bad days

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    One minute everyone was at home a sleep. But the next thing they knew, they were all slowly waking up in a classroom. Everyone looked just as confused as the next.

"Does anyone know where we are? Or how i got here?" A girl with black hair cut to her sholders and piercing green eyes askes

"Im not sure. I shouldnt be here either." Another girl says. This time it was a girl with long wavey brown hair.

Then the speaks make a noise and a face appers on the tv screen. Everyone was shocked to see that it looked like a small stuffed bear.

"Hohoho hello everybody. My names monokuma! Ill answer all your questions in the gym!"

Then the tv shut off. Everyone looked at each other.

"What is this? Some kinda joke? I dont have time sit around in some fuckin school with people i dont know!" A guy with blonde hair and a spiked leather jacket.

"I say we just go to the gym. Hear what he says. By the looks of things we have no other choise. The windows are blocked." The same black haired girl from earlier says.

Everyone looks around to see that she was right. All the windows had metal overthem with huge bolds holding them to the walls. They also noticed the weird yellow security camra with the same stuffed bears face on it. 

"I guess we have no choice..." A small looking white haired boy piped up. He couldnt have been taller then 5'4 and maybe was 100 pounds.

They all nodded and slowly made their way to the gym.

When they got their the same bear from the tv jumped up on he stage.

"Hello everybody! So nice to see everyone!"

"Just tell us where we are and what youre planning?!" The spiked jacket boy yelled

"Oh. Stephen calvin. Nice to see you still have your loud attitude."

"How do you know my name!"

"I know everyones name. And everything about you! But that doesnt matter! Im here to tell you why youre here! You see, youre trapped here and theres no escape!"

"No escape?! Youre keeping us captive!?" Two people said at almost the same time. They looked like twins.

"Exactly! But i lied! There is one way to escape! And thats to graduaateeee~"

"And how do we graduate?" It was a girl with bright red hair and a oddly blank expression for the situation at hand.

"Good question! The only way to graduate is murder! You have to kill one of your classmates and get away with it! If you dont get away with it you'll be punished!"

"Punished? Can you elaborate more on this please?" The short black haired girl spoke again.

"Sorry. No can do. Also, i should warn you, any sort of violence against the headmaster, huhuhu that's me, is strictly prohibited! Break the rule and you will be punished!"

"Any other rules we should know?"

"Nope! I make them up as i go! Now! I have some buisness to attend to! Get comfy with each other. Your basically family now!"

And with that, he disapeared. Everyone looked around at each other before  the black haired girl started to speak.

"I guess were stuck with each other for awhile. Before we go around looking for a way to escape, we should all introduce ourselves and our ultimates. That way we all know who were dealing with and trust each other a little bit."

"Yeah. Sounds like a solid plan." A purple haired boy spoke up from the back. "Ill go first, my names Isaac diez. Im the ultimate gang leader."

The small white haired boy from before went next.
"Im travis dacosbane. Im the ultimate comic relief! As lame as that might sound..."

The short haired girl smiled "im Saydlie addams. The ultimate gothic idol"

"Im judas lennon"
"And im judith lennon, were the ultimate twins"

"Im stephen calvin, the ultimate illusionist." He put his arm on top of another slightly shorter blonde boy "and this is my brother james calvin. The ultimate yandere."

"Im erika zion. Ultimate assasin" she had dark brown hair, almost black and had a distinct look to her. Kinda like a normal punk like teenager. Nothing like and assassin.

"Anna Akai. Ultimate mediam." She was the bright red haired girl.

"Miles Roman, im the ultimate skater. That right there is my twin brother ashton roman. Hes the ultimate adaptation"

"Im cater wolfsbaine. The ultimate dog trainer! Though, my dogs not with me any more..i really hope hes okay"

"Sammy stardust. Weird last name i know. But im the ultimate journalist. "

"Ashlon jay summers! And im the ultimate tsudere! I dont need no man to help me through life!"

Everyone looked around. They all knew each other now. They knew their ultimates.

"Can we all agree that we wont kill anybody?" Saydlie asked, looking around at everyone.

Everyone nodded. A agreed out loud.

"Good. Now that thats out of the way. We need to lay down some rules of our own to ensure safety. Does that sound fair."

Once again, a round of nods.

"Good" saydlie smiled, "first things first, we always travel in groups of 3. And no sibling."

"Why 3 people? Isnt it normally 2?" Travis asked quietly.

"And why no siblings? If you seperate me and judith you take away our ultimate!" Judas half yelled.

"I chose 3 people because if theres only 2, it would make it easy for someone to kill another. And i chose no siblings because it would be too easy for siblings to work together and kill the 3rd party. None of us no each other that well and until later im not sure who to trust. Im sure you feel the same." Saydlie still had the same smile on her face. Yet it some how seemed more threatening.

"Oh. Thats smart." Sammy said. Her fingers where on her chin as if she where thinking deeply, "that would potentially stop a killing from happening because youd have a third person that would be a witness."

"Exactly. So can everyone agree that thats a good rule?"

Everyone agreed.

"Second rule. If you find something that can lead to an escape, or have an idea on how to escape, tell everyone. We all want tonget out of here just as bad as the next person. It wouldnt be fair for only a few to escape."

Once again, everyone agreed.

"Okay, ill pick the groups on who i think will work with each other. If you have a problem with someone in your group let me know" saydlie paused and rolled her eyes "god i sound like a teacher."

A few people laughed. Others smiled. And saydlie was just happy that she made the happy, even in a situation like this.

"Okay. So me sammy and ashton will be a group. Travis, stephen, and anna. Isaac, Erika, and miles. Carter ashlon and james. And Judith and judas will be the only two people group since their ultimate would be broken if the where separated. Does that work out for everyone?"

Everyone agreed and so the set out on their jurney to explore the school and find a way to escape.

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