Chapter one..first day

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(Hey guys dustraptor here and before the story starts I just wanna explain a few things first even though the village in which Tosa is alot like a medieval village but despite that it actually is in modern times and her weapons and her appearance is based on an anime called Kantai or Kancolle please check that anime out it is awesome and it is revealed why its forbidden in the story also one more thing this is my first story so please send some feed back ok ima stop talking now.) 

The sun has just appeared over the horizon and the village was quiet except for a few houses with there residents starting to get ready for the day and the door of the largest house opened to show a young girl about 14 years old and was wearing a black shirt and a red skirt and had orangish hair  she was about to step out when a voice stopped her "Tosa dear please wait a minute don't need to run off to training without saying goodbye?"the girl now known as Tosa turned with a sign "mom im not 6 anymore"she said irritable but her mom was not fazed and she wrapped her arms around her for a hug and kissed her daughter on the forehead and Tosa started to protest "Mom i need to go i can't be late!"she said her mom chuckled "alright dear hurry along"she said and Tosa and she turned around to head to the other end of the village it wasn't anything special though it was pretty big took up two thirds of the island which was roughly 2 miles off the coast of Japan and it was called Strysk Enclave and today was her first day of training and as the daughter of the Chieftain everyone had high expectations of her she ran to the training hall and although she ran threw a maze of buildings she was hardly out of breath which was odd but she always had this feature.

When she arrived at the hall roughly 5 other kids were there two girls (three counting her self)and two boys one was tall and skinny while the other was a bit chubby and alot shorter then the other there were 8 desks (hmm are we getting two more or is this just it although im just fine with this size)she thought and she took a good look around around the classroom the walls were made of stone and the desks were wood and over in the corner were a stash of weapons ranging from daggers to full fledged spears and battle axes she wondered which desk was her's when she was approached by the two boys "HEY YOU!"the skinny one said loudly Tosa turned and looked at the boys"so..your the daughter of the Chieftain eh? don't look like much"he sneered "looks can be very deceiving you know"responded Tosa the chubby one spoke this time"oh a smart-alek  eh? just wait till sparring your know what pain is hehe"Tosa's palms formed into fists and was for a minute was nearly about to punch his chubby face when the two girls came up behind her "Back off varnom you wouldn't last a second against her" Tosa looked back at  the girl who spoke she had dark brown hair with green eyes and was wearing a brown dress with white stripes the other had light blonde hair and had a white shirt and a pair of brown pants on the boy known has varnom (strange name yes) backed off and the skinny boy glared at the three the girl with blonde hair spoke "you too Ivon unless you want a black eye"and with that he backed off to"never mind them Anya by the way"spoke the brown haired girl the blonde piped up"and im Maharishi" she was about to ask how they knew my name when the massive doors closed and in stepped a man wearing blue robes and a white was the village wizard and the main mentor of the village children Tosa was shocked she wasn't expecting the village's only wizard to train them personally he spoke in a voice that told them he had alot of experience"ok children please calm down and take your seats...anywhere doesn't madder which one"he said calmly they all took there seats the three girls sat in the front Anya to the left Maharishi to the right and Tosa in the middle the two boys Varnom and Ivon sat behind them with Ivon behind Tosa and Varnom behind Anya "ok class before we get started lets start with introductions..I am Sanada"he said "and you are"he pointed to Anya"sir Sanada I am Anya"she said Sanada nodded and pointed to Tosa "and you?"he asked "sir Sanada i am Tosa"she said the wizards eye brows went up"i never realized that i would be training the chieftains own daughter"he said with surprise and he pointed to Maharishi "and whats you name?"he asked sir Sanada I am Maharishi"she said "nice to meet you"said Sanada and he pointed to the two boys in the back"and you two?" he asked "sir Sanada i am Varnom"Sanada nodded "and i am Ivon"said Ivon Sanada nodded "ok now thats all of the introductions now lets get to work "he said.

(UGH this is boring when are we gonna get to some sparring I wanna beat those smug face's off of those two)she glanced at the boys in the back it seemed though as if Sanada was reading her mind "ok now it's time for some sparring"said Sanada "first get a weapon that you think will suit you well"he said gesturing to the rack of weapons and with that they headed over to it were they chose from a variety of weapons of weapons Tosa looked and saw that Maharishi chose a pair of short swords and looked at them with interest Varnom picked up a a large hammer and grinned Anya picked up a spear with a large blade on the end and even had a short blade on the end Ivon picked up two straight swords and nodded Tosa didn't know which one to take but she saw a sword...a Katana she picked up the sword and studied it it felt really good in her hands and she chose this blade Sanada looked at the group "ok now that every one has chose one lets get to some battles...yes there real but don't worry my potions will take care of any injuries that happen...even death just don't do that lets begin the first will be...TOSA VS IVON!"he said the end loudly (of course it's ivon well at least i can beat him up now and even cut him)she and ivon stepped up to the stage and took there weapons they faced  each other (ok one blade vs two..can i do this?)she wondered but even still she had a feeling deep in her like some other worldly being was telling her she had a large advantage no not large MASSIVE advantage there grip tightened on the blades "this...will be fun.."said Ivon.

 (Ok that was chapter one hope you guys liked it i will try to update it as much as i can and yes a bit of a cliffhanger and ill try to make them longer then this one but anyway please comment and keep an eye out for more.)

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