Chapter Three

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Hi There! I wanted to briefly explain some of the lore behind this story before getting into this chapter. 

JJ and Nana are not their real names. These are stage names for the characters since they are celebrities. Their real names are Jae-Jin and Yu-Na. They will occasionally be referenced by their real names by the characters throughout the book. 

Additionally, JC's real name is Jaqueline. Occasionally she will be referred to as Jacqueline or Jackie. 

JC, JJ, and Nana grew up in the same town. This is going to be referenced quite often and is actually an important element of the story.

There are several characters that haven't been introduced yet, namely the rest of JJ's group. They will begin appearing in later chapters. 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy :) 

April 23rd, 2022

Jenn adjusted the black mask that began slipping off the bridge of her nose. She weaved through the crowd, bumping shoulders with a few people as she made her way toward the bar.

This was a bad idea.

Jenn knew she shouldn't have come out tonight, but Nana insisted that she come out to the club with them.

"Stop your moping," She said, pulling at the duvet Jenn wrapped around her body. "You need to get back out there. It's been forever since you and Kass broke up."

"It's been four weeks," Jenn protested.

"Exactly, now get your ass up."

Nana ended up dragging Jenn out of bed, and despite Jenn's protests, they ended up at a club down the road from their apartment.

"Lots of celebrities come here. Maybe you'll get to hook up with one of them tonight." Nana fished out a black surgical mask from her clutch. "Here, wear this. All the celebrities wear black masks at the club. It's kinda like a way to indicate your status."

Jenn rolled her eyes in response.

"It also prevents the public from finding out who you are."

Jenn begrudgingly accepted the mask.

Now Jenn was sitting at the bar alone, Nana having disappeared into the crowd fifteen minutes prior. She was beginning to regret coming out.

Jenn knew her depressed attitude was beginning to take a toll on her group members. Initially, they were sympathetic, but they began to get annoyed by the 2nd week of Jenn's moping. She couldn't help it, though. Her four-year relationship went down the drain in an instant, and her now 'Ex-girlfriend' didn't even seem phased.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender said, sliding up to where she was seated.

"Umm," Jenn didn't really drink. So she had no clue what to get or what was "acceptable" to order.

"She'll take a Vodka Sunrise, and I'll take another rum and coke." Said a voice from behind her.

A man slid into the seat next to her. Jenn immediately noticed the black mask he was wearing.

"Hi, Jennie," he said with a teasing lilt.

She narrowed her eyes, studying the man's face. The man was obviously someone she knew since he was able to discern who she was through the mask. He had wavy hair that fell slightly in front of his eyes, obviously styled to look natural. Small wrinkles lined the edge of his eyes, indicating that he was smiling under the mask. Her eyes wandered downwards, and a familiar tattoo caught her eye.

A small heart with a 'NI' in the middle adorned the inside of the man's wrist. Something she would have easily missed if she wasn't looking hard enough. 

"Aidan," Jenn said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Aidan laughed. "That was fast. How did you know it was me?"

Jenn reached for his wrist, brushing her finger across his tattoo. "I recognized this. You should probably cover it up. People will recognize who you are if they see it."

Aidan rolled his eyes. "You only recognize it because we see each other all the time." Despite his words, he tugged on the sleeve of his jacket, effectively covering the tattoo.

Aidan Castellanos. The main dancer and leader of New Icon. He was the only member of the group Jenn actively engaged with. Both being the leading dancers of their respective groups, they often ran into each other on the way to the practice room. Initially, Jenn would just leave and return when he wasn't occupying the room, despite his invitations to share the space. Eventually, she accepted his invitation, and they began practicing together.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with JJ," Aidan said, grabbing the drinks from the bartender. "Scott asked me to come and watch him. He disappeared a while ago." He handed her the beverage.

"Ah, I came with Nana," Jenn pulled down her mask and took a sip of her drink, scrunching her nose. It was strong.  "She also disappeared."

"How much you want to bet they'll leave the club with someone tonight?"

Jenn laughed lightly. "Aren't you here to stop that exact thing from happening?"

Aidan shrugged. "I can't control JJ. He doesn't really listen to any of us."

"Reminds me of Nana."

"Those two really are alike," He said. "It's kinda freaky."

Jenn hummed noncommittally. She didn't really know anything about JJ other than the fact he was Nana's twin brother and they grew up in the same town as JC, her other group mate.

Jenn felt Aidan's gaze boring into the side of her head. She could feel him hesitating, obviously wanting to say something.

"Oh my god, just spit it out." Jenn snapped, taking another sip of her drink. It was getting easier to stomach.

"What are you even doing here? You rarely ever go out to clubs. Something must have happened."

Jenn eyed him. "You know what happened."

Aidan winced. "I didn't realize it was that bad. I thought you were over it by now. You seemed fine last week at practice."

"It comes in waves. Haven't you been in a relationship?"

He shook his head. "Not since High school."

Jenn sighed. She took another sip. It was pretty good. "Well, Kass and I were together for four years. I thought we were going to get married." Her eyes watered. "It sucks because everyone knows we were in a relationship, so now I see my failed relationship plastered all over the tabloids."

Aidan reached over to rub her back. "Hey, it's okay," he soothed. "I'm sorry for asking. Let's get you another drink. You need it."

She sniffled in response.

As Aidan was ordering her another drink, another figure crept up behind him. "Aidan, I've been looking for you." A deep voice drawled.

Jenn turned around, coming face-to-face with who Jenn could only assume was JJ. He was dressed in a white cotton button-up and black slacks. A black mask sat snugly over his lower face. It looked like he just finished a magazine shoot, which with how many modeling offers JJ got, he might have.

"JJ!" Adain exclaimed. "Look who's here with us. It's Jennie!"

"It's just Jenn." she reminded, clasping the drink nervously. She wasn't used to being around JJ, and his presence was overwhelming. It was no wonder he had the most fans out of his group.

JJ turned towards her, acknowledging her presence, before turning back to Aidan. "I'm about to leave, I..." He trailed off, sending Aidan a knowing look.

Aidan scoffed in disgust. "Man, don't be like that tonight. Jennie is here with us. She's getting over a breakup. Come hang out with us."

A flash of surprise crossed his features before it morphed into calculated neutrality. "I'm sorry about your breakup Jenn," He said. "But that girl behind us is waiting for me to take her home."

Jenn glanced over his shoulder. A pretty, blonde girl stood patiently waiting a few feet away. She locked gazes with Jenn. Her eyes widened before she turned away. She must recognize me.

"Dude, chill out for one day," Aidan complained. "I'm so tired of getting chewed out by Scott because you can't keep it in your pants."

As Aidan and JJ continued bickering, the bartender handed Jenn their drinks. She took a long gulp. Nana was right. The more you drink, the better it gets.

"Dude, your sister is here. You need to stay and make sure she doesn't leave with someone."

JJ's eyes widened. "What?" He turned towards Jenn. "You came with my sister? You know I frequent this place. How could you let her come here."

Jenn scoffed, the alcohol making her more confident. "I didn't know that until Aiden told me. I don't keep up with your life."

JJ glared at her, eyes darting between her and Aidan. "Well, now I'm not going home with anyone," He sighed. "The fact that my sister is here somewhere has ruined my vibe."

JJ walked over to the blonde, leaning down to whisper in her ear. The girl pouted, obviously disappointed. She kissed JJ on the cheek before strutting away.

"I have to hand it to you," Aidan said, grabbing his drink from Jenn. "She was hot. I almost feel sorry for telling you that your sister was here."

JJ glared at him, sliding into the chair on the other side of Jenn.

"I'm never taking you to the club with me again."

Aidan laughed. "Whatever, man, drinks on me tonight. Order whatever you want, you too, Jenn."

"She was hot," Jenn blurted, "Good job." She patted JJ on the back.

JJ and Aidan stared at her incredulously before Aidan burst into laughter.

"I forgot you were into girls, Jenn."

"Dude, she was in a relationship with a girl for four years. Where have you been?"

"It must have slipped my mind."

"Also, she likes men too, dumbass. You should know that. I thought you were her friend."

Jenn stared at JJ in disbelief. "How did you know that?"

JJ reached over her, swiping Aidan's drink. "Your group mate is my sister, and my sister tells me everything."

She should have known. Of course, Nana would tell her brother everything. He probably did the same thing. Well, almost everything. Obviously, he didn't tell Nana he was a regular at this club.

Jenn raised her glass to her mouth, taking another sip. She was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. Her head was starting to feel fuzzy. She couldn't quite stay engaged in Aidan and JJ's conversation. They were obviously far more sober than she was.

"Jennie?" Aidan questioned


"Are you good? Maybe you should stop drinking?"

Jenn glared at him. "I thought you wanted me to drink more. To help me forget."

Aidan sighed. "Yeah, I did say that."

"Okay, so buzz off."

A low chuckle erupted from the other man next to her. She turned towards him. JJ was staring at her with an unfamiliar, warm look in his eyes. He smiled slightly, obviously amused at her antics.

Jenn took a sip of her drink, zeroing in on the sliver of exposed skin from his unbuttoned top.


Present Day

"Did you sleep with my brother? Give it to me straight," Nana asked once they arrived back at the apartment. "Be honest. I won't get mad."

Winnie and JC retreated into their respective rooms, leaving the two of them in the kitchen.

Jenn silently began rummaging through the cupboards.

"Oh my god, Jenn," She wailed. "You're disgusting."

Jenn sighed.

"I shouldn't have taken you to the club. I was just trying to be a good friend, and you slept with my brother behind my back."

Jenn winced. "Winnie talks about wanting to sleep with JJ all the time."

"Don't bring me into this," Winnie shouted from her room. "Besides, I never actually slept with him."

Nana glared at Jenn. "Exactly. You actually slept with my brother, which is against every version of the girl code."

Jenn continued scouring the cabinets.

"What if I slept with your brother?" Nana cut in.

Jenn thought about her brother, who pestered her about introducing him to her group mates.

"I think he would actually pass out from the excitement."

Nana blinked at her in disbelief.

She shrugged.

"Jenn, since you slept with JJ, that means by default you would sleep with me." She tried.

She looked Nana up and down. "Yeah, I might."

Nana stared at her in horror.

"Nana, calm down. I never said I slept with your brother." Jenn said, pulling out a bag of ramen noodles.

"So you didn't?" Nana said, hopefully.

Jenn remained silent.

"Jenn, I swear to God, quit playing games with me."

"Nana, quit bothering Jenn," A new voice piped in. "go to your room. I need to talk to her."

Jenn stopped mid-reach for a bowl, turning to stare at the owner of the voice. JC.

JC was the whole reason why she and JJ were forced to begin 'dating.' Having convinced the managers that it would benefit both groups. Jenn was still weary of her reasoning. She doubted that her and JJ's relationship would significantly affect their albums' sales.

"But JC," Nana protested.

"I need to talk to Jenn." JC reiterated pleasantly, shooting Nana an icy smile.

Nana gulped and stalked towards her room, slamming the door.

JC turned towards her, watching Jenn as she turned on the stove.

"I know you're mad about me convincing the managers to have you and JJ date."

Jenn set a pot of water on the burner. "I'm not really mad. I'm just confused."

It was true. Jenn wasn't mad at JC for being the catalyst of this whole situation, she was just extremely confused. She never showed any interest in her personal life or relationships before. Her sudden interest made Jenn uneasy. 

JC hummed in acknowledgment. "I had a reason for it."

She stared at JC expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

"I want you to make JJ fall in love with you." 

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