Chapter 11

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A new day began . Ashia returned back from his mission Zen asked him to do . Zenia walked out of her room as her security guards carried her luggage following her . She was finely dressed . Her blonde hair curls fell ok her shoulders . Eyes sparkled . She knew she was leaving half heartedly. As she walked down the stairs Zen waited her standing right in the middle of tge bright red carpet on the floor to see her off . She stepped down from the last stair and smiled sheepishly .

"You sure you have to go ?"

"Yes of course . I wouldn't if Mama wasn't ill. She wants me to be beside her and Riyo is still a child ."

"I understand. Take care of yourself and of Aunt's health as well . Keep coming . "

"Sure . " She smiled . "I think I must leave , it's better to avoid the nightfall on a journey "

"Yes " He raised his hand and one of the servants brought some gifts Zen arranged to be sent along with her to Abhara . Alisha stood on the other side of the hall dressed in floral magenta pink gown . A diamond bracelet shining in her right hand . She was looking gorgeous . She was baffled in thoughts as she didn't understand what to speak with departing Zenia .

"Alisha you won't bid Zenia farewell ? " She gulped down saliva in tension . His commanding voice brought goosebumps on her skin .

"I ...I will certainly . " She walked upto her . " See you soon Zenia . It was short but I had an amazing time with you "

"Haha ... are you sure ? I just gave you more trouble and nothing more !"

"Eh ? It's not quite that way .... I really do respect you Zenia . "

"I know . You have taught me something I never learnt all through my life . I'm sorry for not accepting you but I don't think anyone would have been better than you for Zen so take good care of him alright ? Or else I'll never forgive you "

"I... I will . Don't worry about it " She says firmly amd Zenia let's out a chuckle .

"I believe ya !"

"Forget it its the opposite way actually with the way she is I doubt she will take care of me instead I should be the one taking care of her " He sighs .

"Haan ! That's so mean ! What do you mean with the way she is ? Elaborate ..."

"Alright you two can fight about it later . I have to leave . Thanks for everything . It was a nice break fir me from my usual schedule . Tell Erwin I said Hi if he happens to come any time soon ."

"Sure will do . " Zen assures . Zenia left as she very well knew that if she stayed facing them any longer she would burst up in tears . Zen's cloak fluttered as he stood with Alisha at the palace entrance .

"Well better get back to my work now " He says turning behind but Alisha blocks his way .

"Not before you explain yourself "

"What ? Don't east my time I have better work to do "

"I knew it you would change back to your usual self so all that talk last night was just a drama ?"

"Probably ! You must never trust anyone you know . Glad you learnt your lesson now let me go . " He says frustratingly .

"What the ? What do I mean to you then ? "

"I don't know . I can leave you and find plenty of other girls you know any purple headed girl is also fine . It's not that big of a deal for me " He moves poking her forehead .

"That's surprisingly sad . It's such an awful thing to do amd strange coming from a person who abolished stuff he seems inappropriate " A strong voice said behind Zen and Alisha .

"Erwin ? " Zen murmured and turned back . "It is you !"

"Hey there ! Long time no see buddy " He waved at him with a smile .

"After so many years! Glad to see you again ." They share a friendly hug . Erwin was of the same height as Zen . Bright jet black eyes and black silky hair falling onto his shoulders . He was fair and handsome almost the same age as Zen . His dress was formal Dark blue pants and Olive green Shirt .

"So how do I look ? Say there is no one handsome than me is there ? "

"You look perfect nothings changed about you except that your hair have grown what's that a new style? "

"Yeah you can say that but I'll cut them short if you say . You have always been my critic " He grinned .Erwin was very concerned of his looks and stylish . He always wanted to look cool and would always rely on Zen's opinion . They slap each others palms and bump fists something they did whenever they met . Alisha blinked at their sudden gesture .

"They must be really close " She said to herself .

"Oh yes meet Alisha . Alisha this is Erwin king of Edolas I know he doesn't look like one but he is . "

"Oh ... you are .. I'm sorry I didn't notice you . I have heard a lot about you . It's indeed my pleasure to meet you My lady " He slightly bows as she blushes .

"Nice meeting you too . " She smiled .

"Well let's go to my work room and talk there I do have a lot of stuff t tell you "

"I'm here to listen . " Neil takes care to arrange a room for Erwin and his bodyguards . His stuff were shifted in his room .

"Neil make sure Alisha attends her classes properly "

"Yes Sir !"

Showing off in front of his friend how annoying !!

"I know your eyes are extraordinary but hey ! Where in the world did you find her? " He asks walking along with him .

"Lauderdale. .nowhere special ."

"Ah does that mean I'll find someone like her if I visit lauderdale ? I never knew there are pretty girls like her "

"Haha ... I doubt you will find someone like her . She is a rarity! I'm glad you like her. I would doubt my decision if you disliked her "

"What ? Come on ! Look at your face it tells me how much YOU like her there is no way you would let leave her " Zen turned red at his statement .

"N... no way it's nothing like that !"

"Yes way it's all making sense to me now You haven't changed a bit but there is a slight change in the way you speak now "

"What rubbish I don't believe you . There is nothing different about me " They kept walking .

"That won't change anything you know ! Now you are more friendly and soft may be atleast you look at me when you talk I'm so glad I don't feel like a stranger anymore "

"What are you talking about ? You aren't making any sense anyways wish you came a little earlier you might as well had met Zenia "

"Ah so she was here ! Oh yes yes that girl had a crush on you so didn't she have any issues with My lady ?"

"You know about it ? Well don't ask me what happened I had tough time dealing with things anyways I'm glad everything is normal now" He let's out a sigh as Erwin laughs .

"Alright . " They reminisce their childhood days and talk a bit their ongoing lives . Ofcourse he forced Zen to narrate the story of how he met Alisha .


Meanwhile Alisha is busy making notes for her previous lesson as Neil reads the newspaper .

"So what kind of person is Erwin ? Zen has never spoke to me about him before I think I must know since they appear to be so close " She says shutting her book and keeping the pencil inside it .

"Well they are close and he is the only friend His Majesty seems to get along well . Lord Erwin is tge king of Edolas . It's a small kingdom found by Sir Erwin himself . "

"Oh yes I have read about him in books . He must really be very talented then "

"Indeed he is My lady . " He straightens his glasses

"If he is Zen's best friend then why did he leave Isla then ? Was he from some other place ?" Alisha enquired with curiosity om her slarklimg Emerald blue eyes and many other questions swirling inside her brain . Her query was followed by a moment of silence . Neil was lost in thought for a moment as if he didn't knew how to answer her . Erwin was more like a brother to Zen but his presence would remind him of her , as they both had spent cherished memorable time with her . Neil was afraid if Zen would suffer from another panic attack .

"Neil ! Neil ! " Alisha waves her hand before his eyes standing in front of him . He snaps and looks confused .

"What's wrong with you ? What were you thinking ? "

"Oh .. I apologise My lady ! I was ... just thinking about someone . "

"Someone ? Who is that ?"

"Umm. .. nobody special . Well I think I mst leave please finish your work ma'am "

"Wait you can just leave I want to know who that person is ? Honestly I find it hard to believe that you even think of someone except for Zen ...hahaha " She best into a laughter but covers her mouth with her palm as Neil gives her a blank expression .

"I'll tell you once you finish the assignment I have given yu to complete . Well then please excuse me " He bows slightly and leaves the room holding a file to his left .

"Assignment ? Like I would do that ! Neil knows the best way to make me stop bothering him anyways I think I'll go out in the gardens " She says and heads towards the garden . The maids greet her on her way . She sits on the bench to watch the waters .

"Hey Princess !" Erwin calls her from the other end .

"Erwin ! Oh Hi ..." She smiles confusingly wondering what he was doing in the gardens .

"Mind if I sit here ?"

"No problem at all . " Erwin sits to her right on another bench .

"Thanks ! Woah what's this ? It wasn't there last time I came here ." He exclaims looking at the River pool not that big in size .

"Oh this was built recently . One day I sneaked out to watch the river and Zen found out from then on he warned me not to leave the palace for such things . He is a complete weirdo what's wrong in playing around river I like watching the waters but he doesn't seem to enjoy such things and he made me an artificial one here so that I don't pester him to go out . Huh... " She sighs her long eyelashes bowing down .

"Sounds rough to me but also exactly how Zen is . It can't be helped it's just the way he is . He could be stubborn at times but he sure cares I'm sure you know it by now "

"Hmmm... Yeah may be . "

"So do you spend here most of your time admiring the nature ? "

"Kinda yes as Zen is busy all the time and same goes for Neil . Me amd Ashia would play games for sometime but it seems he also works for Zen mostly . Reesha and the others share their stories with me and that's how my days pass here . Anyways you dress pretty simple for a king ?"

"Well I just want to avoid attention that's all haha ..."

"I see. Zen's attire is so elegant I mean he dresses up so much "

"He has to . Its the same for any king. "

"I guess so .. Neil refused to tell me about you but I would live to know about you !"

"Ah is that so .. well there is nothing special about me . I know Zen from when we were kids and it was later that I became king of Edolas and left Isla . "

" So does that mean you aren't from here?"

"You can say that . My history is long you would probably get bored ummm ... but .. I'll try to make it short . I belonged to a small village nearby Isla which is now called Edolas . It was never a part of Isla and it didn't have a ruler as well. So I took up the opportunity and worked on to improve my homeland . I came here 7 years ago to find work and met Zen as my work related to the palace days passed and we got to know each other better and before we kew we were more than best friends to each other . Well that's my story " He said rubbing the back of his head .

" Wow ! So sweet . You are very warm hearted person . I'm so glad meeting you "

"Oh you think so ? Thanks !!"

I don't know why but I feel he and I share something common . A familiar yet an unpleasant vibe . Something that wants me accept he isn't a stranger though I have never met him before .

Just then they are interrupted when Zen approaches them along with Neil . The sky changed it's hue and the sun began to set . The maids came with tea . They all sat on the white tea table .

"So what were you both busy talking in my absence ?" Zen questioned taking a sip of the tea

"Just working on how to steal her from you " He winked .

"Wow ! Did that work ?"

"It's under progress ..." Zen laughed .

"Well wish you good luck then ." Alisha smiled . She was happy to see Zen smile and laugh . He enjoyed Erwin's company . Her heart was at ease . They chatted for sometime and headed for dinner . The Dinner was extravagant to celebrate Erwin's arrival . Zen reveals that he has decided on the date for their engagement . He wanted it to be soon before Erwin leaves since he didn't plan on staying long .

"Oh so it's finally done ! Phew .." Alisha exclaims and lifts her glass of water to drink

"Woah you seem awfully insensitive to the engagement topic Miss."

"What do you expect ? I ask him every single day you know you won't understand how it is to stay with man who is a complete stranger "

"The way you treat me I doubt that's the case . I'm going to be your husband Ofcourse "

"Oh yes I wonder when I'll be able to call you that " She rolls her eyes .

"My my ! I'm stunned how close you two have become "

"Not really ! "They both say together glancing at each other . Erwin let's out a chuckle . With Alisha and Zen meals are always noisy even in the presence of a guest . The palace was dark except for the lights from the chimney in the corridor . Alisha let her hair lose and took out the comb from the drawer admiring herself in the mirror . One stroke down her long hair and she winced in pain . Something scratched her neck . She checked the comb there was nothing but when she moved her hair away from her neck there was a long open scratch blood dripping from it .

"Oh My God ! What's this ? There is nothing in the comb so how come ....Ah. ."Zen was passing around her room and thought to check on her . He slightly pushed the door open only to find the bed empty . He then shifted his gaze to his left and found Alisha . She didn't want him to know so just pretended to smooth her hair .

"You are still awake ? "

"Ye.. Yeah. .. I was just about to go to bed . "

He will just make an issue !, no matter what I have to hide it until it disappears though it's hurting I have to endure there is no choice .

"Why do you have to endure ? Are you insane?" Zen frowned. Noticing Alisha's shaky movements he realised something wasn't right . So he read her mind .

"Damn it using that thing now I should have known !"

He moved her hair only to find the wound . Eyes widen .

"How did it happen ?"

"I was just combing my hair and I don't know how ... may be there was something sharp stuck in my hair or the comb " She says looking at the comb kept on the dressing table .

"Whatever it is it shouldn't get worse . I'll get some medicine "

"No its alright I can heal myself no big deal and it's just a scratch " She quickly keeps her palm on the wound and heals it .

"How can you hurt yourself like that be a little careful will you ?"

"If I can grab your attention then may be I'll hurt myself everyday Zen "

"What ! I don't like the cheerful expression you are making and if this was your act then you will lose my attention forever . Anyways I'm going . Good night . "

"Good night !" Alisha blushes smiling to herself .

Diverting Zen's attention is easy but I know for a fact this is someone's deal . They will pay for what they did .

She moves out of her room to check for some evidence . To know the person who is after her . She felt she was being warned . Winds blew hard . Holding a lamp with her she made her way. everyone were fast asleep . There was nobody around . She checked around the dining room , the living hall , the audience chamber but couldnt find anything suspicious .

"I think I'm just sweating over nothing may be I should easy up a bit but that was scary it was something what I read in folk tales how people get kidnapped and are tortured . evil spirits are responsible for such cuts they disturb humans as they are envious of our freedom !! No I mustn't let it happen I need to get rid of these scary thoughts . " She slaps her cheeks and begins to move but the flame in her lamp goes off. Scary noises fill her ears . tensed and scared she bumps into a wide muscular back . She is about to scream but Erwin covers her mouth .

'Shshshshshshshhhhhh....... its me " Erwin whispers . He lights the lamp and Alisha breathes out.

"GOSH you scared me !" She gasps .

"Sorry about that anyways what were you doing this late at night. "

"Nothing just roaming around . I must go . Good Night " She lifts her peach colour nightgown and walks ahead but Erwin calls her .

"Listen ! Do you happen to know ...." He stops . Drops of sweat covers his forehead .


"It's nothing ... g..good night ..."

Alisha was baffled . Erwin waits for her to go back but she hides behind the huge cylindrical pillar without his notice . She heard the clinking noises before she bumped into Erwin . They were coming from the room where once classified documents and research projects were safely kept. It was forbidden for anyone to enter it except for Zen . A new room was built for the classified information to be kept secretly and safely . Nobody knew where it was except for Neil who once told Alisha about it .

" I really don't want to doubt Erwin but what exactly was he doing near that room this late and his behavior was too suspicious . What was he upto ? Also the vibes I'm getting from him are not pleasant . What the hell is going on ? The clinking noise of the lock there is no mistake he locked it was he checking something privately ? Though I couldn't see but I definitely know it is the library and also it's one of the oldest locks in the palace if what Reesha told me was correct . Wait ..what if he wanted to know the new location of that room ? I should do something !

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