Chpater 4: Around the world

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Sorry for not updating.
Max's POV after his talk with Dr. Colloso ( I will include the talk, if you guys want to.)
I walked up to Jason and well I was nervous. I just wanted to tell him I-i love him. He is so nice and kind, and hot. And damn his- oh get back on topic.
M-"Hey Jason can I talk to you in my lair for a minute." I said knowing that mom and dad were on the couch and sitting in between Pheobe and Link, God parents.
We walked downstairs and sat down on my bed. Well I helped him onto the bed, he broke his leg, ouch right.
J-"Max you need to come up with a different teams for your room. I mean lair worked when you were a villain but now you're a hero. My hero."
God that really turns me on.
Then I kiss him, honestly every time I kiss him it feels like our first kiss. When I met him I just felt something real. So real, then I started running my fingers through his hair. But then he pushed me back.
M-"What is that for."
J-"1 Your parents are right upstairs 2 you were leaning on my leg."
M-"Then why don't we leave."
J-And go where," he says in a curious but slightly serious voice.
M-"How about Paris France."
J-"And how are we gonna get there." Yeah he is totally on board.
M-"Turn invisible when I say."
Then he waited until I put a physic amplifier on my arm, one of my dangerous supervilluan weapons, but was being used for another purpose.
J-"Oh yeah, can you get rid of all of these weapons, not that you're a superhero, and honestly how can you sleep with all of them pointed at you."
M-"Eh, I guess they make me feel safe."
J-"Weird, but I like weird."
M-"Yeah you do." I say then kissed him lightly and quickly.
M-"Ok lets go."
My satellite directed my psychic powers and then zap to France. I also used my satellite to make sure nobody would see us teleport there, and temporary disabled security cameras for 16 seconds."
J-"What, the Eiffel Tower, wow you really are a genius."
M-"Yeah I know. The beautiful city of lights."
J-"Yeah it is beautiful."
M-"Not as beautiful as your eyes"
J-"Oh Max."
M-"What honestly your eyes are so-."
J-"Just stop talking." He says putting his finger on my mouth.
M-"Why?"I say partly muffled.
J-"Because if you keep on talking I can't do this." Then his kissed me, I kissed back instantly. We kissed passionately. I put my arms around his waist and pulled him in. He wrapped his arm around my neck, and we just kept on kissing. Until.
J-"Ow ow ow ow, leg watch it."
M-"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I mean I didn't even mean to."
J-"I know, it isn't your fault, I was just standing to long."
M-"I wonder?"
J-"Wonder what."
M-"Just wait."
We teleported back to my hideout I guess , but honestly I missed calling it my lair.
J-"Ok Max what is it."
M-"Ok I am gonna use my x-Ray goggles to see your broken bones and push it back together, then I will fuse them back together." I say while cutting his cast off.
J-"Ok Max I trust you, but you better just be looking at my leg."
M-"Eh fine."
I looked at well in his leg and saw the bone
M-"Are you sure you wanna do this. I'm not gonna lie to you this is gonna hurt, a lot."
J-"I know, just do it."
I thought about it for a minute and realized, why.
M-"Why are you going through with this, I mean if it's because of me I."
J-"I wanna do this for me, I hate being this weak guy others have to take care off, I know what they think of me."
M-"What how"
J-"I can read people's minds if they are close enough to me."
M-"Wait what seriously."
J-"Yes." He says blushing , honestly him blushing makes me feel so happy it's like, it's like a
J-"A sparkle, like a feeling of sunshine going off inside you but it never ends. You do know I can read your mind, your odd, weird and quite sexy thoughts."
M-"Ok." Then I pushed the bones back together and put in the needle of my own special mix to fuse bones back together."
J-"Owwww, yeosa, dang that hurts." Then Phoebe walked down staires.
P-"What on earth are you two doing. What the."
M-"Phoebe this is exactly what it looks like.
P-"Ah the bone fixing serum, that got us out of trouble more times than I can count, ok 76 and by we I mostly mean you."
M-"Ok can you go now."
P-"Fine fine fine." Then she finally leaves

Then for an hour we just laid there talking about random things, then he asked me if I was going to the school dance.
M-"Depends are you going."
J-Nah, besides you're the only person I would dance with."
M-"I honestly never imagine two guys dancing."
J-"What do you mean."
M-"I'm just saying wouldn't it look weird, and we'll be weird."
J-"I thought you liked weird."
M-"Fair enough."
J-"Besides one of these days I'm gonna take you dancing."
J-"Yeah seriously."
M-"Ok, so why don't we go to the dance."
J-"I'm down, just watch you're step."
J-"You'll know."
This chapter is meant to be a filler until I post the next one, In a day or 2, so look out for that, it's gonna be a good one.

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