Chapter Twenty-Six: Asset to Light

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Ahsoka fell through the darkness, straining to see light anywhere, and heard the Emperor say from her comlink, “You have passed your first test. But I assure you, the second will be far more difficult.” She passed out again.

When she woke up, she was lying on something… comfy. It felt like a warm, living body. And noting the way that she fit into their arms, she was certain that she knew exactly who it was.

“Lux,” she said softly. Soft lips kissed her cheek tenderly. She opened her eyes, and looked upon the face that she knew loved her most.

She ran her fingers through his hair, which was, as only she knew, naturally as soft as feathers. She kissed him gently, thinking only of him, and she was sure that he was only thinking of her at the moment.

But suddenly, he broke away from her, and she noticed that his eyes were yellow with red around the irises. But, Lux had blue eyes! What…

Then Lux was out of her arms and across the room with impossible speed. She looked up, dazed by his sudden disappearance, to spot him with another girl, who also had the same eye color.

“Lux, what’s going on?” she asked in a warning voice that meant, you had better tell me now!

“I’m so sorry to disappoint you, Ahsoka, but I love Chenai more than I ever loved you. And she’s my choice,” he said, a malevolent smile on his face, which was distorted by the eyes. “And together, she and I will rule the galaxy forever!”

“No, no, Lux, this isn’t you! Come back!” she cried. She felt like a black hole had formed next to her, and that she was about to fall in.

“It is Lux.” Chenai’s eyes were alight with evil things. “Or rather, Lux as he was always meant to be. As he is.”

Then she kissed him so hard and passionately that Ahsoka began to cry. She tried to run over to him, but she promptly fell over, tied up by vined that were coming out of the ground. With a shudder, she realized that they were the same ones that grew in the meadow – their meadow – on Cialone.

The two stopped kissing. Lux suddenly raised a hand, Force-choking her. The vines let go of her, and Lux raised a red lightsaber from his belt and pointed its red tip at her. Chenai stepped back.

“You won’t stand in the way of my happiness. Not any more.” Lux clenched his hand, and Ahsoka thought that her blood vessels were going to burst. She groaned, trying to break free of his grasp, but he was so powerful. How had he gotten this powerful?

And suddenly, either the will of the Light Side of the Force or of her own conscience showed her something. Lux’s face morphed into Anakin’s, the background into the Jedi Council Room. It was an old scene that she remembered from the Battle of the Jedi Temple. She knew what she had to do to get out of this killing grip that he had locked her in.

Tears in her eyes, she electrocuted Lux.

His face contorted, and he loosened his grip on her. She fell to the floor, but was quickly on her feet again, lightsabers at the ready.

Lux looked up from his position on the floor, and spoke in a weakened voice. “You’ll have to kill me. Only then can you pass on.”

Ahsoka saw Chenai run from the room, but wasn’t tempted to follow her. Her eyes suddenly felt hot, like they had been substituted with coals, and she burned with rage. She stabbed Lux without hesitation.

As soon as she did, he disappeared. She sank to the ground, looking at her reflection in the stone. A pair of haunting yellow eyes, rimmed with red, stared back at her.

She laughed darkly. “So this is what you wanted, Sidious. To turn me to the Dark Side. Well, it will never work. I’m an asset to Light!”

Her eyes shifted to blue again, and the burning stopped like water had been poured on the smoldering coals. She stood, saying, “I’m ready for my next challenge.”

The comlink around her wrist flashed off. It had recorded everything she had just said. Satisfied, she walked down the stone hallway of the labyrinth. 

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