Chapter Six: At the Camp/The Assassin's Report

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Lux and Ahsoka showed Chenai into the camp, and she would gasp in wonderment at every turn, for it was very pretty. Over the years, the meteorite crater on which it was built had turned into a clearing filled with exotic plants and soft, swaying grass. It was also the ideal spot to rebuild the Jedi Order because of the planet’s untouched quality, which made it strong with the Force.

“You understand that we’re only bringing you here because you’re in need of medical assistance,” said Ahsoka. “We’ll give you medical supplies and let you stay here with us for a while, but we can’t do much more.”

“I understand perfectly. I know not to wear out a welcome.” Chenai strode forwards gracefully. “But can I ask where the others are? There are enough supplies and tents here to satisfy over fifteen.”

“They’re hiding.”

“What? Whoever from?”

Ahsoka smiled grimly. “You. We live in constant fear of discovery, and we weren’t sure if you could be trusted. Meaning, if you were working with the Empire.”

“Me, a former Jedi padawan. Working with the Empire. If I were you, then I would definitely be suspicious if an unidentified escape pod landed near my camp, but I hope you trust me now that you know what I was.”

“Yes. I think I do,” she said. She was beginning to actually form some sort of a bond with Chenai.

She turned to the clearing and called out, “It’s safe! You can come out now.”

Ahsoka watched as Chenai stared at the padawans – her students – filing out into the open with undisguised amazement. “On who’s authority were they hiding?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Mine,” she replied. “I’m the head of our little organization. All of these kids make are padawans of the New Jedi Order.”


The sun set over Coruscant. The fading streaks of light slipped under the horizon to rise on the other side of the planet-city. But it meant little to Darth Sidious, who sat in his embellished office in the growing dark.

He was worried. Well, not quite worried, but concerned. The assassin that he had sent on the trail of the Jedi scum Ahsoka Tano had failed to report back so far. And this fact prevented him from getting as close to peace of mind as a damned Sith Lord was able.

The assassin had told him that she would be setting her plan in motion that morning, and that she would contact him when she could. For reasons that she had refused to reveal, she wouldn’t tell him where she had located her prey and what her plan was. She seemed to be the kind who liked to act alone rather than inform others of her next move. She never told anyone the whole story. A lot like him.

And so he sat, worrying and reflecting, for another hour.

Suddenly, a beep resounded through the still air of the perfectly silent room. With a glance at the keypad on the armrest of his majestic chair, he chose to accept the transmission being made to his office.

A hologram of a hooded figure came up. With satisfaction, the Emperor realized whom the call was from, and it wasn’t that pesky Gungan Representative from the planet Naboo, Jar Jar Binks, who always wasted his precious time when he called. He recognized the hood as that of his assassin.

“Greetings. This is Assassin four-oh-one reporting in,” she said, the motion of her lips as she spoke just visible from the shadows cast on her face by the hood.

“Proceed, assassin.” He knit his fingers together, nearly anxious to hear her report. He was eager to see the Jedi dead.

“I have located their base and have it under surveillance. The pieces have been set in motion,” she said calmly, in no hurry to get what she had to say out. This was a good thing, for it meant that she was in no danger of discovery.

“And can you tell me where this base is?” He would have to use his old, polite Chancellor Palpatine façade to get the information out of her. “Then I would be able to send assistance.”

She didn’t take the bait. “No. This is a very delicate operation and I only just managed to sneak past their defenses undetected. I am in no need of – nor do I want, for the sake of the mission – reinforcements. I must proceed unhindered by your Storm Troopers. Soon she will be dead, and that will end our agreement.”

“Of course. If Ahsoka Tano dies, then you will receive the determined amount of credits, and shall be pardoned for your acts in the time of the Republic.” He spat out the word, for that system had been nothing but a pain for his preferred style of working. “And my rule will no longer be threatened.”

“I have no allegiance to either side. Only my own. But I am willing to cooperate with one or the other for a few favors,” the assassin said with a sly smile.

“Then I bid you good hunting.”  With a nod from his agent, he ended the transmission.

Everything was going according to his plan. 

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