Chapter 8...Epilogue

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5 years have passed and Tosa had grown up into formidable young women she had since buried her deceased friends and parents. But she never did find the bodys of Anya and Maharishi though she suspected that they were vaporized in the blast she had since travelled a long way from her home and she avoided people most often and had found a werewolf named Hunter who was her only real friend now but she never did tell him about her past and she came across a small group of neko's and they were looking at two dead humans"huh these appear to be made by a knife and a spear"one said"yea...I don't believe any humans use those these days"another one rolled his eye's"Mark they do but we wouldn't be looking for that damn Kemusu if she didn't destroy our damn landing force 5 years ago blood roared in Tosa's ears (THEY DID THIS) she thought with anger "speaking of which..where would she be at this moment?"asked one ( I don't need hunter to help me at all on this)she thought and she stood up and yelled "RIGHT HERE!" they jumped and the one called Mark found a large silver Katana in his chest"GAH what the...fuck!?""he said and he collapsed dead. Tosa jumped and land behind them "THERE SHE IS KILL HER!"one screamed(heh you can try)and she summoned her rig the Neko's stopped and one said"OH SHIT SHE'S A BATTLESHIP SCREW THIS!"he yelled and he ran off..only to get shot by her 25mm cannons two of them tried to stab her but she caught one and crushed the blade and the other shattered as soon as it struck her skin she grabbed her sword and beheaded him(four left)she thought she quickly killed the last four at once with her 10cm cannons her turned back into her human form and sheathed her sword "that's what you get for attacking my village fucktards"she said with venom and she headed back to the small town in which she had made a small hideout there which she stayed with she didn't like him he was gay but she did care for him.

A few months later after getting drafted by some shady business men her and Hunter got sent to some Border school for Supernaturals where she met others and more neko's yes she hated them as they reminded her of 5 years ago but she knew she shouldn't hate them for it they were too young and some she got along well with and some..well they didn't even look like humans she liked it she had space and she could do whatever during break and all but she always kept her sword and rig with her in case she needed to defend herself she heard the bell ring and she headed off to her classes's but always kept a look out for any signs of Anya and Maharishi and always kept the promise she kill whoever created the attack on her village.

  (ok that was the Epilogue hope you guys liked the Backstory of Tosa hopefully I didn't make it a cliffhanger I don't own Hunter he belongs to Literally_Hataila read her story's and she is one of my closest friends and she is awesome ok im done talking Dustraptor out.)               

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