Church's Legs

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Louise was outside watching the blues as the conversed about the annoying beeping noise. She turned to stared towards the Red base which seemed to be staring at a warthog.

"All I hear is that voice, you know, telling us to kill all our friends before they have a chance to kill us." Caboose was saying, which gained Louise's attention fairly quickly. Both Blues just stared at him, and Caboose was even more confused.

"Wait, you guys don't hear that?"

"Oh man I can't take it anymore, Tucker you're gunna have to do something man. This beeping is gunna drive me crazy!" Church continued, ignoring Caboose's comment.

'Do you think?' Louise thought to the AI in her head. Tau seemed to agree with her, however pointed out that the timing to find out isn't right. Mentioning something happening in the distance.

Louise noticed the warthog in the distance started to drive, heading towards blue base.

"Umm a-" she started to say interrupted by Caboose who had just found Church's switch.

"Caboose do you know how to work a switch?" Church had said seriously not wanting him to touch anything. Caboose was always the dumb one who broke something so who could blame him.


"Alright a tutorial then.... The switch is pointing in one direction, just turn it around so it points to the other direction."

The warthog was now doing donuts and drove back towards the red base, Louisiana, who was observing this looked to Church. His commands kept the warthog moving.

"You know what I don't care! Just follow the red one!" Church was saying as they talked about the wires. The warthog seem to activate again, driving towards the red. As they scurried away trying to get away from their leader.

"Fine, just take out the red one."

The warthog trapped Sarge, starting to shoot it's mini-gun and slowly aiming it towards his head. And it was VERY slow, like he could had had a small conversation before he got shot.

Tucker had pulled out the wire, and the beeping finally stopped for Church.

"Oh my god! Finally! My ears are free!" Church started, trying to walk around. He looked down his legs weren't moving. "Why can't I move my legs?"

As if on cue the warthog stopped trying to kill the red's leader. Louise was unamused, hoping to see some action.

"This is great just great... Now what am I supposed to do?" Church asked. "My lower half is damaged."

"Why don't you try walking it off?" Caboose said earning a laugh from Louise.

"Hey Church, you should take Caboose's advice more often. I mean before he did mention about you blowing up of they did this, just be lucky you kept your body." The orange with a blue trim freelancer told the light blue.

"This doesn't seem like that big of a deal, you hardly used them anyway." Tucker mentioned, "You always as for a piggyback ride."

"Hey, I already told you it was for Science." Church responded earning a helmet look from Louise.

"Yea some science involving how long you can ride on Tucker's back." She mentioned, almost curious about the fact herself.

"5 hours and 46 minutes." Church explained. Louise was genuinely surprised as she responded.

"Impressive Tucker! Got that arm strength." Louise looked to the teal male.

"You got it babe, and I'll take you for a piggyback ride any time." He flirted earning a small head roll from her.

"You're getting ahead of yourself there Teally." She mused, however the teal solider was growing on her. Perhaps because the armor reminded her of Florida.

"You could start walking on your hands, then you could use your feet for high-fives!" Caboose suggested.

"Forget it, just start reattaching wires, I'll tell you when I feel something." Church demanded, not liking the idea of not being able to move.

"Now?" Tucker said fiddling with the wires. Louise noticed a red and a yellow-orange person coming up.

"Church I was just wondering-" Caboose started interrupted by the pale blue.

"Just shut up Caboose."

"Church. There ar-"

"You too Lee or whatever your name was, I forgot."

"I think the Reds are-"

"Dammit Caboose, you are so annoying. You've done so many thing so just give me this one thing and shut your freaking mouth!"

"Hey blue's we're here to- what the hell were you guys doing?" The maroon one started, making Tucker stand, looking towards them.

"The Reds are here." Louise pointed out. Church was confused.

"What? Caboose, L, why didn't you say anything?!" He started earning a punch from Louise who turned him around.


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