Chapter Thirty-Five: His Snips and Her SkyGuy

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Ahsoka felt like she was falling. She fell for so long that she felt like the ground would never come. If there was even any ground any more…

Her eyes snapped open. She was lying with her arms crossed over her body, in the same position as she had blacked out (or died?) in. Except for the stonework that she was lying on – which was the good, honest, and slightly rough and bumpy kind, and not the smooth, alien Sith stones from the labyrinth – she couldn’t see anything but white mist.

She wanted to get up, but limbs felt heavier than stones sinking into water. But, the minute she commanded herself to stand, she was standing. It was strange, because she had no memory of getting to her feet. She was simply… up.

“Am I dead?” Ahsoka asked aloud. Again, the moment that she had made the decision to speak, the words formed in her mouth. She knew that this wasn’t possible, making death the only explanation.

“Yes. And no,” answered a voice, its echo resounding across – what exactly was this place? It had to be large and sealed, in order for a voice to echo like that. But – this was a day for impossible occurrences.

“Where… where am I?” she tried asking.

“At the meeting place for those of the Living Force and of the Cosmic Force.”

Immediately after the speaker had finished, the mist was pushed to the side by way of the Force. She saw a silhouette in the distance, with their hand raised. They must have been the one who had pushed away the fog. As the last tendrils of the pearly white screen were swept aside, Ahsoka could see a jungle-like environment, and whom it was. And then she was sure that she was dead.

It was Anakin Skywalker.

“Who are you?” Ahsoka asked, her voice echoing as well as the Anakin-like person walked towards her. Their golden-brown hair and black Jedi apparel blew gently in a breeze that she couldn’t feel.

They looked like Anakin, had a gait exactly like his, and even his one-cornered smile unique to him. But this person seemed happier; their aura was clean of any negative emotions, which was very unlike Anakin. He had always been frustrated, angry, disappointed or unhappy with at least something all the time.

“I’m Anakin Skywalker,” he said, unsurprised at the question. “Or, Anakin as he was supposed to be.” Well, the voice was the same.

“But, you’re still alive! You didn’t die, like actually die. I did,” she said.

“Are you so sure of that, Ahsoka?” She almost smiled. Anakin loved using doubt for suspense, but left no room for it otherwise. “Anakin, like very being in this universe, had a Light Side and a Dark Side. I am his Light Side, and when he chose the Dark Side, represented by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, I was cast away. I did die, in a way. But I will return to him in a few decades. That has already been foreseen.”

“So, it really is you?” Ahsoka knew that it was too much to hope for.

“It is.”

Tears started to well up in her eyes, and she walked towards him. “Oh, Master, I’ve missed you so much!”

He backed away when she came within a meter of him. “No, Ahsoka! You can’t touch me. If you do, then you really will die! Your time hasn’t come yet!” 

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