say yes?

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Next day, now what, do I want to be his boyfriend or not? I was the one that told him I like him. Now there's Tommy, Amanda's super cute brother. If he's that cute he must have a girlfriend. I call Amanda. Ring, ring. What's up Ari. Well yesterday I saw the preview for your movie. Ya. There was a guy on your movie that I really liked. No, really who. I think you, he might even be related to you. Wait, Tommy really? Ya, he is so cute. I thought you were dating Hayes? Were not official, but he did just ask me to be his girlfriend. He needs an answer by tonight or he's finding someone ells. Ill ask him. Tommy! Ya, what's up. Do you have a girlfriend. No official yet. Really. There not official yet, but I think you and Hayes would make a really cute couple. You know, you are almost three years older then him, not that it really matters. Well I'll say yes to Hayes but if it doesn't work out, I'll think off my other options. OK, talk to you latter, by. By. Hayes come down here. Come with me. We go over to the Bay window and sit down. OK, what did you want to talk about? You are very special to me, I remember our first hangout/ non official date. We went to the willow tree and shared a story that I never told anyone else. So yes Hayes, I'll be your girlfriend! Great, so what happens now. We do this. I lean in and kiss him. Man do I like that. Then let's do it again. Nash walks in. Ewww, get over your self. Well its not like you and Amanda don't do that all the time. Oh Stop it! Don't get made at me because its true. Oh, whatever. You know it. Back at Tommy's house. What was that about, why did you want to know if I have a girlfriend, Tommy asks. Oh, its just that my friend Arianna saw you on TV and thinks your really cute, so she wasn't sour what guy to ask out. Really, then I would to meet this girl. Maybe latter today, I will see if she's busy. Ring, ring. I don't recognize this number, who is this. Hello? Hi Amanda, how are you. Shawn, is that you. Ya, can we hangout latter today, I really want need to talk to you. I don't know, you did heart my hart. Please. OK, but don't make me made or ells. OK, I'll try my best. Meet at the shack in ten. OK, I would love to, see you soon. BY. BY. By Tommy, going to meet Shawn at the shack, he wants to talk. OK, have fun. I arrive at the shack and get my self a Carmel iced coffee. Amanda. Hi, Shawn. He gives me a big hug. How are you? let's set down he tells me. So are you still dating Amber? No we broke up about a week ago. Really. How about you, are you dating someone. Ya, actually I am. Nash Grier. Really? we used to be friends but were not anymore. I was going to ask you if you wanted to get back together but I guess not. Got to go, by. Don't leave yet. Sorry, I'm late for sound check. OK, hang out latter this week?? Ya, maybe. By. OK, by. That was weird, I guess he's mad at me now. I just hope nothing happens to Nash, now I'm really scared. I call Ariana. Hi. Hi girl we really need to talk, sleepover at my house tonight? I'd like that, see you at seven. OK, by.

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