Chapter Twenty: The Retold Story

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Within minutes, the transport had reached the Royal Palace of Alderaan. After briefly conversing with the customs official, the steward bid Ahsoka and Lux to follow him inside.

A lovely sight greeted them. After the snowy, mountainous landscape outside, they got to take in the pretty appearance of the many beautiful plants and flowers of an indoor garden. As Ahsoka and Lux stared in barely concealed admiration at the natural spectacle, they were lead towards the Throne Room, which was a hallway and a few doors away.

The steward strode ahead of them with a pompous air, undoubtedly because he got to show the palace off to people who were so clearly taken by the majestic décor. “Please, this way,” he would say every few moments, even though the hall didn’t take turns at any point in time.

Soon they stood before an enormous door, which was opened for them by unseen hands. There, in two equally beautiful thrones, sat the Queen of Alderaan and the Prince Consort.

In the lap of the Queen was a newborn baby, one that was probably less than a month old. With a nod from his wife, the Prince stood to greet them, his long cape just brushing the floor.

“Welcome, Senator Bonteri. Why have you come? I am sure that your reason is an important one,” said Bail Organa. He had cleverly not mentioned the story about them that he might have been told, as Ahsoka noticed, so that they could tell what they would.

Lux bowed slightly. “Thank you, your Majesty. I am sorry to have deceived your loyal subjects, but it is a matter of the utmost urgency – and secrecy. The story that you might have been told is not the real one. I am certain that I can trust you with the truth.” He turned to his friend. “Ahsoka…”

She bowed too. “Hello, Your Majesties. My name is Ahsoka Tano, and I was once the padawan of Anakin Skywalker,” she said calmly.

The Prince Consort’s face betrayed surprise. “Anakin Skywalker! Well, I’m glad that someone else managed to escape the horror of that attack on the Jedi. If you would tell us how you came to be here, then I could provide you with some information concerning the Jedi.”

He took the baby from his wife, then led Lux and Ahsoka towards his private lounge. He spoke briefly to an attendant, then showed them inside. “My wife will take over my official duties for the moment. Now tell me how you came to be here, Jedi.”

Ahsoka proceeded to tell him all that she could about their adventures, and how their path of clues had led them to Alderaan. Bail was a good listener, for he made few comment or interjections. He seemed especially taken with her visions about Mace Windu and her encounter with baby Luke.

By the time the tale was done being told, over an hour and a half had elapsed. Ahsoka heard a distinct rumble coming from her stomach, and wondered when she had last eaten. She couldn’t remember, but thought nothing of it. She had been through worse, far, far worse.

“And so you think that Master Windu survived?” asked the Prince Consort.

“That’s what my intuition is telling me. And what my Jedi senses are telling me.”

“I think you had best come with me. I believe your story, and have something – two things, actually – to show you,” he said, getting up from his couch. “Now, if you’ll forgive me, I have to change into something more suitable.”

“Certainly,” said Lux. Bail Organa left the room, leaving the baby in a crib. Lux walked over to her. “Do you remember how we met?” he asked Ahsoka in a whisper, and took her into his arms.

“Of course I remember. I just thought you were some pompous Separatist boy,” she said with a laugh. “I could never have predicted that I’d fall for you, or that I’d be in your arms right now, less than a year later.”

“What about your Jedi powers of seeing the future? Didn’t they tell you anything?” There was a teasing smile on Lux’s face.

“No. The Jedi are against relationships with others. It’s a threat to all that we stand for in life.” She paused, tracing the curve of his cheekbone. “But I think that I’ve finally figured out how to balance the two; something that Anakin never did. I was so confused for the longest time, but now I’m not. I understand where I belong now.”

“And where’s that?”

“With one of my hands holding yours, and the other holding my lightsaber.”

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