Chapter Thirty-Eight: Heartbeat

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Lux watched, amazed, as Darth Vader turned off his red lightsaber and put it back on his belt. Wasn’t he next? The Sith wanted him dead for betraying the Empire and its Senate, so why was Vader not attacking him?

I have no further business with you today, Lux Bonteri. I wish to tell you that Barriss Offee never told us where your camp was, or if there were others than yourself and Ahsoka Tano there. So you are safe from my Master from the time being.” But what about safe from the man himself?

He looked into the bug-like ocular devices of the Sith Lord’s mask, and for a second he thought he could see Anakin Skywalker’s face, with its natural blue eyes, looking back at him through it. Almost like his Light Side spirit, imprisoned within a body of fire and metal and wrath. Then it was gone.\

“Thank you,” he said. Darth Vader nodded, then left the lava courtyard through a previously hidden door to the side. Bemused by this turn of events, Lux ran back to Ahsoka’s body. Now was the time to grieve.

He sat down, gently stroking her cold cheek, looking at her face. Never had she been so still, but lifelike. It was as if she would suddenly wake up, and boast, laughing merrily, about how masterful her prank had been. But she wouldn’t.

As he held her lifeless form close, he heard something. Boom, boom. He laughed at himself, thinking that he was imagining things.

Boom, boom. Boom, boom.

No, he was definitely not imagining it. Then he thought he saw Ahsoka’s chest rise just the slightest bit, in time to the beat. Suddenly, there was a flash of searing, red-hot light, like the glow he had seen on her chest just before she had died, coming from her wound.

When the light was gone, she was healed. The fabric of her shirt still had a hole in it, but the skin underneath was as if nothing had ever happened to it. And then he recognized what the faint booming noise, which was steadily becoming stronger, was.

It was Ahsoka’s heartbeat.

Lux watched, beyond amazed, as Ahsoka took a deep breath, and exhaled it. Then she did it again. And again!

Suddenly she opened her eyes, and started coughing. “U-uh. What… what happened to me?”

“This isn’t possible!” cried Lux. “Your heart stopped! You died, Ahsoka!”

“No, I don’t think I did. I’ll explain later. But now…” She stretched herself up into a half-sitting position, and kissed him softly.

The kiss quickly turned into something deeper, and more passionate. They were both going a little insane at the thought of being together again, and expressed it in the only way that they wanted to. “You see,” Ahsoka said, breaking the kiss. “What I told you is true: I always find a way back to you.”

Lux’s eyes overflowed. Her gentle hands wiped them away, then wrapped around him, and they just held each other for a few moments. Then Obi-Wan walked back. “Sorry. I didn’t want Darth Vader to see me. Who knows what he would’ve done if he saw me. The ship is waiting and ready–” Then he noticed her. “This is – this is unheard of! We all felt you die! You can’t be alive, you would have to be a–”

“I will explain, Master Kenobi. Just not right now,” she said. Lux passed Ahsoka her lightsaber, which he had used in the fighting, and she clipped it on her belt. Then he helped her up, supporting her weight.

At the last moment, Ahsoka picked up a twinned, perfectly formed and glowing Sith lightsaber crystal from the wreckage. Then, with a backward glance at the dead body of Barriss Offee, they left.

*I'm not religious or anything, but I love the idea of ressurection. Even though that already happened to Ahsoka in the third season of SWTCLW when she was on Mortis, I wanted her to gome back from the Cosmic Force! Here I go again, rewriting the stuff that Lucasfilm created.*

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