♡The Saiyan's Family♡

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Good morning, everyone! Here is Taichi's children and his and Shizu's adopted Mother. Enjoy♡.

No bio is needed....because I ain't doing that again. Saves me the trouble. Also, this "chapter bio" is for the extra images that I ran out of room for.

[Taichi's little sunshines]:

•Son Anya

Info: Meet Son Anya, the second child that Taichi adopted. Anya is a 6 year old girl with the ability to read minds. Yes, you heard right. This girl has the power to read minds. Although, she can't really read her Papa's mind, since he trained to block off those type of powers. Taichi and his family knows about Anya's abilities and trained her a bit to only turn on her mind reading in only needed. Poor girl can't have her innocence be destroyed.

Anya was soon adopted after almost a half of year when Eri first got into the family. Taichi wanted Eri to have a nice little sibling and then, Anya came into the picture. The other kids....were a bit of a brat. Anyways, Anya found out that not her Papa, but also her new Auntie are super powered aliens. How cool was that?! She was excited and her new year older sibling has abilities to become the horn was obvious. She couldn't be more excited and happy with her new family. Her new grandmother makes the best cookies as well.

•Son Eri

Info: Meet Son Eri, the first adopted child of Taichi. She's around 7 years old and happy bundle of joy. Half a year ago, before Taichi met Anya, Taichi came across a abandoned factory when he was taking walk at night. Well, it wasn't really abandoned since Taichi felt weak ass power levels, many of them and a smaller power level...seemingly being weakened. Being very curious, Taichi sneaked in towards that power level, as he actually got closer, he heard screaming...from a little girl from what he heard. Without hesitation, Taichi rushed in, bursting down the doors, only to find these heartless scientists...doing some illegal testing on a little girl...a little girl no less! Since Taichi was a warrior through and through, he doesn't show any mercy towards evil such as low as this. So, with no hesitation...Taichi made sure that each and every scientist were killed by his hands.

After blowing the entire abandoned warehouse to pieces and saving Eri, he made sure to get medical help from a hospital asap, since Taichi didn't invented the Senzu beans yet. Taichi made sure to stay by the little girl's side 24/7 because...she needed it, Taichi just knows. After awhile since Eri was in the hospital, she viewed Taichi as her hero...her savior that she is forever grateful. She even met Taichi's sister and Mother when he mentioned where he is and explained what happened. The 2 girls felt very bad for Eri. When Taichi found out that her Mother sold her off...made him furious. When the hospital charges were dropped, thanks to Taichi, he decided to adopted Eri right there and then.

Since that day, Eri has never been so happy to have an amazing super powered Papa, Auntie, and a cool grandma that makes the best cookies. She loved her family so much.

Son Izuku Midoriya

Info: Meet Son Izuku Midoriya. He's around 5 years old and adopted by Taichi, only a few months after Anya. When Taichi was coming home from school, he caught a glimpse of a house on fire as many firemen are trying their best save a Mother and child that are trapped. With no hesitation, Taichi quickly dashed into the house, ignoring everyone's warnings. Taichi managed to save both the son and Mother, but the Mother was badly injured...beyond hurt. During in the hospital, when Taichi was there for the family....he was sad to hear that the Mother, who he knew as Inko Midoriya didn't make it, dying on her death bed. A few hours later, when the boy, known as Izuku Midoriya woke up, Taichi came in the room, introducing himself as Son Taichi, the one who saved him and his Mother. When Izuku asked on where is Mama is, Taichi sadly and tried to soften the blow and told the kid...that his Mother is no longer. Of course, the kid cried and cried...for 3 hours, but Taichi was patient with the boy.

It's been almost a week since the boy has been in the hospital. He was still depressed about his Mother being gone. Taichi has visited him everyday, including the rest of his family. Izuku was actually grateful for them. Timeskip to a month later, Izuku's charges were dropped, even his depression was down a bit. Since Izuku have no more relatives, he was gonna be placed in an orphanage, but Taichi came in and decided to adopt the boy. After getting to know him for a month, he just...felt heartbroken to be so young, losing all at such a young age. If he did be in an orphanage and someone else adopted him, there is no telling what kind a family they'll be.

It's been almost 2 months since little Izuku was adopted into the Son family, having Taichi take the role of a new Father, having new siblings, a Auntie and Grandma. Izuku did wanted to keep his last name...to remember his Mother. Izuku has been happy and cured from his depression. Izuku also found out that his siblings has some powers and his Papa and Auntie are super powered aliens. He was super duper excited and lucky, since he's been a fan of super heroes. A bit nerd for heroes. Sadly, he has no powers...but, Izuku was more than happy to learn about Ki from his Papa when he did volunteer to train him. He is very happy indeed.

[Taichi's and Shizu's adopted Mother]:

•Son Zoey

Info: Meet Son Zoey, the Mother of Taichi and Shizu. She's around her 40's and still looking young. She adopted Taichi when he was just an infant. Seeing that he had a tail was quite cute as she noticed...that he was some sort of alien. She soon adopted Shizu a year later. Both her children, were so adorable back then. She had a husband, who was a warrior, but died when he went to fight a demigod, who was causing havoc back in Japan. She was really depressed, having her husband gone was a lot to take in. However, her children was always there for her, trying to cheer her up the best they can and she was forever grateful.

Many years later, when her children was growing up, she started to see Taichi...in a different way, in a way of a man. She has been a single mother for a very long time and haven't got laid was starting to be a bothered. It was wrong to think this way, but she did realize that...they aren't related by blood at all. Her husband did want her to be happy, right? So, Zoey started to slowly seduce her son, making poor Taichi confused at first of her weirdness and soon he was starting to be slightly uncomfortable.....until he got used to it. Zoey has gotten her way in the end and knows that her daughter feels the same way towards Taichi. It's like he has this amazing delicious aura around him. She also knows that many many women will come after Taichi, and she's alright with it. It's gonna be so much fun for her.

Note: Hey...since they aren't blood related, it's actually okay from what I heard. However...I definitely cross the damn line IF they are blood related. That's all, fam.

Anyways, next chapter is the harem. Hope you're ready. Be prepared...for a crossover of Nintendo and probably Sega....maybe others...I don't know.

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October 11, 2022


Time: 1:42 pm

Words: 1,363

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