Dating The Sparrow Academy

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Summary: imagine being a member of The Sparrow Academy and dating them.

(A/N: I just wanted to have fun write something on the other academy and kinds figure out how the characters will be like.)


Number 1/Marcus Hargreeves

*Marcus is confident as hell and you know it. It's so well to read him, he's a natural born leader and isn't afraid to tell anyone what has to be right.

*You'd say that he'd probably the most open minded of the family and is willing to listen to you or anyone if you need help.

*He's the easiest to get along with because of his charms, but soon you found out why he's always like that. He's a leader, number one, so his reputation shouldn't be ruined or that's what he says to himself.

*Reginald has always favored him because of his leadership and for always making the family stick together. He's the glue holding the family together.

*You and Marcus were always kind to each other, never missing out a mission and willing to help each other out without questions. After visiting Griddy's he decided to let his feelings out, told you how much you meant to him.

*You definitely didn't expect a confession all of the sudden since you were just joking around but nonetheless you accepted him and continue to cheer him on.

Number 2/Ben Hargreeves

*Ben and You didn't get along at first. So the only way to grab his attention was to be to continue training harder and trying to surpass him and Luther to b number 1.

*He would of course talk coldly towards you and would tell you that you could never beat him to try and win a spot as number one.

*You began to ignore the harsh words he would throw at you whenever he thought you'd make a mess on a mission or not follow orders well enough.

*Both of you wouldn't stop arguing every passing day. Reginald thought that it was enough and locked you both up to figure things out on your own.

*When you heard Ben say a few things like "I have to be number one" or "I can't disappoint him" was when you realized he was acting like this because he was afraid to let Reginald down.

*It was hard for you to admit it but you told him that you felt the same. You were also scared of Reginald but always did what he asked all of you to do.

*Your and Ben's relationship was a slow one, he made sure to take his time and truly assure himself that he indeed loves you. There was no harm in waiting so you did the same.

*Both of you are quite similar when it comes to personality, so you quickly get angered with each other, so for things to not get worse you take a day or two apart from being together.

*So far it has worked because whenever either of you need help you are always there for each other even if he can be tough at times. Though, he does promises to contending better and becoming number one.

Number 3/Fei Hargreeves

*Fei was always the quietest and most calculative one on the team. In fact, you thought that she was possibly a lot more smarter than Marcus.

*If things were to go messy on a mission, she would try to reason and negotiate with the enemy. If things don't go as planned then expect then expect her to do the unthinkable.

*You were always so curious about her powers. She would smirk and tell you to come closer whenever she'd with her flock of sparrows, she'd be extra careful so they won't hurt you.

*Fei wasn't dumb at all. She knew of your feelings for her way before you told her how you felt, she was beyond happy since she clearly felt the same. You were the only one who was truly invested in her.

*She would of course tease you about your height and hoe nervous and shy you still get when around her. She'll let everybody know not to mess with you.

Number 4/Alphonso Hargreeves

*Where should I start? Alphonso and You could never get along no matter what at first. You thought he was always annoying especially whenever he'd start with his wicked sense of humor snd berating the enemies.

*He would tease you about everything. About your height, the way you'd dress, the way you'd sometimes stutter when he'd say things like "You're cute when you get angry, it's a shame no guy will like you though because you're do quick to anger"

*You'd let him know exactly what you'd feel. You couldn't do much since he's stronger than you, so you would hide his favorite meals inside your own room or throw them out claiming they aren't healthy for him.

*Secretly you enjoyed watching him getting all angered up because in all honesty you found him extremely cute.

*The constant fighting between you both turned to flirting, well, more on his part.

"On one of your missions together you decided to help him clean up his wounds. That's when you decided to be the first to confess.

*He was surprised for sure. His first thought was that you deserve someone better looking. You let him know that his many scars didn't bother you one bit.

*From that second he became clingy to you. He would always make sure to protect you especially if any of his siblings of other people would flirt with you.

Number 5/Sloane Hargrevees

*From the very start you knew Sloane was different from the rest of the academy. She always under you the best and did you.

*You would be the only person she'd talk about, dream about what it would be like to travel the world, be happy and leave the academy behind to truly be happy with herself.

*She feels like she's always been tied down. She desperately wants to do things she loves, or even unexpected things that she'll soon appreciate.

*You can't do much on your own, so together you would secretly leave the academy and explode new placed around the city.

*Sloane and You didn't confess to each other, there was no need to. You both understood each other enough to let the other know how much you cared.

*The moment your relationship began you became inseparable, you promised to show her the world once you both weren't to be tied down to work. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her days with you.

Number 6/Jayme Hargrevees

*You would always try to be friends with her, to get close but she'd always be closed off and hidden under her hoodies.

*She's a loner like you, but unlike her you would talk to people and always be friendly to whoever you met since you know that outspoken people don't quite understand loners

*If anyone were to anger Jayme it would be the end for them. You realized that when you went out on a mission with her and the rest of the sparrows.

*In your opinion she's the smartest one in the room whenever your siblings will sometimes act like children. Jayme will put them in their place.

*Your relationship with her began when you offered her to buy her some coffee, on your way there you got her a gift which was a goodie you saw her eyeing.

*She absolutely loved it even though she would never say it out loud. From day one she wouldn't take it off, soon enough you realized she wouldnt talk to you was because she was nervous to day how she truly feels for you.

*Since then you two are always seen together and always do your best when being asked to join on more missions.

Number 7/Christopher

*He's a cube so I have no idea how a relationship would work....

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