Chapter Twenty-Five: Obi-Wan's Gift/The First Test

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Lux stared at a screen in the bridge of the freighter that monitored their speed towards Tatooine. He pushed a few buttons and flipped a switch to set the ship on autopilot, then turned towards yet another screen to triple-check their fuel supply and power level.

He had dark, purplish circles under his eyes, and, these last few hours, his face seemed to be set in a permanent frown. He was clearly in need of sleep, but his determination to save Ahsoka and to stay awake prevented it.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had flown the ship back to Cialone to get Lux and a few padawans back to Tatooine, and was traveling back with them, walked into the room.

“You should get some rest, you know. You’ll need your strength if you want to make it through this in one piece,” he said.

“No, Master Jedi. I can hold on a little until we get to Tatooine.” A yawn promptly contradicted his words. He mentally cursed his inner systems for ratting him out at the exact moment that he needed them to be silent.

“Did you hear that?” Obi-Wan asked. “That was the sound of your body telling you what you need. Listen to it if you won’t listen to me: rest a little, Lux.”

He sighed, giving in. “All right. You take over.”

The Jedi Knight nodded. “Yes, but first,” he said, taking a small parcel out from inside his robe, “I want to give you something."

He handed the bundle to Lux, who began to unwrap it. “I felt that since you are a part of the New Jedi Order, I would make you one of your own.”

It was a shiny, brand-new lightsaber. Lux’s jaw dropped to make a perfect circle. “I… I can’t accept this, Master Kenobi. I’ve done nothing to deserve it, and I’m not sure if I really am a Jedi.”

“Look at yourself, Lux. When we all look at you, we see someone who is compassionate, smart, determined and ready to take on a wild gundart if it means that you will save innocent lives. Those are the qualities that define a Jedi Knight, and those that define you.” Obi-Wan took the lightsaber and held it out to him. “And a Jedi needs his weapon. Take it.”

With trembling fingers, he reached out and took the lightsaber. It fit perfectly in his grip, as if it was meant to be there. Then, assuming a proper stance, he turned it on. It was the same bluish color as his eyes.


Ahsoka walked down the secret passage on Moraband. It took many turns, and she had met several dead ends already. She noticed that the steps were as smooth and slippery as if they were carved out of polished stone, and that the walls were etched with intricate designs.

Everything showed her a reflection, like many mirrors. She could see herself in them plainly, and was surprised at how regal she looked. She wasn’t the little girl that Anakin Skywalker had mentored any more. She was fearless. 

Then, she remarked that instead of lighting up the way in front of her, it was also lighting up the path that she left behind. It seemed that this strange, polished stone, though black as night in color, absorbed light, and the color that the light was.

But, even though the stonework around her was glowing a deceptively warm and friendly green, reminders of the place’s dark power still lingered. Ahsoka’s lightsaber kept flickering, even though she wasn’t touching the button, as if the walls were sapping it of its light, and she felt like she was being watched.

Then she realized that there were slots beneath the stairs. Suddenly, every slot started to spew some sort of white vapor. And judging by the way it smelled, it was toxic. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with clean air, and turned her other lightsaber on. She shed her cloak for easier movement.

Her thoughts were panicked, but she calmed them. It’s just this place, she told herself. It’s feeding these thoughts to me. I’m not someone who panics.

Instantly, her mind shifted, and she was able to think clearly again. She still had enough air to last her a few minutes if she needed it to go that long, but precious seconds were being wasted.

She put her smaller lightsaber back on her belt, using her free hand to feel around on the walls and floor for a hidden spring of some kind. She found none, and her air supply was starting to go.

And then she understood. Everything that the Sith valued was put towards corrupting or killing Jedi. If she breathed in the vapor, then she would pass on to the next challenge.

She clipped her primary lightsaber back on her belt, and took a breath of the gas. Her vision went black, and she passed out. 

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