Chapter Twenty-One: Storm Trooper Attack

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After Ahsoka had dropped her things off at the ship, she and Chenai bought a bite to eat from a street vender. As they sat down at a street corner, which she had purposely chosen because it was within sight of the Mos Eisley Cantina, ducking their hoods down if any Storm Troopers came too close, she thought about what had happened over the past few days.

“Hey, Chenai,” she said, trying to distract her from her food. The girl was clearly ravenous.

“Hmm-hm-hm?” She looked up, her cheeks stuffed.

Ahsoka laughed softly at the sight. “Hey, you know, I think I forgive you for earlier. You’re pretty cool. I mean, you had no way of knowing that Lux and I are – were – together, after all.”

“Yes. I’m glad we’re friends.” Chenai chewed thoughtfully, then nearly spat out her mouthful of food. “What?” she said when she had swallowed it. “He’s you’re boyfriend? But Jedi aren’t supposed to form attachments. Well, I did, but that’s beside the point. I mean, look at what happened to your Master! He–”

Ahsoka shushed her. “I know. But I think I’ve found a balance between Jedi beliefs and Lux. That’s something Anakin never did.”

“Oh. Well, you can understand why I acted as I did. I didn’t know that he was already taken,” she said with a sly smile.

“Ha. I miss him.” Her eyes filled. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Wait, what? ‘Say goodbye’? Where are you going?”

She sighed. “I can’t explain it proper– look out!”

Ahsoka pulled her out of the way and behind the low wall they were seated upon, just as a volley of laser shots set to stun flew down on it, charring the stonework. On instinct, she whipped out her lightsabers, but put them back in her pocket. No use in provoking their attackers.

“What are we going to do?” Chenai shouted over the shots. “We can’t get out of this!”

“Hang on.” She activated her comlink. “This is Socks-one-fourteen calling on all secure channels. I’m in Mos Eisley, and am in a bit of a situation. Master Windu, my ship is in Docking Bay one-thirty-seven. I repeat: my ship is in Docking Bay one-thirty–”

A shot pinged off of the comlink, effectively disabling any calls made from it. The Imperial Storm Troopers were beginning to get around the wall to fire at them. She got out her primary lightsaber, and swung it to deflect the shots aimed at her.

“Chenai, are you okay?” she yelled behind her, to where the other girl had stopped deflecting shots. She turned to see Chenai, who must have been hit with the stun setting, being dragged off around the corner. She took to the rooftops, running after her friend. “Chenai!” she cried as she spotted her, but a shot hit her boot, and she fell from the roof.

She landed hard on the street below. Dazed, she tried to sit up, but the Troopers forced her down again roughly. Chenai was gone. When she was allowed to tilt her head up again, she gasped.

She knew who the Cialone saboteur was.

You,” she said.

The assassin’s long cloak billowed in the wind as she walked towards the downed Jedi. “Mission accomplished,” she said into her comlink, then something hit Ahsoka from behind.

Her eyesight swam, and then she knew no more. 

*Haha I had the idea that Lux would have a nickname for Ahsoka, maybe Socks (not Snips, too personal and has Anakin all over it), but I didn't actually end up using it, so it was reborn in this. The 114 bit is from that brilliant artist on DeviantArt whose pics are often my laptop screensavers. Now keep reading!*

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