Chapter One: Imperial Encounters on Onderon

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Ahsoka Tano was piloting a spaceship towards the planet Onderon. She was on a mission to retrieve two bags full of Jedi holocrons at an old rebel base, for the benefit of the New Jedi Order.

The New Jedi Order was an organization that she herself had founded, which consisted of a total of sixteen younglings and padawans that she had managed to get out of the Jedi Temple when it was attacked, just two days before. The old Order had perished in the attack, and the padawans had elected her to be the new Grand Jedi Master, for the time being at least.

She was proud of their progress, but she was still grieving for the hundreds of Jedi that had perished. And she already missed the one who had been her boyfriend, Lux Bonteri. Just thinking about him brought tears to her eyes.

Don’t think about Lux. Don’t think about – too late, I’m thinking about him, she thought, and started crying. But she couldn’t let the tears out yet. So, landing the ship just outside Isis, the capital city of Onderon, she got out a cloak and put it on.

She stepped out onto the leafy ground.

Ahsoka made her was through the dense forest of multicolored plants until she reached the old rebel base. Back when she had been Anakin Skywalker’s padawan, they had come here to train rebels trying to overthrow a Separatist-aligned king and restore the rightful one. It held bittersweet memories.

Suddenly, the sound of identical male voices shattered her reverie. With a slight gasp, she ducked down behind a bush with coppery-pink leaves to watch a Clone Trooper patrol stop to look around the area.

There were about ten of them, plus a captain, and they were apparently checking the old, disused base for anyone hiding there. They said something about an unauthorized ship landing in the area. It was probably hers.

Now’s my chance, she thought as the troopers moved away from the old, overgrown stonework and towards the forest. She darted across the clearing and towards the hollow where they had kept their gadgets. Nothing.

She then proceeded to scan the place in this way, keeping out of sight and looking in different areas for the two bags of holocrons. Eventually, she looked under the piles of leaf litter in the shadow of an archway. There, carefully concealed, where the two bags.

“I think I heard something over there,” said a clone’s voice.

“I heard it too,” said another. She heard running footsteps coming towards her location. She wouldn’t have time to get into a good hiding spot before they arrived.

Thinking quickly, she rubbed dirt on her face, cloak and bags, and started to get out. “You there! Don’t move!” called one of them. 

She put her hands up submissively. “What do you want with me?” she asked, slurring her voice a little. 

“Who are you? Where’s your identification?” 

“Oh, I’m just a nobody. I left mine at home. Go deal with some other runaway; I just want to be left alone,” she said quietly, but defiantly. 

“She’s just another one of those runaway kids,” said the captain. “We don’t need to bother with her. Now let’s move out!”  

“Now get yourself back to Iziz, kid,” said one of them. Smirking, Ahsoka watched them go, and then started back to her ship.

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