Chapter Six: Beru and Owen

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“Ben Kenobi? Ben Kenobi…” The man tried to remember him. “Oh yeah, him. Likes to wear a brown wool cloak, has lightish hair and a beard?”

“Yes, that’s him,” Ahsoka said, relieved. She had a lead to follow now.

“He a relative of yours or something?” asked the bartender. She found his gaze a little unsettling, and realized that in a place as corrupt as Tatooine, he might pay her off to the Empire’s agents.

“Um, uh, yes. He’s… my guardian. We got separated a few days back, and I’d like to know where he might be. We’re not from this part of Mos Eisley. We just moved here.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” he said, looking her up and down. “I haven’t seen him a few days. I’d ask the moisture farmers if I was you. He was staying out there last I heard of him. Owen Lars might know. He’s the fifth farmer from Mos Eisley if you head east.”

“Thanks.” Well, at least Obi-Wan wasn’t an alcohol addict now. She put two credits on the table. Then she nodded to the man, and left the Cantina.

Dusk was falling on Tatooine. Following the bartender’s directions, she reached the place within an hour. The door was open, but she knew that it would seem rude to just walk in, so she knocked on the doorframe.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” she called, and a woman in her late twenties to early thirties rushed to answer the door.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” she said. “I was busy with my boyfriend’s baby nephew. Do you need something?”

“Yes. I’m looking for a Ben Kenobi. Do you know him, by any chance?”

An odd expression came over the lady’s face. “I do know him, but I think it’s best we wait for my boyfriend to get home first. I can’t explain it properly. Please, come in.”

Ahsoka entered, only taking off her hood, and not her cloak, because her choice of clothing might seem odd to some people. “Thanks.”

The woman shut the door. “Would you like something to eat or drink?”

“Yes, please. I’m not used to this climate yet, and I’m a little thirsty,” she said. She was soon back with some glasses of juice.

“I’m sorry, but I never caught your name,” said Ahsoka, who sat down on a chair, and she did the same.

“I’m Beru. What’s yours?”

“I’m, um, Alrina Tarisso. I just got here a little while ago,” she said.

Suddenly, a man walked in. “Hi Beru,” he said, greeting her. “Who’s this?”

“Alrina Tarisso. She’s new here. Alrina, this is Owen Lars, my boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you.” Ahsoka stared at him. “I’m looking for a Ben Kenobi. Do you know him?”

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