Prologue: Visions of An Old Foe

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A mirror. That was what it was. She stood before it, in the pearly mist, looking at her reflection. It was a strange one, for it was constantly rippling and shifting. She would see different people in the mirror at different times.

There was Anakin Skywalker, looking strong and free in his black Jedi robes and long golden hair, with a wicked grin on his face. But, his face was morphing into that of Padmé Amidala. She looked beautiful and determined as always, but sad, as if she were grieving for something that was lost to her.

The face changed again. She saw so many of them, all of those that she knew, or had known. They were moving, faster and faster. In the space of a moment, she saw Master Plo Koon, Captain Rex, Aayla Secura, her friends as a padawan, and each and every Jedi Master that had been lost in the horrors of Order 66. They were all ghosts of the past in her mind now.

Suddenly, just before the images reached light speed, they stopped with a shudder. And than she saw another face, a face that she had hoped that she would never see again.

Barriss Offee.

Once her best friend, but now betrayer of the Jedi Order, and of the Light Side itself. Barriss smiled maliciously, and suddenly two lightsabers flashed on, but they were not her own, for she only had one. They were red, as red as fresh blood.

But she could also see the glow of red lightsabers behind her. She turned around, and what she saw made her shudder at the sight of it. Mirrors, all like the first one, surrounded her, and each one had a reflection of Barriss in it, in a different form of combat.

Suddenly, all of the Barriss images sprang forward, out of their mirrors, which evaporated into more of the mist behind them. Without thinking, she grabbed her lightsabers off her belt and held them at the ready.

But, in her usual stance, the fabric of her clothing creased unusually around her. She gasped. She wasn’t wearing her normal combat outfit; she was wearing Barriss’s clothes! And her lightsabers, they too felt unfamiliar. They weren’t the same models as hers, and they were red!

The lightsabers she was holding fell to the floor with a clatter. She put her hands to her face, feeling it. But, it wasn’t her face; this feature was Barriss’s, too!

Another Barriss picked the fallen lightsabers. “It’s time to end this,” she said, and she and all of the other images stabbed her as one.


Ahsoka Tano sat bolt upright, her mouth frozen in a scream. She heard scrabbling outside her tent, and Lux Bonteri rushed in.

“Ahsoka!” he yelled, convinced that there was some kind of danger inside that had caused her to scream like that. He realized that there was no one there, and sat down next to her. “Are you all right?” he asked softly.

“No. No, I’m not.” She tried to calm down, but she was shivering. “I dreamt about Barriss.”

“Oh. I understand.” He put his arms around her, and just held her. Eventually, Ahsoka stopped shivering, and looked up at him.

“I haven’t had nightmares – or premonitions, or whatever – about her in almost a year. I don’t understand what the Long-Fallen are trying to tell me now.” She let herself sag in his arms.

“The Long-Fallen? Who are they?” asked Lux, looking at her.

“The Council of the Jedi Long-Fallen. They’re this group of Jedi in the Netherworld of the Force that have somehow retained the ability to speak with the living. They send me messages in my dreams sometimes,” she replied softly. “But I get it if you don’t understand completely. I know I didn’t for the longest time.”

“Okay. Do you want me to stay here with you for a while? It might help you feel better.” He looked at her caringly. The two of them had a special bond. When one was noticeably worried, it always affected the other.

“No, Lux, you should get back to sleep. I can handle it,” she said, in a failed attempt to look like she was in control of the situation.

“Are you sure? Because it will be time to get up in less than an hour.”

“I’ll be all right,” she said, and kissed him gently on the lips. Nodding, he left the tent.

*Please note that when Lux offers to stay, it's nothing dirtyminded. I don't write about that kind of stuff. They would be sleeping in the same tent, but it's just an offer to comfort her, and it would be with their clothes on!!! Now continue reading.*

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