Chapter Nineteen: Arrival On Alderaan

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A few hours later, Lux awoke to the sound of beeping noises right next to him. Yelling something incomprehensible, he nearly scared Ahsoka, who had been sleeping comfortably in his arms, out of her wits.

“What on Coruscant!” she yelled, then realized the origins of the uproar. “R3, what have I told you about wake-up calls? No beeping right next to me.

The droid looked properly ashamed. “Ugh, I need to fix your memory capacity. Oh, Lux, this R3-B4. He came with the ship.”

“Ohhh! So that was why it was overpriced!” he cried out. Seeing Ahsoka’s disapproving look at the word overpriced, he said, “Um, well, now I know that it wasn’t overpriced because there was an R2 unit included.”

Ahsoka was clearly dissatisfied with the explanation, but let the matter drop. She checked one of the screens next to her. “Lux, get dressed in your most Senator-ly outfit. We’re going to see the Alderaan royals.”

She went to put on her nicer cloak over her every-day clothes while Lux got dressed. Soon they were both ready to get going.

“Lux, there’s a reason I brought us to Alderaan,” she said. “I think that… that Mace Windu might be alive, and here.”

“What? But, that can’t be! The Emperor gave every grim detail as to how Master Windu attacked him in the Senate. Of how he cut his arm off, then electrocuted him to death, then threw him out a window near the summit of the Senate Building! How does someone – even a Jedi – survive all that?” ranted Lux.

“Hush. I went to see Master Yoda for counsel when – when you had turned to the Dark Side.” She spat out the words as if they tasted foul. To her, they did. “He correlated a reference from my vision stating that the ‘Lost Wind’ was still alive to Windu. I had another vision telling me to look for him on Alderaan.”

“So that’s why we’re here.”

“Yes. And the fact that you aren’t really Senator any more might not have gotten this far away from Coruscant yet, and we can use this to our advantage.” Ahsoka had a devious smile on her face.

Lux stared at her. “Is this your usual facial expression when you think you’ve come up with a brilliant plan?”

She smiled sweetly. “Yup! Now let’s go.”

They landed the ship, and made their way towards three customs officials. One of them looked up from a civilian’s passport he was checking. “Senator Bonteri! To what do we owe the pleasure?”

“Time to put your acting skills to the test,” Ahsoka muttered to him, to which he gave a tiny nod. He knew the plan.

“I’m glad that someone has finally recognized me. Pirates ambushed my company, including our Storm Trooper guards. Alrina Tarrisso here and I are the sole survivors.

“We have gone to other systems, but since the pirates had our identification, and we didn’t, we weren’t allowed to stay anywhere. I’m begging you to take a message to the Prince Consort. He was a friend of mine in the Senate, and might be able to help us in our predicament,” said Lux.

“One moment please,” said the official. He walked over to his colleagues. After a hushed conversation, he came back to them.

“I recognize you from that refugee situation a year or so back. Come this way, Senator. We’ll take you to see him,” he said. Ahsoka and Lux breathed a collected sigh of relief, and followed the man towards the transports that would take them deep into the capital.

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