Chapter Sixteen: How TO Escape An Imperial Cruiser

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“Who, me?” Ahsoka asked sweetly, and, thinking quickly, picked up a mechanic’s goggles and a tool.

“Yeah, you. Where’s your uniform? What’s you’re station here?” 

“I’m the new mechanic, so I didn’t get mine yet. Didn’t you know?” she asked smoothly. “Or do you not work in this hangar?”

“I’m not sure about this, sir,” said one of the Troopers.

“Quiet,” said the first one, who was apparently the other clone’s superior. “All right. But I’ll have to clear it.”

“Go ahead. I have nothing to hide,” she said. Oh, lies and deceit, she thought.

She heightened her hearing. She was just in time to catch another clone’s voice through the communicator. “… she’s an intruder!” he said. “Quickly, you need to apprehend her!”

She was in the corner of the room where she had hidden Lux before they even turned around. “Where’d she go? Fan out!” He turned to three other clones. “Call for reinforcements!”

“Sir yessir!”

Ahsoka watched them run for the door. Then at the last moment, she threw her tool, which was pointed at the end, directly at the button that would close the blast doors. It was a precise throw, and it went straight through the button to skewer the wires, sealing it shut.

Then, as the clones looked for the origin of the throw, she pulled Lux up the ramp of the shuttle, wincing as his head hit a bump. As she felt the two Sith Lords arrive, the shuttle took off. She laughed as she thought that she’d probably just stolen Darth Vader’s ride back to the surface.

Flying the small ship back to Coruscant, Ahsoka headed for the abandoned shipyard where she had left her freighter. It would be wisest to ditch it, in case it was being tracked, so she left it in the freighter’s place.

Pulling Lux inside, she put him down on a blanket that she had had R3 put there. She took off, and shot out of the atmosphere. Pulling a lever, set an automatic pilot on orbit around Coruscant. She walked over to him and sat down, cradling his head in her lap.

After a few minutes of this, she got up, and went into one of the side rooms. As she listened to the quiet hum of the machinery, she slipped into a meditative state, and a now-familiar sensation of being inside a whirlwind overcame her.

The cool, metallic colors of the room blended into one another. It was just like the last time. A breath of air brushed her shoulder. When she turned around to see were it was coming from she saw a glassy mirror.

Ahsoka saw herself in it, but something was off in the reflection. She didn’t know what, but something was off. But then, to her amazed eyes, her reflection spoke.

“You have overcome many trials bravely. You have fixed, and therefore saved yourself. We are proud of your progress,” said the mirror-Ahsoka. It had a voice like hers, but with the echoes of many others behind it.

“Progress? What do you mean?” she asked.

“You, as all other things in this galaxy, are progressing along the jagged line of destiny. It can take turns where you least expect it to, but you are always on the path that you have carved for yourself.”

“But what about what Master Yoda always says, that the future is always in motion?” Ahsoka was getting more and more confused – and intrigued – as the seconds ticked by. That is, if there even were any seconds where she was now.

“It appears that way. One makes the motion in their future by choosing to do or not do something, which create possibilities. Hence Master Yoda’s saying, ‘do, or do not, there is no try’. Everything is interlinked, even in the most obscure of ways.

“For example, if you are to go to Alderaan, which is where your destiny wants to take you, then you will find a link between Mace Windu and Anakin’s offspring, one that isn’t very clear.”

“Then, I should go to Alderaan, find this link, and then my destiny will become that much clearer?”

“Yes. You must find him first, or the Jedi’s enemies will. You will find unexpected answers there, and uncover dangerous secrets. It is all interlinked with the Royal family. But beware the Sith: keep your aura down, or your devises will be known. The blessings of the Long-Fallen go with you.”

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