Chapter Thirty-Two: Traitor/Flickering Out

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*And now for the PLOT TWISTS OF THE CENTURY!!! Mwuhahaha! (Well, one is more predictable than the other, but still!) *


“I believe I have your attention?” Chenai said. “The time has come for me to reveal myself. I put the powdered lyrrstone and the nanodroids in the food on camp, and I placed the explosives in the tent and behind the kitchen. It was all me.”

Suddenly, her face began to change. The contours of her face became a little more angular, and her Mirialan facial tattoos changed in style distinctly. Her eyes were yellow, and suddenly Ahsoka recognized the face of the girl in front of her.

Barriss Offee.

It was the face from all of her nightmares. Barriss had come to seal her revenge.

Ahsoka was going to die. She knew it.

“You’re – you’re her… How – Barriss, how did you–” She was tongue-tied.

“Ah, the wonders of reversible morph surgery. Well, Ahsoka, it is important that you know why we’re all here today. I wanted revenge, and the Emperor could give me that. We have a good accord, one that is far better than any lowly bounty hunter’s price.

“I never had a sister. Chenai Offee not a real person. Her backstory was made up in a way that I knew would get to you. Dooku’s story always did. And you were right about the escape pod: the Emperor gave me an Imperial shuttle, from which my droid disrupted your scanners while I landed in the pod. I left you all the clues that you needed to unmask me, but I had to be smart about how I would play this little game. I arranged everything that happened from your camp to Tatooine.”

Ahsoka knew that she had to try to reason with her. “Barriss, you don’t have to do this. You’ve lived at the camp for the past few weeks, even if we didn’t know it. It’s everything that the Jedi Order itself wasn’t during the war. It’s a place of serenity and learning. You can live with us, and make all that you wish for the Jedi happen.”

“I think it’s a little too late for such words. I’m not a Jedi any more. I’ve become something far, far greater than what I could ever imagine! You can either join the Sith, work for them, or perish,” Barriss said. It almost sounded like logic, coming from her.

“No. The Sith will never have complete control over everything in this galaxy. The Dark can’t exist without the Light, you know that! There is nothing for you down your chosen path except your death at the hands of your employers.” She was amazed at how righteous and wise her words sounded. Like those of a Jedi Master.

“Enough with you silly Jedi beliefs. They don’t apply to life any more, not with the new Imperial system. And speaking of life, I grow tired of waiting.” Twin red lightsabers flashed on in her grip.

Ahsoka moved to stand between her and Lux, but then Barriss did something totally unexpected. She twirled gracefully and threw one lightsaber directly at her.

It flew at her. Unprepared for an attack like this, it flew straight for her compact body unimpeded. 

The Dark Jedi’s lightsaber went straight through her stomach.

She gasped, her breathing coming out in ragged bursts. She stumbled back, dropping her lightsabers, and collapsed into Lux’s arms, motionless.


Darth Vader awoke from under a pile of rocks just as a scream ripped through the air. “NOOOOOOOO!

He recognized the voice as that of Lux Bonteri. He turned his head to look in the direction of the yell. He saw the former Senator on his knees, with Ahsoka in his lap. A hole, cut by lightsaber, steamed in his former padawan’s stomach.

He focused the sight apparatus in his mask towards the scene. Lux had tears streaming down his face, and Barriss Offee was using the Force to bring her lightsaber, which was a few feet away from Lux, back into her hand. The expression on her face was one of pure, dark satisfaction.

Vader felt tears well up in his eyes against his will, and for a moment, his eyes cooled. They always felt hot these days, due to the Sith yellow-and-red eye color, he guessed, but now he was certain that they were blue.

Silently, he sobbed along with Lux for Ahsoka, whose bright presence was beginning to flicker out.

Then he blacked out again. 

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