Chapter One: The Announcement

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Galaxia's POV

The master just came out into the guild hall. Everyone turned to look at him. "Listen up! I will be announcing the participants of this year's S-class trials!" he called out. "Woohoo!!!!!" everyone cried out. Everyone but the members of Starry Night. Our leader, Sora, has been missing for a while. No one knows where she is, and one one has heard from her since. We were all affected by it, but those of us in Starry Night were affected the most. Kaen has stopped grabbing S-class jobs, Yuki is more silent than usual, Kaze isn't as calm, Chikyu cries herself to sleep now. And me, my best friend is missing, and I'm not freaking out. On the outside at least. I'm trying to be strong for the team. "The members of Starry Night will be participating. All of them!" the master announced as I was thinking. "Huh?!?!?!?!?" everyone in Starry Night exclaimed. "B-b-b-but, Sora isn't here for them." Chikyu said softly. "Don't worry. I have a feeling that she will turn up for them!" I told her. "R-really?" she asked. "Yep. I do." I told her.

At that moment, after the master had announced everyone who would be participating (we were last), a cloaked figure was standing in the middle of the guild hall, making everyone practically jump out of their skins. "Who are you?" the master asked. "A messenger." the person replied, talking in three voices. "I have come here to warn you that danger will approach the S-class trial at the location you are going to. You may choose to ignore my warning, but I will keep an eye on you, to make sure no one gets hurt." the figure said, still in three voices. "What do you mean?" Erza asked, walking over to the master. "I am going to---" the person said but cut their self off. "You'll know when the time is right." the person said, this time in one voice, the male voice. "Why do you smell familiar?" Natsu asked, walking toward the middle. I face-palmed myself. 'Really! Of all things to say, why that. But that voice is familiar." I thought. "I don't know what you're talking about." the figure said, switching to a female voice. "Have fun. I hope that everyone has an enjoyable experience." the person said, teleporting away to who-knows-where. "Who was that person?" some people whispered. " 'Dunno' " others said.

'Those voices, they were familiar, but why?' I wondered as everyone was talking. 'Why would they warn us about something so vague.' I wondered. "Ugh! This isn't making any sense!" I shouted in frustration. "Huh?!" the girls asked. "Sorry." I said to them. "Why would Natsu ask that person why they smelled familiar. We're dragons, but couldn't smell anything. We know everyone's scent, so what makes Natsu different?" Yuki asked. "I don't know, but lets go and ask him." I said as we all got up.

"Oi, Natsu!" I shouted as I saw Natsu heading towards the guild doors. "What do you want?" he asked as he saw us. "You want to do this girls?" I asked as we got nearer. "Yep. We need to. Sora will probably be mad when she hears about it, though." Kaze said. "Do what?" Natsu asked, confused. "Just follow us. You have questions. We have questions. Let's see what we can answer." I said as I pulled Natsu along.

We got to a hill near the outskirts of Magnolia, far away from people. "So, what are you going to do?" Natsu asked. "Well, you know that I'm an Exceed, but you don't know what the girls are. Sora wanted them to keep hidden until the time was right." I said. "Yeah, so?" Natsu said. "We're going to show you our real form." the girls said in unison. They undid their transformation and showed their forms. Natsu's mouth fell open. I laughed at his expression. "Y-y-y-you're d-d-d-d-d-dragons!" Natsu stuttered. "Yes. We are." Yuki said. "Kaen is an Ember Dragon. Yuki's a Snow Dragon. Kaze is a Breeze Dragon. And Chikyu's an Earth Dragon." I explained. "So COOL!!!!" he exclaimed. The girls transformed back. "And here I thought you would pee your pants. Kaen I owe you 1,000 jewels." I told her and got them out. "Thank you very much!" Kaen said as she received her jewels. "Wait. You had a bet?" Natsu asked. "Yes they did. On if you would pee your pants or not when you saw us." Yuki said. "So, who should go first. You or us?" I asked.

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