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Callie and Tom ran through the woods trying to get away from the source of dark energy but Callie lost her footing and face planted into the mud.

"We better keep going" Callie said getting up and spitting mud out of her mouth. Tom nodded and started running again followed by Callie. They stopped and Tom looked over the crevasse "Well we  can't jump over". "No shit,Sherlock" Callie mumbled.

"What?" Tom said very confused"nothing, we need to get over this crevasse somehow" Callie scanned their surroundings."What about there" Tom pointed to a vine. "But there's only one" Callie said. "So" Tom was already walking towards it.

"Fine" Callie followed Tom to the vine. Tom climbed up the vine until he was high enough to push off the tree behind him. Callie climbed on the vine and faced him. "Ready?" Tom asked. "Yeah" Callie said ready for disaster. Tom pushed off the branch and they sailed over the crevasse.

Then the vine broke "SHIT" Tom yelled and they went barreling in the crevasse. "I SHOULD HAVE NEVER AGREED TO DO THIS" Callie screamed. Callie began praying for them to make it out alive.
                          ~50 minutes ago~

Callie woke up and yawned"Saturday already". She jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She brushed her dirty blonde hair and went into the kitchen. She sat down and ate in silence.

She finished and put the bowl in silence. The door bell rung and her green eyes sparkled. "I'LL GET IT" Callie yelled and ran to the door. She opened it and Tom was on his phone doing something.

"Hello?" Callie said waving her hand in front of the screen. "Oh sorry" Tom said raking his hands through his brown hair. "Are you going to come in" Callie asked stepping aside and gesturing for him to go in. "Yeah" Tom said walked through the door. "Well?" Callie asked sitting on the couch. "We ca-" Tom was cutoff by a loud BOOM sound.

"Well I guess we can't" Tom said finally putting his phone down and rushed outside. Callie followed and mumbled "well at least he put the phone down". The two went outside and there was a giant Praying Mantis standing there. "Well shit" Tom said and turned around and ran in the house with Callie trailing behind him.

Minutes later Callie busted out of the house wearing: Something like Black Mage from Nintendo (if you don't know wat he looks like loook him up.)
Next Tom came out wearing: the red version of Black Mage from Nintendo (again if you don't know who he is loook him up.)

Tom threw his staff up and said " CONTES MANUTO" (Con-tes Ma-Nu-to) the praying mantis shrank 10X its size but it was still the height of a car.

Callie waved her staff and said "MENTES ARABBA" (Men-TES A-Rab-Ba) the praying mantis was hit with 10 daggers and it poofed into purple gas.

The gas was heading towards the woods "That's not normal" Callie said and followed the dust. Tom just shrugged his shoulders and followed her.

They came out in a clearing and the most ugly thing popped out of nowhere. He had a large book in his hands and then he mumbled something and a big source of dark energy appeared in front of the thing sucking up every(more like ery)thing in front of it, "There,ha you will never stand a chance against this" The ugly thing motioned to the dark energy.

The dark energy began coming towards Callie and Tom. "You better run while you can" The thing said "oh and your magic will never work against it, not at that puny level".

Callie and Tom turned around. Callie and Tom ran through the woods trying to get away from the source of dark energy but Callie lost her footing and face planted into the mud.

"We better keep going" Callie said getting up and spitting mud out of her mouth. Tom nodded and started running again followed by Callie. They stopped and Tom looked over the crevasse "Well we  can't jump over". "No shit,Sherlock" Callie mumbled.

"What?" Tom said very confused"nothing, we need to get over this crevasse somehow" Callie scanned their surroundings."What about there" Tom pointed to a vine. "But there's only one" Callie said. "So" Tom was already walking towards it.

"Fine" Callie followed Tom to the vine. Tom climbed up the vine until he was high enough to push off the tree behind him. Callie climbed on the vine and faced him. "Ready?" Tom asked. "Yeah" Callie said ready for disaster. Tom pushed off the branch and they sailed over the crevasse.

Then the vine broke "SHIT" Tom yelled and they went barreling in the crevasse. "I SHOULD HAVE NEVER AGREED TO DO THIS" Callie screamed. Callie began praying for them to make it out alive.

When they hit the bottom it wasn't a hard impact, they bounced up and down on a jello type thing. Tom slid off and landed on his butt

"ow" he said rubbing his ass. "Well that's what you get" Callie said sliding off and landing perfectly on her feet. "Show off" Tom mumbled "what was that?" Callie asked. "Nothing" Tom said, "Well we need to keep moving, Black Mage said to meet him at the top of Shadows Mountain if something like this happened" Callie said. A map appeared in Tom's hand and he gave it to Callie.

"Here" Tom said, Callie took it and looked at it. "There" Callie pointed North and Tom just followed.

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