Chapter 6...full force

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As they headed to the basement Tosa though about what just happened...she had just witnessed the death of her trainer Sanada. As they reached the basement her father turned and unlocked a door to a room which she never knew existed in her house and she walked in...the room looked like...a room nothing really special..except for a large silver Katana with a bronze handle."father?"she asked her father walked up to it gently picked it up and turned towards Tosa"here Tosa..this was your grandfather's it is a blade capable of killing even demons"he said trembling Tosa gently picked up the sword from her father"father..are you sure?"she asked her father nodded"...yes..very"he said and as soon as he said that the earth rumbled and the house collapsed nearly on top of them they quickly rushed out and saw absolute chaos (no...not the dream!)she thought it really was a warning and numerous people walked up the hill running towards them and behind them was a massive object with a wide body and a long narrow tube attached to a flat head like part and it was brown instead of legs it had two flat feet that appeared to rotate.The people were revealed to be neko's(she had heard about them in training)and they trained objects towards them"STOP RIGHT THERE!"yelled one of them and they were forced onto there knee's one of the guns after a short conversation one of them pointed there weapon at Tosa and was about to shoot when a loud BANG was heard and a large hole had opened through the guys chest and a girl with silver hair and a grey cloak and a whitish skirt jumped down and rolled underneath kicking up the weapon into her hand she quickly aimed at the nearest neko and fired Tosa was surprised that she couldn't see what the object was shooting she dropped the weapon and revealed a pair of blue handclaws  she quickly spun and slit the throat of two of them at once she then ducked and killed the final neko the girl turned and said"go quick before that tank sees you!"they took off but didn't get far as a sniper shot Tosa's mother through the chest killing her instantly "MOM!"screamed Tosa and she grabbed her body before she hit the ground she looked at the approaching tank and growled she stood up and walked towards it "TOSA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"yelled Anya "she glanced back and said"I got this"she said and out of nowhere metal pieces came out of nowhere she held out her arms and pieces of metal came out and attached themselves to her arms extending from the forearms down and then came some more small narrow objects came and attached a tiny metal box with two narrow tubes sticking out of them attached themselves to it and two objects came and attached themselves to the sides of her forearms and somehow she knew what they were called (so...four Type 96 25 mm AT/AA guns...two 10 cm double barrelled do I know all this?)she wondered and more..larger pieces came attached themselves to her back meanwhile Anya her father and Maharishi watched in shock "w-w-w-whats happening!?"asked Anya a small metal platform attached to her back and six small metal arms appeared and on top of those were more double barrelled cannons..except bigger (I got 25 cm guns too!?)she thought but..four rather large arms came and attached themselves to the metal platform and four large triple barrelled cannons appeared and attached to the arms and what came next was six more type 96 AA/AT guns on top of the cannons and a pair of boots designed to look like ship rudders attached to her feet (wait...44 CM CANNONS!?) she thought. A few more nekos had appeared since then and stopped as soon as they saw her"oh...shit"and they turned and ran away Tosa's father was shocked"T-T-Tosa y-you a-a-a K-ken Kenmusu!"he said Tosa lowered her head"...yes father..I am"she said Anya spoke up "Tosa maybe you can use those..weapons.."she said as she gestured to her miniaturized cannons" defeat the neko's Maharishi nodded in agreement"yes Tosa you can"she said Tosa paused..and then nodded but then another SWOOSH SWOOSH was heard but heavy she looked up to see another creature but it was much larger with two massive spinners one at the front one on the back and it was long and narrow and when it landed a ramp unfolded and a dozen more neko's came out of it she turned and said "wait here don't die please"she made her way towards the Chinook the gunner mounting a minigun saw her and said"OH SHIT INFORM COMMAND NOW KENMUSU COMING RIGHT AT US ENGAGE!"he screamed and he opened fire on her now normally would tear apart a normal human but the 50.caliber when they hit her bounced right off her and she kept walking towards the helicopter till she stopped and going with her instincts aimed her 10 cm cannon on her right arm the copter took off but it was too late she fired and the shell hit the centre of the helicopter blowing it in half the two half's fell and exploded in a ball of fire even though the commander Eren now knew about the major threat.

"SIR SAVOIR 1-0 IS DOWN REPEAT SAVOIR 1-0 IS DOWN WE HAVE A KENMUSU ON THE ISLAND!"said his radio operator "FUCK...SEND ALL UNITS TAKE THAT KENMUSU OUT ASAP!"yelled Eren "tell the IJN Koror to send in more jets now!"he nodded"yes sir!".

Tosa looked at the neko's and they opened fire but again the bullets bounced off her body she dashed forward and grabbed the one in front and threw him into the house next to her and through the wood wall she then grabbed a large piece of wreckage from the downed helicopter and swung it taking out the rest of the neko's with it she turned and a dumbass tried to hit her in the back she grabbed his arm and threw him into a rock nearby and a sickening crack was heard and he was limp.She looked up and saw the first helicopter from before and saw it kill a group of people with it's weapon on it's nose she turned and walked towards it and the copter turned and fired it's cannon at her(they really need to know that these things don't affect me)but it stopped firing and launched a flaming stick(OH CRAP!)she thought of her dream and the missile hit her only knocked her back about an foot it kept firing but she tugged forward this time she aimed her small 25 mm cannon and fired a burst the 25mm shells tore thorough the helicopter and killing the pilot the helicopter fell to the ground and exploded in a burst of flame she turned and heard a rumble (come on do they not know how to quit?)she thought and she turned to see the tank it's "head"turned and aimed at her and fired it's cannon it did no real damage except knocking her back a inch again so she simply aimed and fired her 10cm cannon which tore through it's armor and destroying it (damn this is so easy)she thought but she remembered not to get to over confident she didn't know what they were fully capable of yet.she ran back towards the group and yelled"COME ON GUYS WE NEED TO MOVE!" they turned and ran.

after a while killing neko's and shooting down copters and destroying tanks along the way they came to the remains of the training hall"grrr!"Anya growled "THEY WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!"yelled Anya "well better pay up..hehe"said a voice behind them and they turned and saw a tall neko with grey hair and wearing what appeared to be a officer's uniform and hind them another"tank"two copters and the four jets plus more were appearing."well kenmusu lets have some fun shall we?...but first have some fun with my second in command eh?"he said with a smirk. Tosa growled and she saw a women neko with blond hair brown dark eyes and a highly decorated uniform she raised her fists and smirkedtry me...bitch"she said and they charged.

(okay that was chapter 6 and how will Tosa defeat them all? please comment and vote!)    

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