Chapter 10

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  "Do you like my brother?" Nana said when Jenn emerged from the shower.

"What?" she said, wrapping a towel around her frame.

"You heard me," Nana reached for her toothbrush. "Do you like my brother?"

Jenn stared at her dumbfounded.

Admittedly, after a few weeks of private dance lessons, she and JJ were a lot closer than they were before. In fact, when they passed by each other in the halls, she sent him a smile and he always waved. They were texting a lot more too, which was something they never did before.

"Define like?"

Her housemate groaned and rolled her eyes. "Please, you know what I mean. Do you like like JJ"

Jenn scrunched her nose, ignoring the red-hot burn on her cheeks. "No, Nana." she denied. "I do not like like JJ. Did you forget I have to be with him at all times due to this little scheme JC and John concocted?"

"Ooh, big word," Nana said, ignoring her denial.

"Nana," she said exasperated. "Why would you ask me if I like like your brother."

"Because," she said, smearing toothpaste onto her toothbrush. "You're with him like twenty-four seven. Y'all even text when you are not around each other, something you definitely didn't do before, and to top it all off you both are planning dates without the help of John and that rat JC."

"Don't call her a rat."

Nana shoved the toothbrush in her mouth in response.

"Look," Jenn said, pulling out one of the hairdryers from under the sink. "I can assure you I do not like like your brother. We've just decided to stop hating each other and actually work together on this whole 'Fake dating' scenario."

Nana raised an unimpressed brow.

She sighed. "Whatever, Nana. I have to get ready for the meeting with John today and so do you."

She watched as the black-haired girl spit into the sink and rinsed her mouth. "If I find out you slept with my brother a second time, I'll throttle you."

"I look forward to it." Jenn stepped out of the bathroom and made her way down the hall to her room. She heard Winnie and JC conversing in the living room, probably already dressed for the meeting. The two of them were early birds while Jenn and Nana tended to sleep in when they got the chance.

She rummaged through her closet. Since she would be seeing John today at the company headquarters there was a possibility that the paparazzi would be around. It would probably be in her best interest to wear something a little bit more stylish than what she was used to. After searching around her closet for a little bit she settled on a pair of light-wash loose fitted jeans and a brown crop top with a matching cream and brown colored cardigan.

It wasn't exactly Nana or Winnie-type stylish but it was definitely a step above what she usually wore on her days off.

She began drying her hair, making sure to dry every inch of it so it wouldn't look too flat in any of the photos.

Don't  want JJ to think I don't know how to take care of my hair.

She frowned. Why did it matter what JJ thought?

Before she could answer that internal burning question the door to her room slammed open. She jumped slightly, startled by the loud noise.

"What the he—"

Jenn turned to see JC standing by the door, staring at her with an unreadable look.

"Oh JC, you scared me."

JC glanced behind her before closing the door. She watches as her band mate sat on the bed, refusing to break eye contact the whole time.

" Jesus H Christ, JC. What do you want? Jenn said, switching the hairdryer off. "You're staring at me like you want to murder me and throw my body in the ditch behind the apartment."

Only then did JC look away but not before snorting in amusement. " I swear you and Nana are so scared of me. What in the hell did I ever do to you too?"

"To Nana? No idea." She said using a towel to dry her roots. "To me? I have a whole list."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "So, I blackmailed you a little bit, big deal."

"You're right, it is a big deal."

JC huffed out a sigh and pushed back a few strands of her long, silky hair. She was wearing it down today, which wasn't something she did often. "Whatever, so have you learned anything."

"Yes, I've learned this is a big waste of time."

Jenn watched as her eyes hardened. "No, he has to have something he's hiding."

"Well, if he does he's not telling me."

JC stayed silent for a moment, seemingly pondering her words. She sighed. "Well, just get closer to him."

"I see him almost every day, I think we're pretty close."

JC raised a brow, eyes glancing Downard, before sending her a knowing look. Jenn blanched. "Oh my god, I am not sleeping with him JC."

JC shrugged. "You said it, not me."

"Nana would kill me."

"Oh, so you're not against it, you're just worried about his twin?"

She groaned, running the palm of her hand over her face. Truthfully, no. No, she was not against it. However, it had only been two months since her and Kass broke up. She voiced this aloud.

"Do not even start, you slept with him the first time only days after you and Kass broke up."

"I was not in my right mind," Jenn protested.

"What if..." JC paused. "What if you weren't in the right mind again?"

Jenn bit back a barking laugh. "You want me to get intentionally drunk, and then intentionally sleep with my friend and bandmate's brother?"

"Yeah, basically."

"JC–no–I hope you realize that is all types of messed up."

"Oh, but getting drunk the first time and sleeping with him wasn't"

Her face burned. "Like I said, I wasn't in–"

"The right mind, blah, blah, blah." JC stood up abruptly approaching Jenn. "Just remember Jenny, you have three months. Three months to find out what his secret is before I turn in some juicy gossip to TMZ."

Jenn glared at JC. "Stop threatening me," she started. "You're so–so–ugh. Get out of my room."

JC laughed and sauntered out of the door, calling for Winnie who was presumably sitting out in the living room.

Jenn was left dumbfounded as JC left the room, leaving her to mull over the absurd proposition. After a few moments of silence, she sighed and muttered to herself, "What have I gotten myself into?"

As Jenn stared at the closed door, her phone chimed with a message. She picked it up and saw a text from Nana, the twin sister of the person they were discussing:

Nana: Everything okay in there? I heard some commotion.

Jenn quickly replied:

Jenn: Yeah, just JC being JC. Don't worry.

Nana: Ooooooh, good luck, she's scary. Can't help you there. Sad face.

With a sigh, she glanced over at the mirror.

Great, her hair was flat.  

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