Chapter 7...downfall

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as Tosa and Noro charged Noro dropped a small box and jumped back Tosa stopped and looked down it exploded and she was sent flying back she landed on her feet and threw a punch at her but she just missed her in the corner of her eye she saw man's troops charging her father Anya and Maharishi but they had it covered Anya flipped over her attacker and stabbed him in the back Maharishi beheaded another attacker Tosa's father fought with a pair of small axe's downing two at once Noro swung her leg and kicked her in the chest she was surprised on the amount of force there was behind it she gasped to find it felt like metal(huh!? what the fuck!?)she thought and she grabbed her leg and punched her in the knee cap a TING was heard and she stumbled Tosa lunged but Noro swung her hand and Tosa caught it and tore it off..Noro never even flinched instead she gave a triumphant hmph and Tosa was shocked to see a tube slide out of her arm and fire. it fired a bolt of electricity which hit her directly in the chest she flew back and tried to get up but couldn't move"arrgghhh"she muttered Noro walked up to her and smirked"that...Tosa was a Tazer meant to stop Kenmusu like yourself"she said her other hand poped off and a very narrow blue point came out like a needle she raised it and was about to impale her when a "HEY" was heard her head turned to she a spear fly at her and cut into her spear arm cutting it off and a ZZZZET was heard and sparks flew from her "GRRR YOU MISERABLE GIRL ILL GET YOU FOR THAT!"she yelled Anya ran at Noro and knocked Noro off balance meanwhile Tosa's father came and stabbed his right hand axe into her stomach area causing her to bend over and he brought his left hand axe up and said darkly"you..are..done!"he said as he brought his left axe down and cut her head from her body and she crumpled to the ground in a heap. Eren looked back and said"so you assholes think you can destroy Noro and get away with it!?"he jumped forward taking out a small object that that made a small bang that hit Tosa's father in the arm he then stabbed him in the chest with a small knife and he crumpled and as he fell he gave Tosa a look that said(I love you Tosa don't ever forget that)and he fell on the floor dead the three girls stared in shock and Tosa became enraged so much her reflex's made her impossible to hit as one of the helicopters opened fire even though the shots would've bounced right off she dived in between the shots and lept forward grabbing it's tail and throwing it into the second helicopter and both fell to the ground in a fiery heap. Her head swung around looking for Eren but he had fell back and before she could kill him the jets came and opened fire she aimed her cannons and continuously fired them into the air they evaded "PIRATE 0-3 TAKING HEAVY AA FIRE!"one said as a 25 mm cannon shell hit his wing which tore off and he spiralled to the ground "MAYDAY MAYDAY"he yelled as he hit the ground in a massive explosion a 10 cm cannon hit the engine of another one and it too fell to the ground and a 44 cm main gun hit one which it completely destroyed it she looked for the first one but it was nowhere to be seen(where? does it hide so well?)she thought and she heard a muffled noise and saw that Eren had grabbed both Anya and Maharishi and threatened to kill them"TAKE ONE MOVE KENMUSU AND I'LL SNAP THERE NECKS!"he yelled she stopped and glared at Eren the first jet appeared behind her and she got an idea.Thinking quickly she aimed her 10 cm cannon in front of Eren and fired it created a fog of smoke which blinded and stunned Eren she rushed forward and grabbed Anya and Maharishi and got down just as the last jet fired a flaming spear "STAY DOWN!"yelled Tosa meanwhile Eren regained his sight and saw it and said"oh....FUCK!"he yelled and the missile hit him square in the chest and Tosa aimed a 25 mm cannon which tore the jet apart.

They had met up again with the strange girl with the massive sniper who helped protect Anya and Maharishi they fought off remaining troops and she saw the ships and realized she had to destroy those ships she saw a MASSIVE ship with a large flat top she aimed her 44 cm cannons and fired a volley from all four cannons the shells tore through the deck and hit multiple rooms including the engine room multiple small explosions burst out and then finished off with a massive and a truly massive explosion she then aimed and the four others taking out two at once with one volley a small cannon aimed at the island a fired the shot made contact with her and exploded but it did no real damage(hehe..weak)she fired a third volley and took that ship down the last one was larger and on the side it said the IJN Malevolence two helicopters took off from its back and went away from the island she fired all her guns and took out the two copters and kept firing at the Malevolence until it exploded in a fireball. "That will teach you bastards to attack us"she said with venom she heard a FISSHH noise she just looked up to see one of those flaming sticks but it was massive with small wings she gasped in shock and was about to get hit when she was shoved back by Anya and Maharishi she landed and yelled"NO!" they both gave a last glance at her and then it hit.A massive explosion she jumped up when another one of those tanks appeared one of the last few and fired it's main cannon she tried to run forward to check on her two friends even though she knew they were dead but the tank kept knocking her back preventing her from doing so with a growl she turned and ran back to the girl "what happened!?"asked the girl Tosa trembled"A-Anya and M-M-Maharishi..t-there..d-d-....dead"and she started to cry she turned and saw the tank heading towards them the people seeing them must of realized that they were too close for there cannon and attempted to ram them but Tosa grabbed the front of the tank smashing the front of it and lifting it up and throwing it into a nearby house and exploded she stood there shaking "T-T-THOSE NEKO'S WILL PAY...I SWEAR I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!!"she screamed the girl behind her looked shocked and turned to say"I have to go now..more people to save"she said but Tosa stopped her"wait...who"she asked the girl glanced and said"...fine my name is...Artemis"she said then ran off"Artemis huh?..I'll remember you"she said and she turned and started firing at the remaining troops and she threw her Katana impaling a neko through the chest and he collapsed dead.she dashed forward killing any remaining troops yelling"YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOU LIFE!"she screamed.Finally all the troops were dead the tanks and planes destroyed however her entire village was destroyed not knowing why she walked to the water and stepped on it and was surprised to see that she floated perfectly on the water she quickly found out that she could travel along at nearly 30 mph and headed out to sea.

(thanks for reading please vote and comment)                

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