Chapter Five

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"Nana?" Jenn knocked twice on her door.


"Nana, come on." she began, "Don't be like this."

She heard rustling on the other side of the door. "Go away, Jennifer."

Jenn rolled her eyes. "It's just Jenn."

She heard Nana groan. "Yeah, I know that, Jennie. I'm just trying to annoy you enough that you'll go away."

Jenn sighed, leaning her head against the door. "Please don't be mad at me. I'll do anything if you will just open the door."

Silence once again.

She knew this was a bad idea. Of course, Nana would still be upset at her. Despite Nana's excitement over their sudden spike in fame, Jenn should have known the reason behind it would still annoy her.

Defeated, Jenn turned to trudge back to her room.

"Tell me the truth," Nana spoke suddenly. "Did you sleep with my brother?"

Jenn winced. She could lie. If Nana believed her lie, she would stop pestering her, but if the truth came out later, she knew her feisty friend would be livid.

"I did," Jenn muttered quietly. "I'm sorry."

"What was that?"

"I said I did!" She raised her voice. "And I'm sorry."

The door opened swiftly behind her. "Geez, no need to yell. I'm the one who should be mad."

Jenn whirled around. Nana was standing in the doorway. A bored expression painted her features. She must have been in the middle of her skin routine as a sheet mask was placed carefully over her face. Her long black hair which normally cascaded down her shoulders was pulled up in a bun.

Jenn sighed. "I'm sorry, Nana."

Her nose wrinkled, causing the face mask to crinkle. "Stop apologizing. It's weird."

They stood silent for a moment, staring at each other before Nana spoke up again. "Well, what did you need?"

Jenn was offended. "How do you know I need something?"

Her group mate rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't be apologizing to me if you didn't need anything. I know how you are. You don't apologize. You wait until things blow over."

Jenn sucked her teeth, ready to defend herself. Except, Nana was right. Anytime she would fight with Kass, and it was her fault, she never apologized. She would wait until Kass was in a better mood before approaching her, acting as if nothing had happened.

A surge of guilt overwhelmed her.

"I don't need anything," she said, face burning. "I just wanted to apologize."

"Uh-huh, so you don't need me to help you pick out an outfit for your little coffee 'date' tomorrow."

Jenn eyed her friend suspiciously. "Were you listening in on my conversation with your brother?"

Nana scoffed. "No way, my brother told me himself. He told me to help you pick out an outfit since I have such an amazing sense of style."

It was Jenn's turn to be annoyed. "That's debatable. You once wore a Hefty trash bag to the VMA's."

"Hey, Kesha did it back in 2010," She defended. "At least I'm not ranked last in the fashion category on J-14."

"What's with the sudden J-14 obsession? Aren't we too old for that?"

Nana ignored her, pulling her into the room. "I'll help you." She sat Jenn down on the perfectly-made bed. "Only because I don't want my brother to be seen with someone who doesn't know how to dress themselves."

Jenn watched as she rummaged through her closet, muttering about finding the perfect outfit. Jenn had been in Nana's room before, but it never failed to surprise her how clean she kept it. The carpet was freshly vacuumed, and it looked like all the surfaces had just been dusted and wiped down. Pictures of Nana with various people were framed in a row across the bed.

Jenn let her eyes roam over each photo. Some of them were taken recently. Jenn recognized one of her, Nana, and Winnie that was taken at their first concert. Winnie and Nana smiled at the camera while a frown painted Jenn's face. She remembered being extremely nervous that day, having just nailed the choreography for their performance. She was worried for nothing, though, as the concert went well, and she was officially given the role of the lead dancer for the group.

A few photos were obviously taken when Nana was a child. One image depicted her and JJ wearing matching overalls. Nana stared into the camera with a toothy grin while her counterpart frowned. They couldn't have more than five years old. The final picture that caught her eye contained what appeared to be the teenage twins with another blonde-headed girl smiling in between them. JC.

A soft smile adorned JC's face, her arms slung around both twins. Nana was captured mid-laugh while JJ stared into the camera with a slight smirk.

"Here, try this on." Nana threw her a bundle of clothes. "It's not too over-the-top, so the media won't think you're suddenly going through a mid-life crisis at twenty."

Jenn looked down at the clothing in her lap. It appeared to be a simple navy crop top and white shorts. She shrugged. This should appease JJ.

"I was joking earlier," Nana said suddenly. "You can dress however you like during your free time, don't let my brother bully you into wearing clothes he likes."

"I'm not," She assured. "I'm only listening to him because I don't want TMZ to obliterate me for wearing a ratty t-shirt to my first date."

Nana laughed lightly, and Jenn stood up to get changed.

"Nana," Jenn started, pulling the crop top over her head. "How close were you and JC growing up?"

Her groupmate turned towards her with a confused expression. "Pretty close. We went to the same high school. Why?"

Jenn gnawed at her bottom lip. She could tell Nana what JC was making her do. That JC wanted to destroy her twin's career and make sure he could never show his face to the public again. But how would that affect Nana's relationship with JC? Would Nana retaliate, or worse, would one of them leave the group?

"I was just wondering, I was talking to JC, and she told me she was actually a bit closer to JJ growing up." Jenn turned towards the mirror hanging on the wall, adjusting the straps of the top.

"Yeah, they were," Nana confirmed. "They were close up until, like, sophomore year. After that, she avoided him like the plague. I still don't know why."

Jenn knew why, but she doubted telling Nana would please JC.

"She started avoiding me, too," Nana added. "We didn't start becoming close again until my senior year of high school. She found out that Jaejinnie and I were planning to audition for one of Song Entertainment's open auditions. She told me she was actually planning on doing the same thing. I would practice with her every night."

Jenn froze. She doubted it was a coincidence that JC would attend the same audition for the same company as Nana and JJ. "Oh really?" Jenn
hummed, her stomach rolling with guilt. "I'm glad you're close with her again."

Nana nodded her head happily. "Me too, but she can be scary sometimes."

"I couldn't agree more."

Nana gave her a quick once-over. "You look good. You should wear more outfits like these. You have a nice body."

Jenn scrunched her nose, not used to being complimented by her other group mates. "I wear outfits like this all the time on stage."

"That's different. I meant that you shouldn't be scared to wear clothes like this as an everyday look."

"I'm not," Jenn defended. "I just prefer wearing the clothes I brought from home."

"If you say so."

She huffed, gathering her clothes. "Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes. I'll make sure to wash them and return them."

Nana waved her hand dismissively. "You can keep them. If I want them back, I can just go down the hall to your room."

Jenn nodded, moving to open the door.

"Wait," she said, stopping in her tracks. "I meant to ask earlier, but did you give JJ my number."

Nana blinked at her. "Why would I give Jaejinnie your number?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe you gave him all our numbers."

"No," she said, shaking her head slightly. "He's never asked for yours or any of the other girl's numbers."

"Huh? Okay, I was just wondering."

Nana stared at her with an unreadable expression before turning back to her phone, effectively dismissing Jenn.

Jenn sighed and trudged back to her room.

If Nana didn't give JJ her number, who did? It could have been her manager. Maybe he wanted them to get in contact. Jenn pulled out her phone and texted John.

Jenn: Did u give JJ my number?

Her phone pinged.

Manager John: No. Do u need his number?

Jenn: No, I have it.

Manager John: ?? Then why did you ask, you fucking weirdo

She threw her phone on the bed, frowning. If John didn't give JJ her number, then who did? It could have been her. She could have given it to him when she was drunk, but Jenn remembered mostly everything that had happened that night. She didn't remember exchanging phone numbers with the moody twin.

Jenn flopped down on the bed. Whatever, she'd just ask him tomorrow.

○ ○ ○

Jenn was roused by a wild-eyed JC in the morning.

"Oh my God," Jenn said, too tired to be truly frightened. "Why are you standing over me like that?"

"Nana told me about your little coffee date today."

Jenn yawned. "You make it sound like I was hiding it from you. TMZ is going to be there. You would have seen it all over social media anyway."

JC rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. Jenn noticed she was wearing a sports bra and a pair of vaguely familiar spandex shorts.

"Are those my shorts? I've been looking for those." Jenn said, stretching her legs.

"I can't find mine. I think Winnie stole them," JC defended. "Anyway, stop changing the topic. You should have told me you had a date today."

"Like I said, you would have found out from the tabloids anyway."

"I don't care; we need to discuss a game plan."

Jenn rolled her eyes. "It's our first "date." I don't think JJ will spill his darkest secret right away."

"Not about that," JC walked over to her closet. "I'm talking about what you should do to make him fall in love with you."

Jenn blanched. "I thought we decided we weren't going to do the whole 'fall in love thing."

JC shrugged. "It wouldn't hurt to try and make him fall in love with you. It would crush him even more once we reveal all his secrets."

She stared at her group mate in horror.

JC laughed. "I'm just joking."

Jenn knew she wasn't.

"Just try to get as much information as possible from him. Obviously, there will be other instances where you will be able to get close to him."

Jenn rubbed her forehead tiredly. She just woke up, and she was already over today. "What if you just choose not to do your dirty work?"

JC whirled around, sending her a piercing glare. "Then I'd tell Kass that you were cheating on her with JJ for the past four months."

Jenn gaped at her. "That's not even true!"

"I know that. You know that. But Kass doesn't know that, and neither does the media."

Jenn was wide awake now. She studied JC's features, trying to discern if her groupmate was bluffing. "Would you really do that?"

JC hesitated. "I don't know, but do you really want to find out?"

Jenn remained silent.

"That's what I thought. Now get up. You have to meet JJ in an hour."

○ ○ ○

JC's threat rattled around her head on the way to the coffee shop. She never pegged her as the type to hold a grudge, but she must really hate JJ for what he did. Especially if she was willing to drag Jenn into the crossfire.

Jenn understood why JC was mad. Being outed was not a laughing matter; to be outed by someone you trust was even worse. In a way, Jenn was also pissed at JJ. She never expected him to be the one to betray someone so viciously. Still, she wished that JC would deal with JJ on her own time instead of getting Jenn involved in this whole mess.

"We're here, Ms. Jenn," Her driver called from the front. "Looks like your boyfriend is already here, and he brought the paparazzi with him."

Jenn gulped. Once she stepped out of this car, she would be bombarded with flashing lights and endless questions."

"Ms. Jenn?" Her driver questioned.

"I'm going." Jenn reached for the handle before the door was abruptly yanked open.

Jenn blinked in confusion as JJ appeared in the doorway, leaning down to peer at her.

"Are you going to sit in the car forever," he hissed in her ear. "I look stupid standing out there by myself."

Jenn could smell a hint of his earthy cologne as he pulled back to grab her hand, yanking her out of the car.

"Careful," Jenn warned. "They might think you treat women like ragdolls."

JJ sent her a quick glare. A camera flashed near them, and he quickly tugged her close to his side. "I'm sorry if I hurt you." He didn't sound particularly sorry.

Jenn rolled her eyes. "I was just joking. I was just trying to remind you that there are cameras everywhere. We don't want to see the headline, "JJ manhandles his girlfriend out of the car during their first date in public."

JJ scoffed at her words, but she could see him fighting to hold back a smile from the corner of her eye. Jenn mentally patted herself on the back, pleased to have wrung a reaction out of the normally stoic twin.

They began walking towards the entrance of the coffee shop, ignoring the insistent flashing from the cameras that surrounded them.

"I thought you were joking about the matching outfits," Jenn said, upon noticing the plain white cotton top and navy trousers her 'date' was wearing. "But we're actually matching."

"Oh, I was," He said. "I didn't really think you would go through it" He glanced down at her. "You clean up nice, though."

"Thanks?" She assumed this was as close to a compliment as the singer could muster.

JJ held open the door for her as they entered the Coffee shop. A round of cameras flashed behind them. Jenn figured the image of JJ holding the door open for Jenn would be on the front page of every magazine in the next few days.

The coffee shop appeared deserted, and only a few patrons sat scattered throughout the tables. A few glanced up, eyes widening once they realized who entered, before hastily pulling out their phones to "sneakily" take photos of the duo.

JJ fumbled around next to her, pulling out his wallet. "I'll pay. What do you usually get?"

Jenn huffed. "I can pay for my own drink."

JJ stared at her blankly. "I know you can pay for your own drink, but I-"

"Don't say you're paying for it because it's your duty as a gentleman."

JJ glared down at her, something he'd been doing since he helped her out of the car. "No, I'm doing it because I'm older."

Jenn paused. She wasn't expecting that. It was almost as old-fashioned as the "I'm a man" argument. Besides, how did JJ even know how old she was?

"How do you know I'm not older?" She voiced.

JJ froze, staring down at her like a deer caught in the headlights.

Jenn gazed back at him, challenging him to respond.


In a split second, he was back to his normally disinterested self.

Jenn gaped up at him. "Are you serious?"

JJ shrugged. "Maybe. Now, what do you want to drink?"

Jenn sighed, defeated. "A Vanilla Latte."

"Oh wow, we have the same order."

She perked up, surprised they had something in common. "Wait, really?"


Her face fell. "What? Then why did you even say that?"

He shrugged once again, stepping up to the cash register.

Jenn stared after him. Was this his type of humor, being a sarcastic prick? She glanced around the shop. A few patrons were still staring at them. She made eye contact with a man sitting in the back corner of the shop and sent a smile his way. The man blushed and quickly looked down at the table.

"Smiling at other guys?" JJ said from behind her. "There are cameras here; remember that."

Jenn rolled her eyes. "Oh please, I doubt TMZ is going to report that I'm cheating on you for smiling at another guy."

"You never know."

They grabbed a table next to one of the front windows, in clear view of the paparazzi. Upon sitting down, JJ reached for her hand. She recoiled back. "What are you doing?"

JJ sent her a warning look, glancing to the side slightly. "There's cameras."

"Okay? We can't just sit here and talk to each other without touching?"

"We look awkward. We don't want them to think we're just doing this as a publicity stunt."

"That's exactly what we're doing."

JJ sighed, reaching for her hand once more. She let him take it. "I know, but we don't want the media to know that."

A camera flashed from outside the window, blinding her momentarily.

They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Jenn began to fidget in her seat. Her mind wandered back to JC's words from this morning. If she didn't get closer to JJ soon, any relationship she had left with Kass would be ruined. She stared down at their intertwined hands. She felt bad for JJ. He had no idea how fucked he was.

"So," Jenn said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "What are you doing after this."

JJ stared at her in silence. Jenn stared back, waiting for his answer.

"Did you forget," He finally said, "We both have to be at the dance studio today to practice choreography?"

Jenn completely forgot about that. With their National tour coming up, her group was constantly at the dance studio practicing new choreography for their songs. She wasn't surprised that New Icon was doing the same thing. 

"I completely forgot," she admitted. "So I'm glad you reminded me."

JJ nodded in response, apparently finished with the conversation.

"How have the dances been coming along?" Jenn said, trying to keep the conversation going.

JJ grunted in response.

She fought back the urge to roll her eyes. "Words, please."

He huffed petulantly. "It's been going as well as you'd expect. Aiden nailed the choreography on the second try. It didn't take Abel and Michael that long, either. It seems like I'm the only one struggling with the moves."

Jenn hummed sympathetically. She knew what it felt like to lag behind her other members.

"And I try to ask Aiden for help," He continued. "But even though he's a good dancer, he sucks at teaching others. I feel like Scott's going to end up making me fake an injury as an excuse for why I can't dance with the others."

Jenn winced. He couldn't be that bad, could he?

"I can help you if you'd like," Jenn offered, "I used to volunteer as a helper at my old dance studio in high school."

JJ looked at her in surprise. Jenn mirrored his expression. Why did she do that? There was no way JJ would accept her help. She was surprised he even spoke this much about the issue.

"You don't know any of our dances, though. How would you be able to help me?" He questioned.

Jenn blushed. "I know some of the dances. Sometimes Aiden joins me when I'm practicing alone, and I've watched him do a couple of them."

JJ gazed at her with an unreadable expression, squeezing her hand slightly.

"Jaejin Lee?" The cashier shouted from the counter.

He sighed, letting go of her hand. "I'll go get our drinks."

Jenn stared after him. He didn't appear mad at her for offering to help but didn't seem pleased with her either. She watched as JJ accepted the drink from the star-struck cashier. The cashier mumbled something alone the lines of 'selfie' and began to fumble for her phone. JJ posed for the photo, a small smile painted on his lips. The cashier thanked him profusely, he nodded and strolled back over to their table.

"Get up. We should head over to the studio now."

"What?" Jenn checked the time. "We've only been here for like, ten minutes."

"I know. Whoever planned this 'date' must have forgotten about our busy schedules."

Jenn clicked her tongue. That would be John and Scott.

"Well," She fumbled with her purse, "Let me call my driver to pick me up."

JJ sent her a questioning look. "Why would you do that?"

"Well, I'm not just going to walk there."

"Of course not. I'll drive you."

She felt her eyebrows raise. JJ drove here? It wasn't unheard of for celebrities to drive themselves, but many of them, like herself, tended to be driven places. It was mostly for safety purposes and to ensure they arrived at events in a timely manner. She was surprised Scott let JJ drive himself around, but it didn't seem like he was the type to listen anyway.

"It's alright," She began, "I can get my driver to pick me up. We haven't been here long, so he's probably nearby."

"It would look weird if we left separately," JJ said, already heading to the door holding their drinks. "Hurry up, we don't want to be late."

Jenn stared after his retreating form in shock. She ran to catch up with him, cameras flashing behind her the whole way.

Thanks so much for reading :) Let me know what you all think!

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