Chapter Twenty: A New Look

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Ahsoka put the ship in a landing cycle over a small docking bay just inside Mos Eisley. With puffs of steam as a few valves released compressed air, the ship touched the sandy stonework.

She draped a cloak over her shoulders, the same one with its lightsaber pockets that she had used a few months ago upon her arrival here. Chenai pulled the hood attached to her outfit on, and together the two Jedi walked from the parking lot and out onto the street.

“Ah, this looks like a good place,” Chenai said, pointing towards a small clothing store. Ahsoka sighed. She wasn’t going to like this, but she would brave it anyway. She had enough credits to buy a new outfit in the pouch attached to her belt, anyway.

The inside of the shop was actually nicer than she had expected. A dusty man with a large earpiece came to meet them. As he look them up and down, a sly smile twitched on his long, pale face.

“What can I do for two such… fine young ladies?” he asked. The man’s stare made her feel a little uncomfortable, and reasonably so. His eyes were flashing down to her chest area a little too often for her liking. She was suddenly grateful that she was wearing the shapeless cloak.

“Um, we’ll just look around for ourselves, if you don’t mind,” Ahsoka said, and walked behind a rack.

She idly browsed through the clothing, seeing little of interest. She would glimpse of a fabric or a color that she liked, but it wouldn’t be right for her. She sat down on a box, rubbing her eyes. She was starting to feel the sleep she missed, and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to curl up somewhere and take a nap.

After a few minutes, Ahsoka opened her eyes. She felt better, even though all she had done was give her eyes a rest. But then, she saw something that interested her. It was a piece of cloth that was just a few shades dustier in tone than her combat outfit.

She walked over to the box that it was in, and pulled it out.

It looked remarkably like her old one. It even had the same sort of neckline –a turtleneck with a diamond-shaped clasp securing it, and a little triangular opening just above her chest. The sash was quite similar in style to those that Jedi wore, except for the fact that the clasp was hexagonal. The skirt consisted of short, rectangular flaps in the front and back, with smaller separate ones on the sides. There were little shorts attached to the whole piece.

There were also some sort of of under-boots or socks that extended up to near the bottom of the skirt in the box, which were dark brown in color. When the outfit was on, she figured that there would be a sliver of skin exposed in between the two. There were cuffed boots to wear over the socks too, but she figured that she would stick to her old ones for the time being.

She disliked the armbands that came with it, so she left those behind and wore her old ones. She left her finger gloves as they were. Now there was nothing more to do than to try it all on.

When she was done changing, she pushed back the curtain of the modest changing room to find Chenai standing just outside. The girl’s eyes widened and she smiled. “Ahsoka, you have got to see how you look right now.”

She took off her clips for her lightsabers, and put them on her belt, hooking her weapons on. She left the required sum of credits in her pouch at the cash. “One minute. I see something else I like,” she said.

Then, having noticed something that caught her eye, she put the last of her credits back in the pouch. The other item was a cloak of style and make similar to that of a Jedi’s, which was a shade of brown that went nicely with her new clothes.

She looked herself over in a nearby mirror, and almost gasped at what she saw. “I look like a Jedi Master,” she said aloud with a sad smile. It was true.

“Well, are you satisfied with your choice?”

“Yeah. I am. I had a vision a while ago, and I was wearing this in it. So let’s get going.” She grabbed her bundle of clothing and they walked out of the shop. 

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