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No one's POV

We see what appears to be a giant shadow of a person inside of what appears to be an old amusement park.

???: End this hero's life, my dark servant. Cut him down.

???2: I won't fall that easily, you damn Demon King!

A Green haired femboy then draws his sword and the two rush at each other, clashing blades. The femboy then jumps backwards, and shoots an arrow at the creature, and it splits into 5 different versions of itself.

Femboy: Oh you've got to be kidding me! Fine. Time to even the odds!

The Femboy's rings that are one his right hand then begin to glow, and right as something appears to be coming out of them, time stops as a voice is heard.

???(Narrating): Okay, if you're seeing this, then I think I know exactly what you might be thinking. "What is that kid doing?! Why are they fighting something that looks like it came right out of an eldritch horror film?!" I mean, if you looked at me, or were in my situation, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that, because I thought that exact same thing!

The camera then zooms into the femboy, showing his determination.

Y/n(Narrating): Yeah, that's me. Name's Y/n. Y/n L/n. Being honest, if I told my past self this was my destiny, I still wouldn't believe even myself! But how did I end up here? Well, that's a long story, but before I can explain that, I need to explain how I truly got here.

The scene then changes to the past, showing a child version of Y/n in a Japanese House.

Y/n(Narrating): I grew up very differently from other kids, and that's because despite the fact that I'm a boy, I had an interest towards cute things such as girl's clothes, dresses, and a lot of other girly things. Not something you'd see out of a boy.

A flashback is then shown, with Y/n bruises all over his face, with his mother protecting him.

Y/n(Narrating): My father, who wanted someone manly and strong to run his company, was very angry about all this, because when he learned how I really felt, he started to abuse me, wanting me to get stronger and become someone I wasn't. But my mother accepted me, and after a year of this, my mother divorced him, and dad agreed for her to raise me, and he would pay her child support/hush money, as long as I was never around him again.

We now see a more present day Y/n, in his school doing some studying.

Suddenly, a carton of milk is poured onto his head, with the person from behind starts laughing.

???: Oops, my hand slipped~!

Y/n(Narrating): That girl is Sarina Shizukume. She's basically one of the school's two tops girls, and the bully to nearly everyone in this school. Why don't I stand up to her, or anyone for that matter to her bullying, you may ask? It's simple, yet also can be confusing at the same time if not understood properly, but here we go. Her dad's the principal of the school, her mom's a police officer, her older brothers are both lawyers, with their wives being judges, and her older sister runs the company that a lot of people's parents work for around this town. In other words, if anyone does something to anger her, such as fighting back, or not doing what she wants, she will figuratively end your entire life, alongside your family!

The scene then changes to an old abandoned amusement park, with Sarina pushing both Y/n and a young blonde into it.

Y/n(Narrating): And now that you've got some insight to my life, here's where everything came coming down. This old abandoned amusement park called Discovery Zone. Weird name, I know.

Y/n(Narrating): But why am I here you may ask...? Well...

Sarina: You two better stay in there for that hour! If you don't, it's right to my parents, dipshits!

Y/n: ...Okay...

Y/n(Narrating): Yeah, Sarina blackmailed me into doing this.

As Y/n walks through, showing a bit of nervousness the blonde girl speaks up.

???: Come on, it won't be that bad!

Y/n(Narrating): Right. Should probably introduce you to her. This is Kura Rivera, the other popular girl who is the complete opposite of Sarina, being really nice, despite being rich, and doesn't abuse her status. Her dad is one of the world's technological masterminds, as he's actually getting close to bringing teleportation to the world! She aims to be a historian when she's older, and spends most of her time figuring out old texts as well as the history of the world.

Y/n: Won't be that bad?! Do you remember why this place was shut down back when we were all kids?! For some unknown reason, people all across the world fell ill!

Kura: Look, then maybe we find it!

Y/n: Huh?!

Kura: I mean, finding the reason for what's happening to everyone? That could make you rich and popular! You'd have more power over Sarina!

Y/n: I-I guess... but what if it doesn't work...?

Kura: Stop being such a worry-wart and let's go!

As the two start roaming the area, looking for the reason, Y/n notices something odd.

Y/n: Hey Kura... when did that get here...?

Kura then turns her head, and notices a sword in the ground.

Kura: No clue. Maybe you should pick it up if it's not an attraction.

Y/n: You sure?

Kura: Yeah! I don't know why... But I feel like it would be better in your hands.

Y/n: Okay...

Y/n then grabs the sword, and manages to pull it out with ease. After a few more minutes of searching, they find an opening leading to somewhere.

Kura: You think this is it?

Y/n: Possibly...

As the two head down, Sarina is seen walking right up to where they were with her little posse.

Y/n(Narrating): Little did we know what would happen down there, and how it would affect literally everyone in the world.

As the two keep heading down, bats start trying to attack the two, but Y/n kills them with the sword.

Kura: You alright, Y/n?

Y/n: No I'm fine. Still... it's shocking to see a giant thing like this at the bottom of an amusement park.

Kura: Yeah, it really is- *gasps*

Kura then stops as she notices some odd pictures in front of them. Y/n then turns to where Kura's facing, and notices them as well.

Y/n: Woah... Is this some sort of ancient history...?

Kura: I think it is... Let me check this!

Kura then reads the writing, and is shocked by what she's reading.

Y/n: What is it?

Kura: It's a story about some great war fought long ago, like before the Earth created the many continents we know today. It was a conflict between allied tribes of that time and someone who seems to be only called the "Demon King."

Y/n: Okay, that feels like something you'd see in a fantasy anime/manga/video game.

Kura: Yeah, but didn't you mention they did that in that show you watch, where the main villain wants to become a Demon Lord?

Y/n: True, but it still feels weird for it to happen in real life, you get what I'm saying?

Kura: Point taken. I'll keep reading some of the text. I'm thinking it might actually depict what's been said to be a myth!

Kura then runs down a bit more, and notices one of the pictures showing a creature with 7 different items surrounding him, with humans at the bottom.

Kura: Is that a... Zonai...? And the ones below, are those humans?!

Y/n: Huh?

Kura: It does... This is proof that not only Zonai were real, but they came down from the heavens! *looks at the next one* This is one is said to be the first rulers of the old Earth, which was called Hyrule.

Y/n: Earth had a different name back then?

Kura: Yeah, history before the Earth split apart was kind of an odd timing. But the image that we're looking at right now shows the royal family were born from a union with gods who had descended from the heavens.

Y/n: So what would that mean, if they're similar to the myths, and are accurate...?

Kura: Then that would've been the establishment of Hyrule, the kingdom that was destroyed because of the land splitting apart, and the various lands that were a part of it!

Y/n: Okay... *points to the third image* What about that one?

Kura then turns to it and looks at it.

Kura: Hmm... It's hard to say, since there's no images, but the possible male figure up there seems to be stealing something that could've belonged to the Zonai. And this is lining up perfectly with what historians are seeing as a simple myth!

Kura then runs over to the fourth image, realizing what it means.

Kura: And this one... shows the Demon King, and the fierce battle that took place against him!

Y/n: Okay... And if all this is true, what does it mean...?

Kura: It means one thing... the mural is the recorded history of the myth known as the Imprisoning War, and what led up to those events!

Y/n: Is that big of a discovery Kura...?


Y/n: Wait, seriously?!

Y/n: If that happens, I'll never have to worry about Sarina ever again!

Y/n: Quick, take some pictures! If we can't make it back, we'll at least need some evidence that we were here!

Kura: Got it!

Kura then pulls out a device that Y/n isn't aware of.

Y/n: What's that?

Kura: Dad's latest invention. It may be odd, but it's abilities may out par a mobile phone if it's done right! He wants me to test run it, and see how it works! If it works well, he'll be putting these up on store shelves!

Kura then starts taking pictures of the murals, but is disappointed when she notices some rocks in the way.

Kura: Damn. The rest of these murals are obscured...

Y/n: Should we-

Kura: We're not blowing them up! I'd rather not possibly die if the explosions cause a cave in! Plus, historians are probably going to want to see these with their own eyes, and not via photos. But still... Exactly what did the founder of this park build under...?

Y/n: I don't know... but something tells me we might find more answers going down.

As the two keep going down the area, they don't realize that the sword Y/n picked up is glowing, and that Sarina and her posse are following them. As the two make it further down into the depths, the notice a light green beam in the center of the area.

Kura: Okay... this is very freaky...

Y/n: No shit...! Let's be careful. We don't want to mess anything up while we're down here.

Kura: Yeah... Let's go...

The two then walk down, and they notice a mummy being held down by a single hand.

Kura: What the hell is this...?

Y/n: I don't know... It's so.. odd and mysterious...

Sarina: Well, this is quite something~!

Y/n and Kura then turn around and notice Sarina and her posse.

Kura: S-Sarina...?! What are you doing here?

Sarina: Couldn't help but notice you two getting way to comfortable together, so I'm going to stop you. Take care of it, boys and girls~!

The posse then run down, pushing the two out of the way, knocking the sword out of Y/n's hands, and as they all start touching the corpse, one of them pulls out the hand, which has a gem fall out of it, which Kura grabs.

Kura: *groans in anger* Okay, that's it!

Kura then puts the stone in her pocket, and grabs some of the members, tossing them back, which has Sarina come down and punch Kura in the face.

Sarina: Oh, don't think you're tough shit! Surround her, everyone!

As her posse surrounds Kura, Y/n notices something that shocks him. The mummy is moving.

Y/n: What the hell's going on?! Why is that thing moving...?!

Sarina: You just think you're the best because you're better than me?

Kura: Because you act like a little brat, and hide behind your family and your little posse! If you didn't have them you would-

Kura then stops her sentence, as she now notices that the body's moving.

Sarina: What's wrong? To afraid to finish your sentence?

Female Posse 1: Uh... Boss...? Behind you...

Sarina: What? There's nothing but a rotting-


Sarina then turns around, annoyed by what she believes is nonsense, but stops as she notices it as well. As the body the falls and the head faces them, eyes suddenly appear, and a giant black and red substance comes out of the heart area. As it goes for Kura and Sarina, Y/n's body moves on it's own, and deflects the first attack, but the rest of the substance goes onto Y/n's arm via the sword.

Y/n: *screams in pain* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS...?! IT HURTS...!

As the substance completely burns Y/n's arm, another attack comes in, with Y/n going to swing the sword, only for it to break and slice a bit of the corpse. Sarina can't say anything, as she falls onto her butt, scared for her life, while her posse looks on in fear.

Kura: Y/n...! Are you alright...?!

Y/n doesn't respond, as he's coughing, not knowing how he's feeling sick. Suddenly, the mummy starts speaking, shocking them all even more.

Mummy: Was that the sword that seals the darkness? A blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you and the rest of humanity from me.

Sarina: What the hell is this...?!

The mummy then looks around, and notices Kura and Y/n together.

Mummy: Kura...

Kura: *gasps*

Mummy: The green haired one carrying that fragile sword... are Y/n...

Y/n: *gasps*

Mummy: Rauru placed his faith in you... and that was all you could do?

Y/n: What the hell...?!

Sarina: What is going on...?!

Kura: How the hell... do you know me and Y/n's names...? THEY WERE NEVER SAID!!!!!

Suddenly, the mummy unleashes a huge blast of energy at the top of where it's standing, causing it to fly up into the sky, and having the ground around it start to break. Sarina and her posse start making a run for it, but Sarina trips and is about to fall.

Sarina: Hey you dumbasses help me out!

As the posse turns around, sadistic smiles appear on their faces as they say one thing.

Posse: Long live the queen~

Sarina: Huh?

One member the steps on Sarina's hand, causing her to fall down into the abyss, alongside the mummy.

Kura: Y/n, we gotta ru-

Kura doesn't even finish her sentence, as the floor beneath her gives way.

Y/n: KURA!!!!!

Y/n then rushes to try and grab Kura, but he fails, and Kura suddenly is encased in a golden aura, and disappears from existence. Right as Y/n is about to fall in, something grabs him, and Y/n is shocked when he notices that it's the arm from before, lifting him up, while encasing him in light.

Meanwhile, outside of the park and all around earth, buildings and random places start floating up into the sky, with some pieces falling down, making what's going on top news, as everyone from across the world is trying to figure out what's happening.


Y/n's POV

As I start opening my eyes after being engulfed by the strange light, I notice that I'm not in the area I was before.

Y/n: *panting*

Y/n: What was that...? What the hell did we do...?

As I slowly get up, I notice that I'm only in my underwear, but my right arm is completely different.

Y/n: *scream in fear* Holy shit, what the heck is this?! Why is my arm different?!

Suddenly, my arm starts glowing and I hear some unknown voice speak to me.

???: Ah, Y/n. Finally, you wake.

Y/n: *screams*

I then fall down, scared as I hear some voice that I'm not even aware of, and one that I can't even see.

???: You don't need to worry, I am no enemy of yours. I've heard a great deal about your from Kura.

Y/n: Wait, Kura...? This voice knows her...? But how...?

???: Your wounds were severe... I am relieved to see you escape death.

Y/n: Well that's goo- wait. I ALMOST DIED?!

???: Yes, that is true. I was able to save you though.

Y/n: Then um... what about my arm?! This ain't the same one as I had before, I should know!!

???: Ah, yes. That right arm of yours, unfortunately, was beyond saving. I had to replace it, lest the injury endanger you further.

Y/n: Well, that's a bit odd...

As I start looking around, I notice the sword that me and Kura found is here. As I pick it up, I realize how broken it is.

Y/n: That mummy... He called this "The sword that seals the darkness"... does that mean it's special somehow...?

I then start walking through the area, and notice some odd glowing point.

Y/n: The hell is this...?

I then look at, and as I try to figure out what to do, my right hand touches it, causing it to disperse.

Y/n: Dang it!

However, I quickly notice water starting to run, as well as the door in front of me opening. As I quickly make it through the area, I find a chest with some clothes, which I quickly put on.

Y/n: *sigh* Well, this is better than nothing, I guess.

I then walk outside, and notice that I'm in a very high up place.

Y/n: Oh shit...

I then start looking, and notice that there's only one thing that could save me, and that's the worst thing to use, a pond.


To Be Continued...

A/n: So what do you all think? I might make more if a lot of people do like the idea.

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