Chapter Eleven: To Dagobah and a Jedi Master

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“Where did you get that from?” Ahsoka asked, utterly shocked.

“When I confronted him, as you saw in a vision, I took this with me. I thought that I would give it to Luke,” said Obi-Wan.

“I believe you. I will go to Dagobah, and ask Master Yoda’s guidance on these matters.” She looked at him with serious eyes, her lips set in a determined line. “And I will return. When I do, I want to learn what was incomplete in my training from you, Master.”

Obi-Wan looked somewhat surprised at the idea, but his features softened. “I will teach you everything I can. You will have to leave soon though, because if the Emperor sensed your spirit in the vision, and it is quite likely he did, then he will send troops to Tatooine to find you.”

“Goodbye, Master Kenobi, and thank you. We will meet again soon, I promise you.”

She called R3, and told him to meet her at her current location with the ship. As she watched her freighter streak across the sky towards her, she thought of the promises that she had to keep.

I’m going to be a Jedi Master, she thought in wonder, as the ship landed in front of her. With a final wave to Obi-Wan, she entered the freighter and set a course for the Dagobah system.

A few hours later, the bluish spirals of hyperspace faded away to show the green, swampy planet where she was to find Master Yoda.

“It’s an odd place for a Jedi Master to set up camp, but I guess it’ll work,” she said to R3. “It’s uninhabited, so quiet, and I can feel an interesting connection to the Force coming from it.”

The droid beeped and clicked a question. “The Force?” she answered. “Oh, I can’t explain it now. Maybe later.”

She brought the freighter through the atmosphere, and landed it on a small, stony rock face, which seemed to be the only solid land for miles around. Hopping out and looking around for any possible settlements, she caught sight of a little trail of smoke floating up from nearby.

“That’ll be it,” she said triumphantly. “R3, stay with the ship.”

Her Astro-Mec beeped a protest, curious about this new planet. “All right, R3. Don’t be like that. Just don’t use your jetpacks, or you might ignite the swamp gases.”

He rolled on after her, as pleased as a droid mechanic can be. They made their way over and under a variety of different plant obstacles, and in some instances Ahsoka had to Force-lift the droid over something. It was hard going, but she managed.

Soon they arrived at the origin of the smoke. It was a small campfire, near the unfinished constructions of a little hut. A small figure bustled about nearby, muttering to itself.

Ahsoka, in the shadow of a large tree root, turned away from the scene to tell R3 to be quiet. When she looked back, the figure was gone. Where did it go? She asked herself, looking around for any traces of movement.

Suddenly she felt the air shift behind her as something dropped soundlessly from a tree. She went perfectly still, then whipped around, lightsabers at the ready. And what she saw amazed her.

“Projecting your thoughts too loudly, you are. Clear your mind must be, in order to see through the mysteries that surround you, padawan Tano,” said a voice she knew well, and a wooden cane taped the ground next to her to make the point.

“Master Yoda, I’ve been looking for you,” she said with a bow.

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