[3] Breaking The Ice...Rink?

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"Thank you." I pay the fair and step out of the taxi.

When I walk inside of the book store I take a deep breath and sigh with satisfaction.

The smell of books just makes me feel like I'm home.

I remember as a little girl how my mother would come home and read to me every night.

I would crawl into her lap, play with a strand of her hair and listen to her read whatever book I chose.

I go right to the romance section and start reading spines to see which book I want to read.

I feel my phone jingle and don't bother to answer it.

I find one book and decide to read the summary.

A story about a girl, who meets the man of her dreams...

Hmm? Maybe I'll come back for that one.

I put it back and start to walk over to the science fiction section.

I glance down and see a little boy playing with a Captain America action figure and an Iron Man one.

"Tommie, time to go." I see a woman who I assume is his mother call him. As he gets up, his Iron Man action figure falls, bouncing until it hits my shoe.

"Oh, here you dropped this." I hand the action figure to the little boy and he smiles at me. "Thank you lady." He holds the action figure to his chest and takes off running to his mother.

I then go back to reading spines and just when I see an interesting title, my phone jingles again.

This time instead of ignoring it, I just pick up and answer.

"Yes Mr. Stark?"

"Where are you?"

Oh my have the tables turned..

"I am in a happy place. I will be back at your home when I am done. Quite frankly I believe you acted like a child."

"Felicity I'm sorry."

"Tut-tut. You get a time out from me." Wow that sounded way cooler in my head.

I hear him chuckle on the other end and it makes my stomach flip.

"A time out? Are you punishing me?"

"This isn't funny, Anthony."

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh. But when can I expect you back at the house?" I pick up the book after reading the title being called Pride & Machine.

It was based off of humans and robots co-existing in the world. Humans be with humans and robots be with robots. All until one woman became fascinated with a man made of tin.

Hmm? This seems like it will be good.

"I'll be back, soon. Don't burn the house down, and no parties. You're on punishment."

"Yes ma'am. Also, does that mean I can't have company over?" Dear God if this man had brought home a woman..

"Bye, Anthony." I hang up and decide to read a few paragraphs before I actually consider buying the book.

When I first met, Eric. I thought he was just an artificial life built in mans image. But he was much more than that. He was something that my mind couldn't comprehend and that's what fascinated me.

I wanted to know this tin man. I wanted to see if he had a heart...


She is pissed off at me.

Even though I play it cool, it's all just a front. I need to keep up with my image of a carefree lifestyle so no one suspects my true intentions.

I was truly myself when I was with Pepper.

God I miss her. Her smart mouth, the way she can put me in my place.

Kind of like Felicity.

I won't lie, when I first met her, I thought this girl wouldn't last a day. But she's lasted months and she has definitely sparked my interest.

I know she would never consider me her type. She's more into the boy glory.

But I'm a good man too. Even though I don't show it on the outside.

"Happy, keep an eye out on Felicity for me. Don't let her see you. But just make sure she gets back safe." I tell him as he parks close by the bookstore, where Felicity was right at the moment.

"Will do sir." I nod and look in the window.

There she was, nose in a book. I wonder if she likes what she's reading.

Maybe I can get her a library.

Is that too much?

No of course not.

Listen to yourself Tony, you're already contemplating on buying this woman a damn library and you haven't even asked her out.

Would she date me? I mean I'm not a bad guy, I'm handsome. I'm damn sure amazing in bed.

I wonder what she'd wear to bed.



"I'm going to take a walk." Before he can protest. I get out of the car and feel the drizzling rain hit my face.

I hope when she gets back, I can make her smile.

Maybe I should tell her.

No, I remember what happened when I told Pepper.

I shake my thoughts and just shove my hands in my pockets.

That's my goal for today, to make Felicity smile...


I had to make myself stop reading. I was on chapter five and when I glanced at my watch it was already after five. I pick up the book and walk over to the register.

"Oh you are going to love this book. I couldn't put it down once I got it." The cashier girl says to me as she rings me out.

"Definitely get what you mean. It's futuristic, yet modern at the same time."

"Exactly!" She exclaims. "That will be 7.99." I nod and look in my bag to pay but see Tony's black card.

I was mad at him, and true 7.99 to him won't hurt his wallet but to know that he's buying this book definitely made me feel like I was sticking it to him.

"Charge it to this card please." She nods and swipes the card. It goes through as expected and she hands me the recipe.

"See you soon."

"Likewise." I put the book into my bag and see that the rain was getting a bit heavier than before.

Hopefully I won't get too soaked waiting for a cab.

Then again, I can always call Happy to pick me up just to save a few bucks.

I take my phone out and dial Happy's number.

It rings three times before he answers.

"Yes, Felicity?" He asks with a yawn. "Were you sleeping?"

"No, I was just resting my eyes." I smile at that.

"I was wondering if you could pick me up. I'm at Moon and Stars. A local book store. I was going to take a cab back, but it seems like the rain is picking up."

"Sure, I'll be there in a few." We hang up and I look at the cover of the book.

I can't wait to finish this book...

Happy and I had walked through the front door and from the rain.

"Tony?" I call out and get no answer. "He should be back soon." Happy comments as he walks towards the living room.

"Well, then I guess I can get some paperwork done while it's still peace and quiet." The sound of my heels clack across the floor as I go to my little office.

I pull my tablet out and start sorting through Tony's emails and other engagements.

I pull out some skittles from my junk drawer and go to open them with my teeth.

"Ehem." I jump which causes all of my skittles to scatter across my desk. I look up and Tony stood there leaning against the door frame with his hands behind his back.

"Please don't do that again." I get up and start to pick up the scattered candies and he walks in.

"I do apologize, especially for my childish behavior. So I hope this will make up for it. Truce?" He hands me a small bag and I toss the candies in the trash then take the gift.

"Are you bribing me? Because if this is a bribe..." I open the gift and see a card inside.

I gasp.

"This is a book card. I can literally get any book I want..tha-wait how did you know I like books?" He blushes which seems strange on him.

And now I feel guilty for spending the 7.99. Small amount but still.

"Just a lucky guess. But you were going to thank me?" He says with a cocky smirk.

"Thank you, Tony. I really appreciate this." I look back at the gift and then look up at him.

He was studying me in the most obvious way.

"Is everything all right?"

"Fine, I was just thinking. I don't know much about you. Do you have any family?"

"Are you asking if my family is dead?" I ask in a deadpan voice.

"No, I mean. Let me start over. Where's your folks?"

"Well, my mother is in Florida. And as for my dad, he passed away when I was a baby."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. But it's okay. From what my mom told me, he was definitely a good man." I look down at my ring that my mother had gave me when I turned twelve. She told me that this ring was passed down on my dads side.

I smile at that knowing I have a piece of him with me.

"Do you like sushi?"

Where does he come up with these questions?

"I'm not a huge fan of raw fish. Why?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to, go out for dinner. It not a date."

"Of course, that would be weird. Going out on a date with you."

"Because I'm your boss?"

"Because of what you do to girls. Wait no that came out wrong."

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Nothing! I mean it's a well known fact that you get around with girls."

"Miss Smoak, are you implying that I am trying to get you into bed with me?"

"No, no, no, no."

He laughs at me then. "Don't worry, I'm only teasing you."

"You sure have a funny way of teasing people."

"Yeah, well it's in my nature. Well I'll let you get back to work. And Felicity?"

"Yes, Tony?"

"Maybe we can go to dinner next time?"



I was all showered and in my bed that night.

As I read another chapter of my book, I feel a little draft in my room.

I book mark my page and get up to close the window. As I go, I feel something fuzzy rub up against my leg.

"There you are, come to bed Junior." I pick up my fur ball of a cat and he snuggles close in my arms.

"I guess that's enough for tonight." I say as I place my book on my nightstand.

I turn off my light and feel junior lay down on his pillow.

"Good night little guy." I say as I scratch under his chin. He purs and licks my fingers, causing me to smile as I close my eyes.

I hope tomorrow will be a better day.


"Felicity..." My whole body feels frozen to the floor as I hear his voice call my name.

"He's not real. He's not real. He's not real." I keep repeating, hoping that this fear that's gripping me will go away.

"Fel..icity...I know you hear me." I can see my own breath now and I'm scared.

"Mommy." I whimper out.

"Don't touch her!" I hear my mother yell as I stay curled up under my bed.

I feel something cold slither up my leg. I'm too scared to look down.

"She's mine, Donna. You can't keep her from me for long."

I peek from under my bed and see my mother run towards my room but something ice cold grabs my legs and drags me back.

"Mommy!" I scream.

"Times to wake up, Felicity..."


I wake up and my room was freezing.

It's bad enough, that studies show that when you sleep in cold temperatures, you get nightmares.

I look at my clock and see its only 4:35am.

I hop out of bed and run on over to my thermostat.

It was shut off completely.

Funny, I don't remember turning this off.

I crank it up to sixty and run back under my warm covers.

Junior was curled up on his pillow.

I pull the blankets over my head and close my eyes hoping that when I fall asleep again that I won't have that creepy dream again...

I wake up again and feel cold. I groan but get up and crank my shower on the hottest setting possible.

As soon as I take off my clothes and set in the shower, the steam comes heavy off my body.

"Thank god..."


As I get my clothes out for today, I listen to the television and hear about how another ice marker case had started.

I turn up the television then.

"Amy Fisher, a widow with two children was found early this morning by her assistant, frozen to death in her home..."

I start to feel this chill in my eye and flick off the television.

As I get dressed I call my mom.

"Here you go, Junior." I pour him some milk and my mother answers.

"Hey, sweet pea."

"Hey, mom. How's Florida?"

"You know. Same clear skies. Same sunny weather. How's everything up north?"

"Can't complain. All though my boss is a man-child." My mother laughs at that.

"How is he a man-child, honey?"

"Tony, doesn't like responsibility. It's like it's his kryptonite or something, mom."

"He sounds like a regular guy who happens to have a lot of money to me. But listen, you can keep him focused. There's no one else more qualified than you." I can feel myself blush from that.

"Thank you, mom."

"I'm just being honest, Felicity. Now how have you been?" My mother asks. "Good...but um, I had that bad dream again."

My mother was silent for a moment. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it just freaked me out cause it felt so real." My phone beeps and I internally groan because nine times out of ten, it's Tony calling for some ridiculous request.

"Hold on mom."

"Okay, honey." I click over then. "Yes, Tony?"

"What do you think about Sweden?"

"Sweden? Okay, what's the catch here? Are you going to buy Sweden?" I ask as I brush my hair out.

He chuckles over the other end. "Buy Sweden? You can't buy a country. At least not since I tried back in early 2000, no I was asking because I wanted you to accompany me there. For business purposes of course."

If he was any other boss, I'm sure I'd have to worry about his intentions. But knowing Tony he might just wind up partying and getting kicked out of the country of something.

"I guess I can go-"

"Fabulous, get about three days worth of clothes and I'll have Happy pick you up in say a half an hour. A half an hour is enough time to pack right?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you then."

"See you then Felicity." I can hear the smile in his voice as we both hang up.


I click back over just so my mom doesn't feel like I forgot about her.


"I'm here."

"Mom, so my boss just asked me to accompany him to Sweden."

"He did? Can I be his assistant too?" We both laugh at that.

"I guess I need to go and pack."

"Have fun, and Felicity?"


"Make sure you bring plenty of warm clothes. And don't leave your windows open when you sleep."

"I know mom. I know."

Why are my hands so cold?

Happy and I were both waiting by the private jet.

I shove my hands deep in my pockets as I see Tony's red Lamborghini pulling up.

"About time."

Happy walks over and I stand there tapping my foot.

"Hello Miss Smoak." Tony says as he walks up to me. "You're late." I say in a dead pan voice.

"Technically this is my jet, and it will only go when I'm ready to. So I'm not late." I roll my eyes and follow him inside of the jet.

As we are seated I notice the flight attendants all are wearing low cut shirts and I also see Tony gawking at them.

I just pull out my book and start reading it.

"Whatcha got there?" He asks. Oh you can see a girl reading a book past all these flight attendants?

"A book." He sits over beside me and I swallow hard, all because I can smell how good his scent is.

"Pride & Machine? Sounds pretty catchy." He reaches for it and I snatch my hand back. "You're hand is cold."

"Well you know what they say, cold hands, warm heart." I give a nervous chuckle and he sighs. "I can ask them to warm up the jet if you'd like." I shake my head.

When I glance up, I see Tony studying me.


"When we get there, I'm buying you a coat." He interrupts. "Tony I have a coat-"

"Well I'm sure your coat isn't going to last in Sweden."

"I'll have you know, my mother got me that coat on my trip to Alaska in high school."

"Just let me buy you a coat."

"No, Tony..."

And that's what we did on the flight to Sweden.

We argued over buying me a coat.

When we got to the hotel room, I was happy with the grand suite that I was given. I really enjoyed the view, tell you the truth.

A knock came to my door and I walk over to answer it.

"For Miss Smoak." The bellboy says as he hands me a large package. "What is this? Who is it from?" I ask. "Mr. Stark." And with that he closes the door and I'm left with the big package.

I open it and there was a pure white coat.

I was dialing his number and he picked up on the fifth ring. "Yes, Miss Smoak?"

"Don't yes, Miss Smoak me, I thought I specifically told you not to buy me a jacket."

"What? I--can--he--" And with that Tony hung up. I glare at the phone and snatch up the jacket.

I was knocking at his door with the jacket in my arms.

"Coming." I hear Tony's voice and moments later he answers the door..in just a towel, hanging dangerously low on his hips.

I hear him clear his throat and my eyes snap up to his face. "May I help you, Miss Smoak?"

"Yes. How much was this?"

"How much was what?" He asks. "This?" I point to the jacket. "Oh, that's your bonus."

"Bonus? No, this is not a bonus, Tony. How much was it?" He shakes his head. "Not telling you."

"Tell me."

"Nope. Now if you excuse me, unless you want to join me in this lovely bath tub."

"I..I..no, no, I am going out."

"Out? Out where?" He says in a protective tone. "Out, now if you excuse me." I turn in my heel and let out a deep breath.

It took all my mental power not to look at his body again.

When I get back to my room, I glance outside of my window and see a few people ice skating.

"That's what I'll do." I go to grab my jacket, but grab the one Tony got for me instead. At least if it gets a bit worn out then it won't be my jacket.

I head down to the main lobby and check my watch.

"2:56..." I mutter as I pull the jacket tight around me.

Hm, pretty warm.

I rent some skates to use and lace up while I sit on a bench.

When I look up I see all of the women, men, and children having a good time.

I feel a trigger memory and envision me holding a rough hand.

My dad maybe?

I shrug off the memory and head out onto the ice.

The sound of my skates gliding across the ice sounded like bliss. I go further into the middle of the ice rink and just let my reflexes flow.

I feel at peace as I keep gliding across the ice.

In fact, I keep going further and soon ignore all the sounds of people around me.

I close my eyes and the next thing I know, I feel something go creak.

My eyes shoot open and all sound becomes loud.

I hear screaming and feel water rush up to my mouth.

How did the ice break under me?

Better yet, why am I calm?

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