The Stranger In The House

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Many would say that the famous words of Benjamin Franklin, "Early to bed, early to rise," are the words of the successful. What they don't know is, Benjamin Franklin was wrong.

I don't mean that in a bad way, it had been years since he had said those words. Times change. Now, there are groups of people who stay up late and wake up early. It's how they function. I mean not everyone can actually function like that every day. What I am trying to say is...I forgot, let's get back to the main point. What I am trying to say is, people are different, and the main thing to get away from this is, don't judge and treat others the way you want to be treated. It's a golden, people!

No? This can't be the end? Alright, then...maybe we can walk through an average day from a very special subject's perspective. There are many reasons why I say, "very special," but that is irrelevant to the conversation. I want to keep this anonymous.

Now, waking up in the morning, you would think that most students would be at school by ten o'clock, though this isn't someone in the category of 'Most Students'. The average time the subject gets up is about ten to eleven. Like a lot of high school students, the subject doesn't normally eat breakfast, you may think that the subject has a eating disorder, that is not the case. After skipping breakfast, and half the time not having lunch, the subject starts her schoolwork.

The people who know me, the one writing this, may think the subject is me. You're wrong. But, yes, the subject is homeschooled.

Back to the subject's average day, she mostly stays in her room, doing schoolwork, watching Netflix, reading and writing, and doing her chores (the only thing she does out of her room during the day...). She spends about four to five hours like that, before going downstairs for dinner, and her dad's arrival.

On most days, she can't look at her dad, fearing that the inevitable argument and fight will break out. Silently praying for it all to end, to just leave the tense atmosphere, to go back to the protection of her room. It's her only wish most days...her reoccurring hope. Hoping that the fighting wouldn't start.

Not only would her father start or continue a fight, but there's her older sister and older brother.

How did it all turn that way? She used have the greatest relationship with her dad. She used to go on these 'dates' with him. Just him and her, no one else. The conversation going on with subjects about anything. The subject could always talk to her dad about anything. Their conversations were always filled with wisdom and higher level education talks.

The subject was always too smart for her own good. And, one day, she figured out the truth. It came out of nowhere and hit her. Her father is a liar, cheater, and bully. She doesn't talk to her dad anymore. The ties quite possibly severed forever.

After everything the subject had heard and learned, she could never look at her mother the same way again.

Finding out about the truth concerning her dad, the subject saw her older sister in a new way. Same with her brother. They are too much like their father. The subject can't deal with it.

The younger sister of the subject...that relationship is way too complicated for words, or at least, for this story.

Anyway, at the end of the day, the subject would climb up the stairs, go to her room, close the door, and shut everything and everyone out. Because the truth is, the subject can't handle it anymore, she will forever be the stranger in her family.

The stranger in the house, she is like everyone else and like no one else. All at the time.

Forever alone...

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