Break Up-Five Hargreeves☔

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The day was just beginning and everything was going as usual, thing is the entire family would be arriving in a couple of hours since Allison said it would be nice to have a proper dinner for once.

I wasn't too fond of the idea because that meant everyone would be here including Five. He always criticized how dad was such an asshole to us and never listening to anyone else, well he became just like that.


"We need a break."

I almost choked on my drink and stared at Five who was sitting opposite from me, he said he wanted to read in silence and came here to keep me company..or that's what i thought.

"What do you mean, Five?"

He closed his book and stared at me coldly. "I'm breaking up with you." I glared at the serious looking teen and I threw my glass of water at him and stormed out.


Ever since I did that he hasnt spoken to me and we would constantly avoid each other if we were in a same room together. I heard someone snapping their fingers and I turned around and saw it was Allison.

"Concentrate (Y/N), we need to prepare the meal before everyone arrives."

Allison began to get all the materials we needed. "But its barely even noon." Vanya added confused as I was.

"That may be true but it's better to start things early than late. Besides this is so we can all get along."

"I know what you're trying to do, Allison." I say and she stared at me surprised but shook her head and turned her back to Vanya and I.

"I have no idea what you mean."

Vanya moves her head disapproving since she agreed that this was Five and mines problem. Klaus was away with the rest of the guys buying the last remaining of groceries, because if they stayed here they would try to steal the food early on.

I began to cook some rice and Vanya confinued to stir the chicken. "This is smiling really good."

Just then the guys entered and I rolled my eyes when Five walked in with a couple of bags and Klaus reached over to grab a bottle of wine but Ben was quick and withdrew it from his hands.

"Quit being such an idiot." Ben told him and Diego agreeing with him.

"I'm starving." Luther said walking past us and over where Allison was standing finishing up her part of the meal.

She smacked his hands when he tried to fast the mashed potatoes "No touching the food. Now I need you guys to organize the table."

She cheerfully said and the guys groaned but began doing as told. "(Y/N)." Allison called my name and handed me the bowl with salad.

Allison nudged my shoulder and made me go to the table to start placing the dishes down. I gave her a nasty look and slowly went over to where the guys were.

They each started to talk about boy things and laughing at some jokes they shared and as usual Five was silent and looking at his brother like they were insane.

I quickly placed the bowl down and quickly left before either of them would noticed me. Dinner was done in no time and we were all joined together but it was going as .

Everyone was awfully quiet, an uncomfortable silence. "Thanks for this Allison, you really outdid yourself."

Allison smiled when Five complimented her cooking. "Thanks but I wish I could take credit. (Y/N) prepared that."

"Oh, really?" That sarcastic bastard. I dug my knife against the wooden table and kept my glare of him. Diego who was beside me seemed afraid at my sudden anger.

"Yes, really " I bitterly reply back and he crosses his arms.

"I'm surprised you could do such a simple task. " "you little shi-" Diego and Ben held me down when I began climbing the table.

Five seemed amused with himself while Klaus began laughing and the rest look at us disappointed.


Allison was very disappointed in my actions and I couldn't continue listening to her, so I walked outside to the back of the house to get some fresh air. I sat down and could hear everyone inside laughing and having a good time.

I frowned and stared up at the night sky. "Hey.." I looked away when I saw Five standing next to me. I tried to control my anger but I wanted to slap him so hard.

Five sat down next to me and stayed silent for a minute or two. " an asshole, alright? I'm sorry I said those words without giving you any reason-"

"What was the reason then?" I finally spoke and turned to him. Five stared at me and seemed to struggle to say something.

"I was afraid that I might put you in danger and hurt if I didn't came back from that mission for the commission. They couldn't secure if I would make it out alive, so I did what I thought would be right."

He looked away and I could see his eyes getting teary. "So, that's why you came all bloody the other day.."

Now I understood why he did that. I couldn't help it, so I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him and held his tight.

"I forgive you..."

Five hugged me back and kissed the side of my head and we stayed like that. Enjoying each other's company like we did back then.

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