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"This is Louisiana to Command, I am at Blood Gulch now, come in Command." An Orange and blue trimmed Freelancer looked around the canyon. Two small bases had sat on each side, One with blue flags on the outside and Red on the other.

A voice had responds, although it had sounded annoying. " 'ello, this is Command, who is this?"

The orange Freelancer had groaned, why would command have such an idiot working there.

"For the Second time, This is Agent Louisiana. Vic, are your ears clean?" She commented, as she turned to look at the blue base. "Don't answer that, which base was Agent Texas assigned to?"

Vic of Command had sent a black freelancer not long ago to help the blue base. Tex had helped get the flag back, and fix the tank. But not without ending up.... Well, injured, okay known as dead.

"Oh yes! Louisiana! Hey, why don't you wait, we also sent a medic to help blue base, maybe you could go together." Vic responded, getting the call from him.

"Blue base? Thanks, he can just meet me there, I'm walking there alone." Louise shut off her radio, walking down a hill towards the blue base.

"Tau you with me still?" The Freelancer questioned as she was alone. A blend of Green and Red of an AI had appeared in front of her.

"Of course, Why are we after Tex again Louise?" The AI had asked, curious on what they were doing.

"They didn't tell me, just to find her, anyway I want you to stay out of sight. I don't want anyone to know that you exist, not yet at least." She explains, as Tau looked at her.

"I guess that would be wise," He started, "Don't worry, Louise, no one will know of me." Tau retracted as they approached the blue's base.

"I am not your mother. So don't come tattling to me every time one of you does something that the other one doesn't like." The light blue one was saying as she approached.

"I'm telling you he's crazy!" The teal one started. "He keeps threatening me and talking in a scary voice."

"No I didn't." The darker blue began to protest. Making the teal look at him.

"Oh, so you're saying, you didn't threaten to cut off my head and give it to Church as a birthday present?" He pointed out as the darker blue responded.

"You know, I think you're taking my words a little out of context." He said innocently.

"What? What context?"

"Listen guys, this competition thing has got to stop, okay?" The lighter blue interrupted. Louise just watched them before clearing her throat.

The blues look to her.

"Who the hell are you?" The lighter blue continued. Louise didn't get a chance to respond before another voice interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Everyone turned to the one in purple armor. In the backround the darker blue looked at the teal one.

"Don't ever be alone." He said in a deeper voice.

"He's doing that thing again!" The teal one pointed out.

"Erm, my name is DuFresne? You Private Tucker?" He asked looking at the lighter blue one.

"No I am not, I am Church." He responded. "This is Private Tucker." He looked to the teal who just responded with 'yo.'

"The one in regulation blue is Caboose, or O'Malley or whatever the hell he's calling himself." He introduced the team.

Louise sighed, not paying attention, she was just here to get Tex and leave.

"I received your call for a medic." DuFresne looked at the bunch.

"That was like three months ago..." Caboose started.

"Yea what did you do, crawl your way here?" Tucker looked to the medic.

"I came as quickly as I could.. Where's the patient?"

"Well shes about 50 yards behind you and six feet straight down." Church had said. DuFresne turned around.

"Oh, sorry for you loss."

Louise looked to the graves.

"Wait... She?" She spoke making every turn to her.

"Wait your a girl?" Tucker questioned.

"Yea, big deal, I could still beat your ass any day." She muttered. "But who is burried there?"

"Girl named Tex." Church started. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Name's Louisiana, freelancer." she introduced herself. "Came here to find Agent Texas." She looked to the grave again. "Looks like I found her."

Church followed her look. As the other two looked at the medic who just stood there.

"But I don't really believe Tex is dead, I mean, it's pretty hard to kill her, and for her to die in a canyon like this, especially with people like you. I'd say its impossible." Louise pointed out.

"We didn't like her very much..." Caboose had mentioned "She was mean to other people."

"That's Tex for ya..." Louise looked to the Medic who started another question.

"Who's in the other grave?"

"That's uh, that's me. I'm in that grave." Church informed him.

"Uh-huh, of course..." DuFresne had said, not believing him what so ever.

"See, uh, he was killed by a crazy runaway tank-"

"Or by the idiot driving it."

"Oh yeah, and then he became a really mean ghost. Then he took over a Mexican robot's body. So we painted him to make him blue." Caboose rambled. "Now he is a bionic man who is blue."

"It took us six weeks just to get his Spanish setting turned off." Tucker continued as the medic listened.

"Not entirely turned off moron." Church said in Spanish.

"I'll get the Spanish dictionary." Tucker sighed.

"I can see why Tex died now, she was surrounded by idiots." Louise had said looking at the blues.

"Wait, so no one here is hurt?" The Purple one had said.

"Nope." Church said. "In fact I feel better then ever! Whenever these two idiots annoy me I can just turn my ears off."

"You just say it shorts out." Caboose started. Church had turned to him.

"I'm sorry, what was that Caboose? I can't hear you." Church had said, ears turned off.

"I'll just check you out, and be on my way..." DuFresne had said. Louise had looked over the hill looking over to the red base.

Wont this be fun. She murmured letting the blues talk to the medic.

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