Chapter Fifteen: Undoing/The Triangle's Price

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The commando droid pushed a button on some sort of transmitter attached to its lower arm, and a hologram materialized above it. A cloak and hood prevented her from seeing the face or any other identifying features. She wasn’t even sure if it was a male or a female.

“Greetings, Ahsoka Tano. As a respected rival in this… little game I have concocted, I thought it fair to give you a warning.” Whoever had bid the droid give this message to her had tampered with the sound of the hologram’s voice, making it almost flat in tone, but not expressionless.

“I have taken the liberties of placing nanodroids in the meal this evening, and in the two remaining crates in your supply. I only need to push a button and the droids will explode, killing your friends instantly.” The figure brought forth a remote in a gloved hand, both proving the point and confirming its anonymity.

“But there is a way you can stop this. Since the food is contaminated, you must tell your friends that you are going to stock up on supplies on Tatooine. It is, after all, the closest civilized system to your Jedi colony on Cialone.

“Meet me in the alley behind the Mos Eisley Cantina tomorrow evening. And don’t even think of warning that traitorous former Senator Lux Bonteri about your intentions. Simply leave him a note telling him that you will be back soon with more supplies.” The figure in the hologram paused. “But I’m not worried. I know that you can bluff convincingly. Until tomorrow, Jedi.”

Ahsoka stumbled, catching herself and leaning heavily against a tree. She suddenly felt a thousand years old, seeing the things that she had worked so hard to create crumbling to dust. It was the end, either for her, the New Jedi Order or for them all.

She had not eaten for her evening meal, because she and four others had been meditating and on a Jedi fast. But she didn’t know of any others who hadn’t eaten at some point, so that might mean that she was the only one that was safe. For the time being, at least. And what about Lux? She could only hope for the best.

The droid turned off his transmitter and walked away into the shadows. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she made her choice, and walked back towards the camp. There were few shreds of hope left.


Lux continued searching through the food, finding nothing. It was strange. His human senses were telling him that there was nothing there, but another part of him – the Jedi part, perhaps – was telling him that there was. So, even after the fourth time, he checked it again.

Eventually the human senses won. He turned around to tell Chenai that he hadn’t found anything, but she wasn’t there. “Chenai? Chenai, are you there?”

No answer. He immobilized, listening for any intruder, and fearing the worse. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed him from behind. He whipped around, a gun in his hand, to see Chenai’s face staring back at him.

“Lux? Why so surprised?” she asked, concern in her deep blue eyes. “Did you see something?”

“No,” he said, a little too quickly, putting the gun back in his coat. “Nothing.”

“Oh. It’s clear on my side too.” She suddenly looked uncomfortable, and leant up against a crate. “Um, Lux?”


“I know it’s a bad time, but… there’s something I need to get off my chest,” she said. He nodded for her to continue, wondering what could possibly be more important than the task at hand.

“I know that it’s wrong for a Jedi to form attachments, but I have made one. With you. I’ve – I’ve fallen for you.”

His eyes widened. He couldn’t believe it. It was quiet for a moment, and he was suddenly conscious of how close she was. And she was, again, very pretty.

Then she leaned in – and kissed him. After he had gotten over his shock, he was conscious of one thing: he was kissing her back.

It was so… incredible. Just kissing her – it reminded him of all of the sweetest things that her could ever imagine. And he realized that he liked her, too.

Then he heard a gasp of pain. He broke away from Chenai and turned towards the sound.


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