Chapter Five: A Presence on Tatooine

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Ahsoka woke up slowly. Dazed, she looked around. But, she was in her ship! She hadn't remembered getting on. Rubbing her forehead, where a bump was now making an appearance, she stood up and walked to the window.

What she saw made her jump. She was already in hyperspace! It must have been during my vision, she thought. I was sleepwalking, or something.

She checked the computer. The resident R2 unit, R3-B4, informed her that they were on a course to Tatooine. This trip keeps getting weirder and weirder, she mused. I don't know anybody on Tatooine, except the Hutts, but they don't really count, do they?

"I'll let the Force guide me," she said quietly, and went to the back room to get something to eat.

A few hours later, the freighter with Ahsoka and R3 aboard came out of hyperspace. Ahead was the sandy-colored planet of Tatooine, where Anakin had spent the first ten years of his life.

This place carries powerful memories of him; I can feel it, she thought. She put on her cloak so to pass unnoticed if there were any Imperial Storm Troopers about. She landed the ship just past the outskirts of Mos Eisley.

"R3, stay with the ship. I'll go find out why I was led here," she said, but an ensemble of skeptical beeps and whirs stopped her.

"Don't worry, I have these, remember?" She held up one of her lightsabers and turned it on. "I can protect myself. I'll notify you if I stay longer than a rotation."

She turned and headed into the spaceport city. She touched the bulge in her cloak, where she would find her lightsabers. She had taken the precaution of making two pockets for them in the fabric itself, so that if she were to arouse interest, she would just seem like a young Togruta girl, and not a Jedi.

Suddenly, she felt a presence of someone she knew well, as clearly as if they were standing right in front of her. "Obi-Wan Kenobi!" she cried softly.

"Hey, you!" called a voice.

"Who, me?" she asked innocently, and turned to see a scruffy little boy.

"Yeah, you. I can tell you ain't from Mos Eisley. You looking for somebody? I can help you. I see lots of what goes on 'round here," he said.

"Yes, I am. Do you think you can find him?" Ahsoka flicked a coin she had found on the street in the air and caught it, the boy's eyes following it with obvious interest. It was clearly one of the more valuable currencies on Tatooine.

"Lady, I can find just about anybody with the right encouragement. And that right there," he said, pointing to the coin, "is encouragement, all right.

"Okay, kid. Tell me where to find Obi-Wan Kenobi." She gave him the coin, and to her relief, he didn't run off with it. From her Archive studies back when she had been a padawan, and from personal experience, she knew that some street kids would pull scams like that, if given the chance.

He scratched the side of his nose, in thought. "Hm. I ain't seen no Obi-Wan Kenobi around," he said, then his face lit up in a toothy grin. "But I do seen a Ben Kenobi! He sometimes goes to the Mos Eisley Cantina, that-a-way."

It would make sense for Obi-Wan to change his name, in case Darth Vader came looking for him. Other than herself, he would likely want his old Master out of the picture, in case he tried to interfere with his plans.

Following the kid's pointed finger with her eyes, she spotted a flashy sign with the words Mos Eisley Cantina written on it in big letters. "Thanks, kid. Cash well-earned." She ruffled his shaggy, light brown hair, and watched him dart off and around the corner.

Walking the short distance to the cantina, she stepped inside. Quite a group of unscrupulous characters greeted her eyes. Walking with an air of confidence towards the counter, Ahsoka tapped the bartender on the shoulder.

"Can I getcha anything, or are ya here for information?" he asked, as if he knew her type of person at a glance.

"Information, please. I'm looking for a person named Ben Kenobi." 

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