Chapter 11

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It's 6 a.m. and I've been up for almost an hour. Percy is still fast asleep and that old lady's words are on replay in my mind. Does she think that or was she just being nice?

I've been turning all night and just couldn't fall asleep. I'm going to lose my hair.

A knock at the door startles me, I quickly walk up to the door and find a bunch of pink tulips in a vase with a notecard sticking out between them. I turn my head to see who could have left these here. I see a man walking toward the elevator at the end of the hall.

"Hey," I shout causing the man to turn around. "Do you know who left these for me?"

"I was just asked to deliver them, sorry."

I give a nod and pick up the flowers walking into the room and placing them on my bedside table. I take out the card "I'm sorry" written on the front. I turn it around to read the back.

"I know I messed up by not telling you but please let me explain... I'll buy you breakfast."

- Grayson

I can't help but smile at the note and the flowers. I put the card on the table and pick up my phone. Going into Grayson's messages for the first time since what happened.

Natalie: I want waffles if we're going for breakfast.

Almost instantly I get a reply.

Grayson: Why are you up so early?

Natalie: I couldn't sleep anymore.

Grayson: Sorry to hear that. Can I pick you up at 8?

Natalie: Sure see you soon.

I put my phone on the bedside table and walk over to Percy. I poke him, trying to wake him.

"Percy..." I poke him again only this time he grabs my arm towards him making me fall onto the bed. His eyes shoot open and he looks at me. "Hi there..." I whisper with a grin trying to hold in my laughter. He sits upright and I slowly get off of the bed.

"I um... I just wanted to say I'm going somewhere, but I'll see you later." He looks at me with tired eyes, giving me a nod before throwing the covers over his head as he lays down again.


I finish getting ready and waiting on my bed for Grayson to show. I feel anxious as the minutes pass by. Fear for what he might say or what could happen next.

Not long after my sudden hit of panic I hear a knock at the door. Wasting no time I quickly make my way over.

The door flies open with a pull and I'm once again greeted by Grayson's golden honey eyes.

He gives me a wide smile showing off his perfect teeth "You ready?"

"Yeah let's go." I smile at him back.


We both take a seat at the table in the corner of a small coffee shop just next to the hotel. Placed our orders as she sets down our coffees.

"So..." I awkwardly drag out stirring my cappuccino.

"So..." He retaliates.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all." I snort. Making him laugh in the process.

"Let's start from the beginning I guess," I suggest. He takes a sip from his coffee "Well, I met Isabella a few years ago. At the same campsite, we were actually."

"Oh, so you did take her to the spot." I let out a giggle.

"No okay, I didn't. Only you." He looks up and realizes "Oh... you were kidding." I give him a nod as my lips turn into a thin line.

"Anyways, we met and hit it off. Well until Winter messed it up. She made it look like some random guy spiked her drink, but I wasn't around to help that time. I was still on my way when it already happened. I just remember getting the call... Her telling me something doesn't feel right and I was still 10 minutes away."

"But what about Winter's explanation or Isabella after that?" I ask. Our food just arrived and I instantly dug into my chocolate and banana waffles.

"Isabella never talked to me again because she thinks I chose my so-called 'friends' above her. I didn't by the way, I chose her that's what the fight was about. I chose her over them. Winter convinced me that I shouldn't have put so much faith into a girl I barely knew, but I did. I told her that I just needed some time and I guess she had another talk with Winter and she left."

"So what now?" I ask concerned, his brows furrow in confusion.

"I tried talking to her the other day, but it didn't work, she just ignored me... I even went to get my stuff in the hotel room I was sharing with Matthew. I just left, I don't want them in my life anymore." He puts his head in his hands.

That's the moment I knew it "You still care about her, don't you?" He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "I don't think I ever stopped." He quickly swipes at his eyes before anyone can see them. "What if I could help you get her back?" I suggest.

He sits up straight "That's not possible. It would be easier to just leave it." I let out a sigh. "Don't you think it's worth a shot to just try and get her back?" He shrugs. "I don't know..." He replies. A short silence falls between us. "What about you and Percy?"

"What?" My eyes grow wide "We're just-

"Just friends yeah I've heard it before."

"Exactly," I say not sure if I should even smile, but do out of nervousness.

"Don't get me wrong he is like... wow, but he's the golden boy who's mostly just a pain in my ass that I've known for a very and I mean a very long time."

We laugh as we continue with our breakfast. I look at Grayson. "So... I have a plan." He drops his fork "No." He replies curtly, I give him a sly smile "Oh come on, it isn't bad. But first of all, I need to know. Are you in?" I reach out my hand for him to shake and with no words, he slowly shakes my hand.

"We're going to get you, your girl back."

"And how will be doing that?"

"I have no idea," I say proudly.

"You just said-

"I know what I said I just didn't think you'd agree so I haven't thought so far about it." He slaps his palm against his forehead.

"I'll figure it out," I say sinking deeper into my seat


We take a stroll towards the beach and that's when I spot it. The bright yellow flyer. I grab it off of the wall and read it "Tag team survivor. 5 days of fun."

I throw my hand in the air "Yes! Grayson this is the perfect opportunity." I look through the entire flyer and make sure about every detail.

"This is tag team survivor. Meaning two people in one team... working together... for 5 days straight."

"Are you sure?" He rubs the back of his neck "Yes come on let's go sign up."

I sign up for all four of us. Mine, Grayson, Percy and Isabella. The sheet still doesn't have any other names on it so this could work out.

"This can work out right?" He looks at me in disbelief. "It's your idea!" he says shrugging his shoulders.

"I know but I still need some form of 'you got it dude'" He lifts two thumbs.

"Here's the plan. I tell Isabella and you go tell Percy."

"Sure because my buddy Percy listens to me." Sarcasm dripped from every word. "Would you rather go talk to Isabella?"

There is a short silence "Percy it is." He walks off in the direction of the hotel leaving me to go to the café where Isabella works.

I walk over to the café and open the door my eyes scanning for Isabella. She walks out of the kitchen with an order. I walk towards her as she puts it down.

"Hey, Isabella can I talk with you for a second." I awkwardly shift from one foot to the other.

She smiles at me "Yeah, sure it's time for my break anyway."

I follow her towards the kitchen through the back entrance and take a seat next to her. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"I was wondering if you'd do this survivor thingy with me..."

"I saw the sign-up for that. It looks like fun." She says with bright eyes.


"That's a yes." She laughs.

"Okay great. It starts tomorrow and it's 5 days long and I already signed you up." I stand up from my seat. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, I leave. That went better than expected. I think to myself.

I make my way back to the hotel. My phone rings in my pocket. And I quickly grab it.


"Hey, so I talked to Percy."


"Well, I think you should ask him because I just got the door slammed in my face." I burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah okay. I'll do that. Isabella agreed so I'll see you two tomorrow."

We end the call just as I enter the hotel. I take the elevator up to our floor and quickly make my way to the door.

I take a seat on the bed as the bathroom door flies open. I look over to a naked Percy. My first reaction is to scream. I startle him to the point of running back into the bathroom. Not even 30 seconds later. I close my eyes and hear the door open.

"My eyes are burning. Is it safe to open them now?"

"Umm, yes?"

"Why for the love of all things innocent would you walk around butt naked."

"I didn't think you were going to be back now."

"Wait you do this every single day?" His face becomes red. "Well, that's just beautiful."

"I have a favour to ask."

"No, you can't see it again." He chuckles to himself.

"First of all not where I was going and second you owe me so now you're going to do that survivor challenge with me that starts tomorrow."

His mouth falls open. "So you sent Grayson up here to ask me. I was wondering why he was so set on it." I smile at him "I know, but please." I give him the best puppy dog eyes I could. He sighs and I knew I had him.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I run up and hug him. His body radiates heat. "Can you let me go now before we have another embarrassing moment?"

I lift my brow in confusion before it hits me "Oh, sorry... my bad. I'm just going to read and not think about that." He erupts into a fit of laughter.

I flop onto my bed pulling out the copy of the great Gatsby he got me and start reading.

Not long after I feel my eyes growing heavier as the words start blurring.


My phone buzzes on the bedside table, waking me from my midday nap. I grab it and see a message from Percy.

Percy: Can you please wake up and explain to me why this book is so fascinating to you?

Natalie: It was a good book.

Percy: It's just so...Tragic.

Natalie: Yet it's still good.

Percy: We're going to talk about this now. Come to the café next to the hotel.

Natalie: Now?

Percy: No yesterday. Yes now.

I get up not even bothering to see if I look presentable and walk towards the door. Walking straight into the bed I hiss in pain at my small toe that hit the bed. I put on my shoes and make my way down to the café.


My eyes search the room until they land on his golden head of hair. I make my way over to the corner table and sit opposite him. The book slowly made its way down from his face.

"So what do you think about it so far?"

His eyebrow shoots up almost like an act of 'are you kidding me.

"This is so depressing." My mouth falls open almost hitting the ground on the way down.

"But it's beautiful." He laughs at my comment. "It isn't."

"It shows the pain of love," I explain. "No, it just shows people with toxic traits." He retaliates.

"Okay... you're entitled to your own wrong opinion." I cross my arms as a waiter walks by. I order a coffee and he walks away "It does have some beautiful pieces and quotes in it, even if it's pretty dark."

I nod at his statement. "Oh come on, don't be mad. I still like it. And either way, it's still to each their own you know. And it's not like I've finished it."

"Yeah... I know." I look down at my lap playing with my hands.

"So why did you like it?" I look up at him "I just saw it in a different light. Some sentences just resonated with me at the time."

"Which ones?"

"There's a lot." I giggle to myself thinking of all the quotes I could say from the tip of my tongue. He looks away probably not expecting an answer.

I felt the words just slip off of my tongue "I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love all his looks and all his actions, and him entirely and altogether."

He looks at me in shock "Wow you know that by heart?"

A blush creeps onto my cheeks "Yeah I've been thinking about it for a while. It was absolute raw emotion."

"I'll give it a second opinion. When I finished it." He says as a warm smile forms on his face. The motion made my face get warmer.

"So what's your favourite Gatsby quote?" I sip on the coffee that just arrived.

"Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss."

"Now that is true." I let out a laugh.

Sometimes you wonder why someone falls in love with someone and sometimes it's hard to understand, but sometimes it's known by what they remember from books or life. Just a tiny detail that gives you that little bit of hope that someone was just meant for you... and now I'm sitting here questioning my sanity. Am I falling for my best friend?

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