Epilogue: An Old Enemy's Revenge

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The door to the Empire’s finest prison opened to allow a very special guest to enter. The Storm Trooper guards saluted and stood rigidly in place as he swept by, his long cloak covering him almost completely, and the warden rushed forwards. 

“My lord, to what do we owe the pleasure?” he asked, surprised by this unusual and unplanned visit. 

“Enough with the formalities,” he barked, his enameled cane tapping impatiently on the shiny floor, and the warden gulped. “I need to see a very special prisoner immediately.” 

He entered the inmate’s name into the computer on an indoor hovercraft, and the small platform zipped forwards. Soon, he, the warden, and four guards stood hovering in front of a particular cell. 

He pushed a button on the craft’s keypad, and the ray-shielded door deactivated.

“My lord, is that safe?” The warden had a look like that of a flustered, heavyset bird, fearing his superior going into the cell of one of his most dangerous prisoners, for he would be held responsible if something happened.

“It is your prison. You should know if the security measures are inadequate!” snapped his guest in a raspy voice. The warden’s fear deepened.

There was little to see inside. A few cots were bolted to the walls, and everything was a dull metallic color. Facing the opposite wall, a cross-legged young woman with short, choppy hair in a black bandana sat in deep meditation. Without turning around or even opening her eyes, she spoke up.

“Now what could the Emperor want with my humble self?” she asked, in a way that didn’t sound humble at all, but calculating.

“Your services. In exchange, I will grant you your freedom.” He looked her over. She hadn’t moved an inch, and her breathing was regular.

“May I inquire as to what services?” She didn’t treat him like a superior, but not an equal either. As if he were someone with her same abilities, but on the opposing side to hers in a deadly game.

“Do you know an individual named Ahsoka Tano, by any chance?” He noticed her back stiffen and her breathing quicken with slight amusement. “I have been searching for an adequate assassin to take her out.”

There was a pause. “I will accept your proposal, but on two condition,” she said, and got up gracefully, turning to face him. “That I am provided with a suitable choice of clothing for this undertaking, and with the materials to make two red lightsabers and a blue one. And I shall need two months to prepare my plan of action. Other requirements will follow.”

“Very well. That is of no concern. But you will have to spend another night in this cell, so that my agents may fulfill your wishes discreetly.”

“By all means. I have waited for half a year to exact my revenge, and I can wait another night.” Her large eyes glowed with anticipation for the coming hunt, and a smile of dark satisfaction lingered on her lips.

“Then I bid you good evening.”

The young prisoner resumed her meditative stance, and the Emperor heard her breathing relax. Soon, the galaxy would be purged of the Jedi Ahsoka Tano, and he would rule for many years to come. 

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