Chapter Twelve: Yoda's Wisdom

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“Come to seek my counsel, you have. Trouble you, what matters do, young Tano?”

“Master, I have two issues that I need advice on. The first is the situation of my boy – close friend, Senator Lux Bonteri. I think that he has sided with the Emperor, and is under his influence,” she answered. She hoped that he wouldn’t notice how she had stumbled to say ‘close friend’.

He had, apparently, but said nothing. “Hmmm. If turned to the Dark Side he has, but one way there is to turn him back. Go to him you must, and electrify him. Cause amnesia, being shocked by Sith Lightening, a first time sometime can. Makes one susceptible to the influence of their opposite Side, it does. A second time, bring the person back, it should, erhm, yes.”

“Thank you, Master. I know what I have to do now,” she said, but her smile fell. She didn’t want to bother Master Yoda any more, but she still had so many questions unanswered!

“Padawan? More to say, you have, hm?”

“Yes,” Ahsoka said. “I had a strange vision. I spoke with those of the Netherworld of the Force. They called themselves the ‘Council of Jedi Long-Fallen’. But it’s impossible to commune with the Force like that, isn’t it, Master?”

“No. Impossible it is not. Underwent training I did, from Master Obi-Wan’s old Master, Qui Gon Jinn. To retain your consciousness once one with the Force you have become, he taught me. Spoken of only in legend, this Council is, but doubt its reality, I do not. Made up of those like Master Qui Gon, it must be.”

“This Council told me to find the Lost Wind. But I don’t know what that is,” she said, puzzled.

To the words Yoda wobbled, eyes wide, and nearly dropped his cane. “Master, what’s wrong?” she asked, concerned, for Yoda rarely lost his composure.

Yoda recovered. “Nothing. Nothing it is. Surprised I was, for had a vision about the Lost Wind, I did. Mace Windu, I believe it to be. Used to call him this, the other padawans did, for daydream, he would. And see him die, we never did, no.”

Ahsoka, whose eyes had been widening bit by bit, finally reached their maximum. “I can’t believe it. So he somehow survived being shocked, getting thrown out a window, and a fall that would have killed him. Whoa.”

“Yes. And find him you must. The two matters interconnected, may be. And when right, the time is, I will train you to retain your spirit after death.”

“Thank you, Master. I’m going to be trained in what I didn’t learn from Ana – Darth Vader, from Master Kenobi. I’ll return when my training is finished.”

She turned to go, but stopped. “Oh, and Master Yoda, even if Anakin’s son can’t do anything, the Jedi ways will still last. I managed to get about fifteen younglings out of the Temple during the attack, and am in possession of the majority of the Jedi holocrons from the Vault.”

“Good news, this is. Train them well, young Tano. See you becoming a great Grand Jedi Master of your Order, I do. May the Force be with you always,” said Yoda.

“May the Force be with you, until we meet again.” She bowed, and started back to her ship.

Ahsoka pondered the conversation. Could that flash of blue I saw in Anakin’s eyes when I shot him back at the Temple mean something? Maybe I made him susceptible to the Light Side of the Force when I spoke to him, telling him that there was still good in him? Luke has to mean something in all of this, but what?

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