Chapter Twenty-Nine: Writing On the Wall/Rage

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Ahsoka pulled herself up into a sitting position, letting her high socks and boots absorb the flow of her tears. She was afraid. She jumped at the sight of every moving shadow, because who knew what made them move here? There was no light, none at all. Nothing to give her hope.

Fear and despair. They were the only things that she felt, and it was like they were the only things that she had ever felt. She was helpless, and Lux would never come for her.

You'll not survive this, Ahsoka Tano, whispered a scorching breeze on her shoulder. You can do nothing, so you are nothing. No one will come for you, and your spirit will remain here, broken, forever.

One of her lightsabers then fell from her belt. She grabbed it, fingers away from the usual grip so that she wouldn't turn on. Suddenly, as she lifted it to place on her belt, she felt it move in her grasp. It oriented itself so that one of her fingers pressed the button, and it flashed on.

Suddenly the shadows were gone. Her light, with its green that reminded her of her earliest memories in the jungle valleys of Shili, her home planet, chased all the shadows away.

As she gazed deeper into the green, she saw her Master, Anakin Skywalker, his long, golden-brown hair flying free in a breeze; Padme Amidala, looking powerful and regal at a Senate meeting; Master Plo Koon; Shaak Ti; Aayla Secura; Even Piell; and even her younger self. They were all a part of her, as she was of them. As one, they whispered, "You can't give up. The New Hope will need you, as you will need it. We, the Cosmic Force, will guide you."

Ahsoka got up. "I'm a Jedi!" she yelled, and the shadows disappeared entirely. She glowed golden from within. "I'm a JEDI!" The word echoed around the room, and a single portion of the design in the wall fell away. Cool moonlight bathed her face, and she stood tall and proud in its beams.

Then, with the gold and white light shining around her, her lightsaber carved a single, melting word into the mirror-like stone. 



Darth Sidious banged his control panel in rage. That Jedi was going to be the death of him. Suddenly he smiled an evil smile at the irony of the situation. Want a Jedi dead, come up with a name for your new super battle station. The name Death Star would definitely suite its future purpose.

Well, back to the present. And his rage. Ahsoka Tano had just outsmarted him in all of his trials. She should have broken by now, but she hadn't! That blasted Jedi scum had too may odds favoring her, and he didn't like it. Actually, he loathed it.

Ah, no matter. The star destroyer that he was currently in was in orbit around the planet of Moraband, as the first stage in his plan. His assassin would soon be on her way soon, after having tied up a few loose ends on Tatooine, and Vader's ship was coming out of hyperspace that very moment.

All that he had to do now was wait for the right moment to strike. He tapped at the control panel by his seat with his gnarled old finger, and Darth Vader came up on a screen nearby.

"What is thy bidding, my Master?" he asked, kneeling.

"Lord Vader," he snapped, "you must be ready to get to the surface of the planet when I give the signal. This is an operation that must be dealt with delicacy, and if we strike a moment too soon or late, then they will have the upper hand. You must not fail me."

"As you wish, Master Sidious."

He sat back in his chair, far more at ease. Soon, all of the pieces he needed would be in place. And then he would win.

*When I wrote Master, I mean that Ahsoka is the master of her own conscience and of her own self, and that she can't be turned, not necessarily that she's a Jedi Master. Now read!* 

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