Babysitter-Ben Hargreeves☔

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This morning wasn't as bright and good as I expected it to be. It was a really cold and rainy day, the windows were mostly covered by the cold fog and it would be impossible to go to the park today with my family. Not to mention I was getting a bit sick and I begged Ben to not take care of me but our baby since it is a special day.

Today is Ben's birthday and despite him loving his siblings very much, he decided to spend today with me, I got a call from my work and took the day off. Even if I am sick there is no way I would miss his birthday.

I put on some warm comfortable clothing and began walking over and peeked into the living room where I saw Ben with our child. The baby giggled as Ben began to make some silly faces and the baby began pulling onto his short hair.

I let out a laugh which made Ben look over to my way and he quickly put on some cartoons and came to hug me. "About time you woke up, sleepy head." Ben said he used on me since we met, since I would always sleep on him.

"I had to. It is pretty chilly in here." I said hugging myself.

"Oh right." Ben walked over and turned the radiator on and the room slowly began to heat up, Ben sat over on the couch and patted the empty space.

I faked a cough and shook my head. "I'll get you guys sick, I'll stay right here." I suggested and saw my boyfriend pout.

"...Today's weather is nice.." he slowly said looking out the window. He did always enjoy the cold rainy weather.

"Yeah it is." I played along.

"I wonder if today's a special day."

Now I was feeling bad. He thinks I forgot his birthday but I have a surprise for him and I am not giving up on that small plan I have. " know they called me from work.." I began putting my coat on and scarf.

Ben looked at me worried and upset. "Really? But you're sick, can't you tell your boss that you can't go today?"

I turned over and give him a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry Ben."

Ben stayed quiet and it became a bit uncomfortable. He nodded his head and reached over to carry our baby, he walked past me and into the baby's nursery room. Not once has he been like this to me.

I feel bad for lying to him like this.

I tied my winter boots and left the apartment building. I went over to the nearest grocery store, got a few chips, pretzels, sodas, popcorn and any other junk food Ben likes to eat. I held those bags in my hand while I went to the book store and got the most recent book from Ben's favorite author.

I got him from from this author he likes including another book from H.P Lovecraft and Stephen King. He will for sure love these books.

As quickly as I could, I walked into the bakery and picked up the chocolate cake I ordered for my boyfriend's birthday. My hands were full but I managed by buy some balloons too and a romantic comedy film for us to watch tonight.

Slowly it was beginning to snow and lucky me I arrived to my small home on time. The apartment was quiet and I tried my best to organize everything before Ben would come out and see all of this I got.

I threw the bags by a corner and poured the different kind of junk foods into some bowls, placed the cake carefully down on the table and tied down the seven balloons I got for him.

"Say it one more time!" I heard Ben excitedly shout.

This made me curious so I stepped closer to the nursery and it was slightly open. Ben had stood up and looked at our baby standing up on the crib and smiling up at him, "-D-Daddy!"

Ben began freaking out and I tried my best to not laugh at his childish behavior. I walked into the room, as soon as I did Ben ran to my side as if he forgot he was upset with me and grabbed (baby/name).

"(Y/N)! You won't believe what they just said-"

"Daddy." Ben had the brightest smile and began moving the baby up and down making them giggle. "Aww Ben you must feel so special." I smiled and saw a small tear escape from his eye.

"Ben..I'm sorry I treated you the way I did earlier but..I hope you forgive me and enjoy what I did." I grabbed his arm and we went into the living room and I stood in front of the cake and held up with it's candles lit up."Happy birthday Ben."

Ben blew out the candles and smiled at me. "You didn't have to do this, sleepy head..thank you." Ben leaned over and gave me a small kiss.With my index finger I swiped a bit of the cakes frosting and placed some on Ben's nose and on our baby. Ben placed our baby down the carpet and crawled over to place with the stuffed animals.

"Oh and I grabbed these for you too." Ben stopped cutting the cake and looked back to me. I held the three books to him and he looked at the titles, he began to jump slightly on his spot and without warning he almost tumbled me overBen was very happy and we stuffed our faces with all the things I had bought.

As a romantic dinner all we ordered were two pizzas with a few hot wings as we laid down on the couch and watched this movie titled Love, Actually.The baby was sleeping in the nursery while the both of us were trying our best to not cry as the movie was coming to an end.

"Thanks for today, (Y/N). This has to be the best birthday i've had so was mostly because someone finally called me daddy." He smirked and I hit his shoulder.

"Don't rub it on my face..I am happy that was their first word though, it was sweet seeing you both so happy." Ben reached over to me and wrapped his arms around me and he rested his head on my shoulder. "This is all I need to be happy."

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