⭐The Tree⭐

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Anna's POV
Its summertime, and I get to spend my summer anywhere I want! Of course I have to go home but you know my parents don't care much anyways

I have 2 friends Tyler and Lily, Tyler has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, Lily has light brown hair and emerald green eyes

Then...there's me boring old Anna with dark brown hair and boring blue eyes

Oh! And I have a crush he lives across the street he has dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes I could melt in, of course I doubt he likes me back but maybe my life might be a happy story

All I want is to have a Happily ever after like other people! Is that to much to ask? We- Wait..is the boy coming here?! Oh NO WHAT DO I SAY?

Tyler smiled and waved "Hey!"
The boy waved shyly "I'm James..I live across the street,"
Tyler the super social person he is smiled brightly "I'm Tyler," Lily also waved "I'm lily,"

I stayed quiet looking for words lost in my thoughts before feeling someone nudge my arm and snapped into real life "Oh! Um..I'm Anna.."I waved awkwardly

James smiled softly " Can I hang out with you guys? I'm kinda lonely,"
Tyler and Lily were about to say yes, but I freaked out "No! I mean Yes! Yes you can,"I'm just a mess around this guy...nice going Anna

James gave me a smiled as if he didn't notice my freaking out " Is this your treehouse?" Tyler nodded "Yeah wanna come in?"
James smiled "Sure!" Tyler climbed up the treehouse, then lily, then James, and then me

James looked around in awe "Woah..." He looked at the posters, bean bags, a TV and mini fridge we had, Lily smiled "Its not much but its home.." James beamed at Lily causing her to blush a bit

Oh no...Lily might like him too....thanks for my happily ever after Bestie, I sighed sadly before plopping down on a bean bag



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