of the busy paths in the village today was and off day Sanada decided that they could have the day off since they worked so hard and training but Tosa suspected he was just being nice but she hadn't been sleeping well the past few nights mainly because of the fact that she's been having a feeling of dread like something bad was about to happen...soon. It was a foggy morning but she wondered if those things she saw on the horizon a few days ago were still there her thought were interrupted by a yelp in a nearby ally "S-STOP PLEASE!"she heard a kid yell Anya and Maharishi heard it too"what's going on?"asked Maharishi "I don't know..lets see"said Anya the three walked over to see....Ivon and Varnom picking on a girl that looked about 9 or 10 "whats the matter little kid? and where did you get the bread hmm???"taunted Varnom Tosa's hands balled into fists and she stepped forward she didn't have her sword with her but she knew she could easily beat them in melee anyway "HEY LEAVE THAT KID ALONE!"she yelled the two turned and looked behing then and Varnom signed "UGH can't you just mind your own god damn business for once Tosa?"he said "or does being the chieftains daughter mean your better then everyone else?" he taunted Tosa growled "just because of that fact does not mean im better"she said angry this time he charged "lets see how good you are without a sword!"he said Anya looked back to see.....Tosa's parents her mom was gonna step forward but her father stopped her "let her take care of this she is capable enough"he said wisely and her mother reluctantly backed off as Varnom charged threw a punch Tosa simply leaned out of the way and his punch hit thin air and Tosa grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground and bent his arm behind his back"ok now try and pick on that little girl now!"she said and Ivon ran and attacked her"you little piece of crap!"he yelled and threw a kick at Tosa but Tosa simply let go and brought Varnom's body up and....Ivon kicked Varnom in the face "hey thats my face you just kicked!"he yelled and was tossed to the side and Ivon kicked again but his leg was grabbed and thrown into a box on the side of the alley "errggghh"he muttered she walked over to the girl and held out her hand"hey are you alright?"she asked with concern the girl looked up and nodded then took her hand "y-yes"she said "do you know where your mother is?"asked Tosa the girl nodded "r-right over there"she said Tosa nodded "okay you can go see her know"she said with a smile and the girl ran off it was just then she noticed her parents watching. "d-dad!"she said shocked "it is aright Tosa you were only defending yourself and that little girl"said her father "yea you showed him Tosa!"said said Maharishi Tosa smiled shyly....but then the rumbles were heard and she looked to the sky and what she saw made her blood run cold as ice.

Eren stood in the bridge of the Malevolence the IJN Koror had arrived two hours ago and all forces were ready he signed and turned and spoke into the PA system "ATTENTION ALL HANDS THIS IS EOMMANDER EREN NOKA COMMENCE THE ATTACK I REPEAT COMMENCE THE ATTACK!"said Eren "YES SIR!!"yelled the crew and they scrambled to there stations "ALL FIGHTERS AND LANDING GROUPS TAKE OFF ASAP!"yelled Eren and a few minutes later four f-4 fighters and numerous landing craft were seen heading towards the island "CHOPPERS TAKE OFF"he ordered and sure enough six OH-1 ninjas took off towards the island and one of his men asked"sir sould we deploy the rest?" Eren shook his head "no save that till after" he said the man nodded.

Tosa looked and saw four black objects flying towards the island at a VERY high speed they were needle shaped at the front and had small wings the one on the right turned and headed towards them"Pirate 1-4 got eyes on a group of foot mobiles..engaging"said the pilot and he aimed the f-4's cannon at the group and fired. At the last second Tosa and the  others jumped and all of them survived...except  for Varnom who layed there with multiple holes in his chest and he had a shocked expression on his face Ivon got up and screamed in defiance at the object..but was mowed down too by the second one and he was ripped to pieces they were horrified at what they just witnessed and her father screamed"RUN!"and they took off as the third jet began to lock onto them they stopped an turned down an alley just as the third jet opened fire since they were hidden they stopped to catch there breath"w-what are those things?!"asked Maharishi "I-I don't know"said Tosa's father Tosa leaned and peaked from around the corner and she saw numerous boats heading towards the village as well as...the things she saw from her dream with the flat tops and that SWOOSH SWOOSH sound and there were six of them some of the boats were larger and had large objects see couldn't make them out very well but they were large "h-hurry we need to get back to the house quickly"said Tosa's father and they ran for the house.

when they made it to the house they quickly ran in and collapsed in the floor and Tosa saw her katana and grabbed it and unsheathed it so in case she needed to defend herself or her friends or family. they sat there hearing the CHAT CHAT of the objects weapons..and screams of there victims and they heard footsteps coming towards there house Tosa readied her sword and the door opened she was about to charge and attack whoever it was when it was revealed to be Sanada "oh it's just you"said Tosa  Sanada nodded"what is the meaning of this chaos?"asked Sanada everyone shook there head and Anya asked "Sir Sanada what are those things in you pack?" Sanada slipped the pack off of his back and opened it"you brought our weapons!"exclaimed Anya Sanada nodded "what about Varnom and Ivon?"he asked "t-those things got them"said Tosa's mother Sanada lowered his head"I am sorry to hear that"said Sanada and a rumbling sound was heard Sanada turned and looked out the window"oh no......"said Sanada "what..what is it?" asked Tosa Sanada turned and yelled "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!!" and they just had enough time to get down when the front of the house was blown open Tosa yelped and fell back 

after a few mins Tosa got up but was stopped by a stone rock falling from the ruined ceiling she raised her sword to protect herself the sword blocked the stone but in the process shattered and she was left with a handle and a small broken blade she yelped and dropped it but Sanada wasn't so lucky Anya and Maharishi gasped as a piece of burnt wood had impaled itself through his chest "errghhh"he muttered "SANADA!"screamed Anya and Tosa and Maharishi ran over to him and he muttered "Tosa...go with your father retrieve your weapon...and defeat these's your" Tosa was shocked as to hear him say her secret "Tosa a-are you really one of them?"asked Anya Tosa lowered her head but said nothing "come on Tosa I need to show you something"said her father Tosa looked down at Sanada's body but he had already died.

(okay so that was chapter 5 guys hope you liked it please comment and things are heating up now aren't they?)       

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