Chapter Four: Grave and Familiar

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Galaxia's POV

After everyone went their separate ways to search, I went into my Exceed form to fly. The master didn't specify where the first master's grave was, but did say that it was going to be a free for all fight in there to find it. We could use any means necessary to find it, even tracking others who might be close. I know that the others can't transform in front of everyone, and that I might be one of the few who who can search from the air.

As I was thinking, I felt a nasty sensation. It felt, dark and, sad. I decided to head towards it when I found Natsu, Happy, Elfman and Evergreen in front of someone who seemed to be radiating this dark feeling. He looked in pain. There seemed to be a force field of blackness heading towards them, killing all life. Elfman and Evergreen were trying to tell Natsu to get away. Happy was trying to reach Natsu from Elfman's strong grip. And Natsu, was heading towards the man. I was shocked that I didn't even know what to do.

After the force field dissipated, Natsu was still alive in the clearing. But, his scarf was black! It protected him. I then felt a different presence, and looked to my left. I saw a light shining. I headed towards it. I then got close enough to land and transformed into my human form. I was hiding behind a tree, looking at a grave and Cana! She was looking somber about something. She then left in a rush. I went to the grave after she was out of sight. I bent down to look at it. I placed my hand on it. I then heard some rustling and turned to look. I jumped up and got in a defensive stance.

"Who are you?!" I asked. I couldn't see the person yet. The stepped out from behind a tree. "I'm just paying my respects. But, you can't see her. So, what are you doing?" the person asked, in three voices. "You!!!! You're the one who warned the master about something bad that was going to happen." I said. "Yes, and it looks like my forewarning was ignored. Because-" they stopped talking because an earthquake trembled the ground. My ears perked up to the sound of a roar. "Oh no!!! My friends!!!" we said at the same time. I didn't have time to think about it because I transformed into my Exceed form and flew to where I thought everyone would be, near the danger.

Sure enough, everyone was there. What I didn't expect, though, was the huge dragon standing before us. It was larger than Nebulia and Eclipso. I landed near the others. I transformed to human and ran to the master. "What's going on?!" I asked. "The trial has been suspended." the master said. "Because of that, right?" I ask while pointing at the dragon.

"I told you." a voice says from behind. Everyone turned to look. It was the cloaked person. "There is no way to escape this. He ends everything." the voice, that was extremely familiar and female, said while, crying? "What do you mean?" Yuki asked. The person didn't say anything.

After everyone lost interest and started to focus on the dragon, realizing that no matter what they did had no affect, we all formed a circle and held hands. We were all prepared for the end. I then think that everyone passed out.

A/N: Sorry that I haven't put up a new chapter. I had writer's block and was completely blanking on ideas. I hope you liked it!

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