Chapter One: Just a Normal Day on Cialone

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At around sunrise, Ahsoka got out of her sleeping pallet, put her dark red shirt on over her leggings and bandeau, and slipped on her boots. Then she clipped her two lightsabers onto her belt and left her warm and insulated tent.

It was a little frigid on Cialone that morning, since the sun was still rising, so she got her Jedi cloak out from a bag near her tent and put it on. It was time to wake up the padawans.

She climbed up to the large gong on a rock formation that she had made out of a piece of round scrap metal. Picking up the makeshift mallet that she had also made, she hit it hard against the metal.

A loud BONNGGG resounded across the clearing, undoubtedly scaring some of her students out of their wits – and sleep. All the better, for Ahsoka was in the mood to play some pranks on the unsuspecting.

She then walked over to the makeshift kitchen to check on the breakfast preparations. Every day, three padawans would wake up early to make the day’s meals for the rest. It wasn’t the best job around the camp, but they would get to go to bed earlier the night before, and sometimes miss out on an unpleasant activity, so that they would get the same amount of sleep as everybody else. Not to mention that, for their efforts, they would receive an extra helping of dessert at dinner.

The smell of the hot mash of Cialone’s native fruits and nuts that was on the breakfast menu wafted towards her. After a quick glance at the food and a few taste-tests, Ahsoka judged that it was in good eating condition.

Running back to the center of the camp, she hollered, “Wake up, people! Rise and shine!”

Groans answered her. Not everyone here, unlike herself, was a morning person. Mace Windu, the Jedi Knight she had saved on Alderaan, was, but he was paying a visit to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine to meditate on his past, and was not to be disturbed unless it was the direst of emergencies. So no one else was very enthusiastic about rising early with the sun.

Once she was certain that the padawans were actually getting up and filing into the clearing, and that she wouldn’t have to go bang on their tents to wake them, she headed over towards the Lookout for the morning report.

The Lookout was a small tree house in the leafy boughs of a tree near the camp. It had good cover, and served as a reconnaissance base to survey the surrounding area.

Lux, Ahsoka’s boyfriend for almost a year, would frequently take the surveillance job, because he was still undecided, even after two months of thinking, if he wanted to be trained as a Jedi. Ahsoka had discovered that he was Force-sensitive after a run-in with the malicious Galactic Emperor Palpatine, but Lux’s foundations had been shaken with the news, and had forced him to question everything he had ever believed about himself.

Ahsoka neared the Lookout. But something was out of place. Lux, who had been supposed to be there at the moment, was running towards her with a shocked expression on his face.

He skidded to a stop. “Ahsoka, you have to see this!”

She was on immediate alert, but kept her body and her breathing relaxed. Smirking, she stopped in front of him. “And good morning to you, too. What’s up?”

“Sorry,” he said, like the gentleman he was. “We’ve had a security problem.”

“What? Show me, quickly!” she said, and they pelted towards the Lookout. 

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