Chapter Twenty-Three: To the Jedi Order's Future

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Back at the Royal Palace of Alderaan, Ahsoka and Lux prepared to board their freighter to Cialone. As Lux checked the fuel and supplies levels on board, she put on her cloak and walked over towards Mace Windu, who stood at the edge of the landing platform.Back at the Royal Palace of Alderaan, Ahsoka and Lux prepared to board their freighter to Cialone. As Lux checked the fuel and supplies levels on board, she put on her cloak and walked over towards Mace Windu, who stood at the edge of the landing platform.

“Is everything all right, Master Windu?” she asked. His old, all-knowing look had returned, much to her relief.

“I appreciate your concern, padawan. I am just reflecting on what has happened this past month.” He flexed his metal hand, and Ahsoka heard the faint noises of the mechanism working to fit the movement. They would have to get him a better one that would suit handling a lightsaber.

“I am too. But I know that the trials that I faced will make me a better teacher to the next generation of Jedi on Cialone.”

“You’re wise for you age. And I will come with you to teach them about the ways of the Force. But I can’t do what you ask: the title of Grand Jedi Master is better for you than it is for me. I only want to be a consultant and a teacher,” Windu said.

She paused. “That’s all right. But I’ll need someone to take up the post for as long as it takes Obi-Wan Kenobi to train me in the rest of the Jedi ways. I’ll come to visit, but I have a feeling that I’ll be spending the majority of the next year on Tatooine. Padawan Zadyn would be a good choice for a leader.”

“Tatooine. Is that were Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker are in hiding?”

“Yes. Master Yoda is alive too, living on Dagobah, I think. Neither will actively participate in the day-to-day activities of the New Jedi Order, and I need it to be in safe hands.”

“Very well. I’ll consider being be the Grand Jedi Master until you can full-time. But I’ll need someone to tell me what happened since my amnesia spell.”

Ahsoka smiled. “Of course. But first…”

She pulled out Mace Windu’s lightsaber out from under the cloak and handed it to him. It was a little banged up from having been thrown out a high window, but none worse for wear.

“I suppose the Prince Consort found this?” he said, clipping it onto his belt, clearly pleased to have his lightsaber back. It was only natural, for the lightsaber crystal was purple, and no other Jedi had ever had such a thing.

“Yes. After he found you, he went looking for it in the streets near the Senate Building. He found it in an alleyway.” She looked up at the sunset over Alderaan. “Now you’re a Jedi Master again.”

“Yes, I am. And I know that I always will be.”

The next morning, the ship came out of hyperspace just above Cialone. Mace Windu was in one of the back rooms meditating, leaving Ahsoka and Lux to pilot the ship.

“Well, there’s no going back now, huh, Ahsoka?” said Lux.

“Are you nervous?” she asked, taking his hand.

“Yes and no. It sort of feels like I’m turning over a new leaf.” He looked gratefully at her, and squeezed her hand back.

“I know. And I’m looking forward to it. With both of the things that I love best just inches away.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember? With one of my hands in yours, and the other one holding my lightsaber,” she said quietly. She turned his face towards hers and kissed him. “I don’t ever want to live any other way.”

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