Chapter Eighteen: Premonitions

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Ahsoka flew the freighter through the far reaches of hyperspace, en route for Tatooine. She was only just beginning to realize the gravity of her situation, and of the decisions that she had made.

A tear streaked down her cheek. A quick wipe, and it was gone. “I’m a Jedi,” she muttered, trying to give herself a pep talk. “I shouldn’t be this prone to emotional meltdowns.”

But I am, she was reminded despairingly. Maybe this relationship with Lux was a bad idea. I’m too weak, my senses are dulled… and I’m so afraid. I need to be stronger. Suddenly a burst of anger overcame her. I HATE him for what he’s done to me.

Ahsoka shook herself, eyes wide. “Did I just think that?” She took a deep breath.

It’s already happening to me. Remember what Master Yoda says. ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads hate. Hate leads to suffering.’ I can’t be angry. If he’s chosen this path, then there’s nothing I can do, she thought.

Suddenly she realized how tired she was; it was making her stressed. “R3, you take control of the ship. I’m going to catch some shut-eye.”

The droid beeped an agreement, and she went to lie down on the pallet that she had had installed earlier that month. But she couldn’t sleep; she was too overtired after being up for over a full rotation, so she decided to meditate.

She sat up, cross-legged, and thought about her fears. Losing Lux, getting out of control, turning to the Dark Side, Barriss’s return… Barriss.

She saw a room full of mirrors. She saw two figures, locked in an epic battle. As her vision cleared, she realized that she was one of them. But the other, she didn’t know who it was. Then, as she focused on the face, she realized that it was a mask.

But it was one that she knew well. Barriss had stolen it from Asajj Ventress, and had been wearing it the night that she had been battling her. How would someone get ahold of the mask? Unless…

“You must face the past if you are to save the future…” whispered a voice. It was Anakin’s. “I know you can do it, Snips. I believe in you.”

“But I don’t believe in me. Master, where are you? Why can’t I see you? Master?” The fighting continued. Then Anakin Skywalker appeared, faintly glowing blue.

“You’ll find a way out of this, or I’ll see you again soon. But watch yourself. There is one amongst your Jedi who has already betrayed you, and is going to betray you again. You need to find them before they corner you. The future can always be changed, if you will it to.”

She reached out a hand to touch him, but couldn’t. Something stopped her. Anakin mirrored the gesture. She was inside one of the mirrors.

“Master! Anakin! Anakin!!” she cried. She banged at the glass, willing it to break. But then she caught sight of Barriss stabbing the Ahsoka in the fight, and suddenly blood was pouring from her stomach.

And all she saw was black.

When Ahsoka opened her eyes, she was lying on the pallet, curled around the imaginary stomach wound from her dream. Then she glanced over towards the doorframe, and saw… Barriss!

She fell off the pallet, scrambling to get up against the wall. But then her vision, blurred from sleep, cleared to reveal Chenai, who was simply wearing a hood that looked like one that Barriss would have worn.

“Chenai! Wha…? How are you… What on Coruscant are you…?” she stammered.

“Look. I know that you’re mad. I’m sorry about earlier, and it was foolish, but– um, no offence, but you look like you were just dragged in the dust behind a speeder for an hour.”

Ahsoka looked down at her attire, and realized that the girl was right. “Um, yeah. Right. I practically was.”

“The second we get to Tatooine, you’re getting cleaned up. No questions asked. And… you could really use a change of clothes.”

She sighed. “I know. Well, you get like this when you ran through the forest at I don’t know how many clicks an hour.”

“Then let’s get you cleaned up,” Chenai said, and got a wet cloth. 

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